slot time, passengers during peak hours, Minangkabau International AirportAbstract
The increase in flight activity at Minangkabau International Airport after COVID-19 in 2023 will increase due to economic growth and tourism starting to improve in the region. Although this increase has a positive impact on the aviation industry, it also raises challenges related to flight time slot management. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of the number of passengers on flight time slots at Minangkabau International Airport. The method in this research is a quantitative method with the aim of collecting the information or data needed in this research. The data used in this research is secondary data in the form of the number of passengers during busy times and the use of time slots used in daily units in hours in 2023. Then the data will be analyzed using the Pearson correlation test, simple linear regression test, and T test and the results will be used as the basis decision making to add time slots. The correlation results between variable X and Y have a high and positive value, namely 0.842. The results of hypothesis testing or testing the influence of variable x on y have a calculated t value = 29.741 > t table 0.005 = 1.966 and p value = 0.00 < 0.005 so it can be concluded that the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. What needs to be optimized is rescheduling based on time slot demand based on flight frequency levels at busy times which show high demand to be able to accommodate more passengers. Requests for time slots with the same time allocation, then the priority determination has a better assessment of the timeliness of the use of time slots, will get higher priority for requests for flight route planning for the next period.