e-ISSN : 3026-7951
Peer Review Process
Proceeding of International Conference of Advanced Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Implements a double-blind system: the reviewers' identities are undisclosed to authors, while the reviewers have access to the authors' identities. The paper will undergo a peer review process conducted by three experts, one of whom is the chief editor and the other two are reviewers.
Peer Review / Responsibility for the Reviewers
As an editor or reviewer, you are required to assess the manuscript's originality. Hence, it is advisable to refer to the Author Guidelines and Policies page in order to familiarize yourself with the specific criteria that authors must adhere to before submitting their papers for publication.
While reviewed articles are handled with confidentiality, it is crucial for reviewers to provide objective judgments. Reviewers must ensure that they have no conflicts of interest regarding the research, authors, or research funders. Additionally, reviewers should identify any pertinent published work that has not been cited yet.
Editorial Responsibilities
Editors possess full accountability and jurisdiction to either decline or approve an article. Editors must ensure that they do not have any personal or financial biases when deciding to reject or accept articles. They should only accept a paper when they are reasonably confident in its quality. If any errors are discovered, they should actively work towards publishing corrections or retractions. Additionally, editors should make sure to keep the identities of reviewers confidential.