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Design of Mobile Line Follower Robot as a Helper in Carrying Goods at Poltekbang Surabaya


  • Muchamad Andhika Suryadi Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya
  • Ajeng Wulansari Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya



Robot, mobile line follower, line


A line follower robot is a robot that is able to walk automatically following the line that has been made as the path it will follow. The advancement of robot technology is very rapid, starting from airplane autopilots using robots, cars using robots, to household appliances using robot systems, therefore this robot technology if applied to carry parts in the AMTO hangar of the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic will make it easier to carry something by saving time and energy to be efficient in doing work. The research method used is a qualitative method using observation which consists of several stages including problem identification, data collection, tool design, tool design and tool testing. The results of this study are that the robot can walk along the line when the robot is out of line or has arrived at the robot stop, it will give a signal in the form of a sound through a buzzer. When the ultrasonic sensor of the robot detects an object blocking in front of it, the robot will stop moving, the buzzer will make a sound as a signal that the robot is blocked until the blocking object is gone then the robot moves again. The robot is able to carry loads up to 10 Kg with the time taken getting longer when the load carried is heavier and able to carry a load of 20 Kg when the robot runs on a straight path. it can be concluded that the mobile line follower robot tool made works according to what was planned.





How to Cite

Andhika Suryadi, M., & Wulansari, A. (2023). Design of Mobile Line Follower Robot as a Helper in Carrying Goods at Poltekbang Surabaya. Proceeding of International Conference of Advanced Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science, 2(1), 618–624.