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Ethanol is a biofuel that is widely used for vehicles as an alternative fuel.
Indonesia has implemented a policy of using ethanol to reduce consumption of
fossil fuels, besides that it can also have an impact on reducing pollutant emissions
and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as other pollutants. On the other hand,
Ethanol is a very easy fuel to oxidize and can cause corrosion.

Seeing this phenomenon, a study is needed to examine the effect of using
Ethanol in relation to the corrosion rate of samples made of steel. The purpose of
this study was to examine the effect of ethanol on the corrosion rate and to compare
changes on the sample after immersion. Samples made of steel (SS-403) were cut
into 15 pieces of the same size. The samples were immersed in the mixture of
pertalite-ethanol with variables E-0, E-10, E-30, E-50 and E-70 for 20, 40, and 60
days. Every 10 days the sample is cleaned from corrosion and record the weight
reduction. The corrosion rate is calculated by comparing the amount of weight
reduction against time in units of milli-inches per year (mpy).

From this study, the results were not too significant, where only a few
samples experienced a decrease in weight, namely samples with variations E-30
(40 and 60 days) experienced a weight loss of 0.01gr, variations E-50 (40 and 60
days) experienced weight loss. weight loss was 0.01gr, the E-70 variation (40 days)
experienced a weight loss of 0.01gr, and the E-70 variation (60 days) experienced
a weight loss of 0.02gr. Based on calculations carried out using the milli-inch per
year formula, the results show that the corrosion rate that occurs in variations E-
30, E-50, and E-70 with a time of 40 days is 0.0028mpy, variation E-30 (60 days )
of 0.0019mpy, variation of E-50 (60 days) of 0.0020mpy, and variation of E-70 (60
days) of 0.0038mpy.

Keywords : Ethanol, Corrosion rate, Steel

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