Proceeding of International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science 2024-04-17T13:13:15+00:00 ICATEAS Open Journal Systems <p>Proceeding of International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science by the Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya, Indonesia. The proceeding published articles of interest to focused on two major topics. Power, aerospace engineering, biological engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, financial engineering, and industrial engineering are among the topics covered in the first theme. In the meantime, the second topic includes psychology, sociology, education, history, communication studies, linguistics and language, law and law enforcement, political science, religious studies, philosophy, globalization, humanities, archaeology, anthropology, inter-cultural studies, development, geography, health, human factors and ergonomics, library and information sciences, safety research, and transportation. </p> <p>(E - ISSN : &lt;a href="&gt;3026-7951 &lt;/a&gt; )</p> Actual Time Departure Coordination Application Between Tower Units and FIC Units Based on Website 2023-11-03T15:35:32+00:00 Achmad Yuliadi Mubarok Laila Rochmawati Hasri Akbar Awal Rozaq Iwansyah Putra <p><span class="fontstyle0">Reporting from movement message data in the ATS RO Logbook Operational Airnav Sentani. in one of day, Sentani serves more than 100 flights with an average breakdown of 69 departure movements and 72 arrival movements with a total of 141 movements every single day so that with sending departure messages that are still manual, delays and irregularities often occur. suitability. Because of this, the authors developed a website as a coordination tool so that recording data departures was easier and faster. The purpose of writing this final project is to answer the formulation of the problem, namely to design a Website-based Actual Time Departure Coordination Application between the TOWER Unit and FIC at Perum LPPNPI Sentani Branch.The research method used in making this website is Research and Development with the waterfall method. This method is carried out with a systematic approach, starting from the system requirements stage, then moving on to the Requirements Analysis, Design, Implementation, Integration and System testing stages, and maintenance with testing techniques. used is black box testing. The results of this study are expected to assist ATS personnel at the FIC Unit at Airnav Sentani in sending Departure Messages in order to improve flight service and safety</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science The Impact of Apron Optimization in Supporting Aviation Services 2023-11-03T15:43:31+00:00 Adha Dika Anggara Laila Rochmawati Abdul Muti Sazali Ahmad Musadek <p><span class="fontstyle0">Radin Inten II International Airport is an airport located on Jalan Alamsyah Ratu Perwiranegara in Branti Raya Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency located in the northwest of Bandar Lampung City. When conducting On Job Training research at Radin Inten II International Airport, there was a lack of standard markings and surfaces on the apron. This is because a lot of marking paint has faded and the surface of the apron is uneven. The research methodology used is a quantitative research methodology, namely by describing the circumstances that are happening to the research object. Data were obtained from direct observation, literature studies, and conducting questionnaires. The results of this study show that the apron at Radin Inten II International Airport Lampung still has to be improved in order to meet the standards it should. This can be indicated by the large number of markings that have faded paint and the surface of the apron that is still uneven.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE NUMBER OF AVIATION SECURITY PERSONNEL ON SECURITY CHECK POINT 2 SERVICES 2023-11-03T15:48:21+00:00 Almira Nadia Ulhaq Laila Rochmawati Abdul Muti Sazali Wiwid Suryono <p><span class="fontstyle0">Minangkabau International Airport is one of the air transportation gateways in Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra. When the author conducted research during On the Job Training at Minangkabau International Airport, the author saw that the number of Aviation Security personnel at Security Check Point 2 was not in accordance with existing regulations. Effective and efficient security services at the airport are very important to maintain passenger safety and prevent threats to flight safety. One factor that affects the quality of security services is the number of personnel available to carry out security tasks at the Security Check Point. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the number of Aviation Security personnel on Security Check Point 2 services at Minangkabau International Airport which is important to support passenger safety and comfort and realize excellent service quality for Minangkabau International Airport. This research method uses a quantitative descriptive method by making observations at Minangkabau International Airport, then obtaining data by distributing questionnaires to organic Aviation Security Personnel and service users. The results of this study indicate that service users agree that the number of Aviation Security personnel affects service. The problems in this study are expected to be used to make policies in improving the quality of security services at the airport</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science FUNCTIONALITY OF MOODLE E-AVIATION METEOROLOGY IN AVIATION POLYTECHNIC OF SURABAYA 2023-11-03T15:52:38+00:00 Andi Rahmawan Laila Rochmawati Parma Hadi Rantelinggi Iwansyah Putra <p><span class="fontstyle0">In learning Aviation Meteorology e-modules that specifically study it have not been facilitated in the Learning Management System of Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. This research aims to develop a learning module for Aviation Meteorology. This Final Project uses a research method, namely Research and Development (R&amp;D) by conducting data collection techniques in the form of interviews and questionnaires. From this study, it was found that the results of the Material Expert Validation Test obtained the category "Valid" and "Understandable". Then the Media Validation Test obtained the "Valid" and "Understandable" categories, and the Product Trial to the cadets obtained a correlation coefficient score of 0.85 in the "Very Strong" category because the results produced did not produce a minus score, meaning that the relationship was positive and the Aviation Meteorology E-Module was effective in helping cadets understand the Aviation Meteorology course</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGNING AND BUILDING A LEARNING MEDIA FOR EN-ROUTE FLIGHT INFORMATION 2023-11-03T15:58:05+00:00 Christy Aurina Laila Rochmawati Hasri Akbar Awal Rozaq Iwansyah Putra Dewi Ratna Sari <p><span class="fontstyle0">En-route Flight Information (EFI) is a science that studies the procedures for guiding aircraft in uncontrolled airspace. With the development of teaching aid technology, digitizing the EFI learning system in the form of a website-based TopSky Simulator is expected to make it easier for cadets to understand the concept of EFI learning about providing advisory and surveillance services in Uncontrolled Airspace. The deepening of EFI learning material is very necessary as a preparation for cadets before carrying out On the Job Training which must be undertaken by cadets of the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic to carry out field work practices as an application of knowledge, especially in fields that have been studied during class education both in theory and practice. Therefore, the author intends to develop learning support facilities, especially the En-route Flight Information course by making this TopSky Simulator website. It is hoped that the information system and the features available in it can help teachers and cadets in learning flight traffic control via radar and practicing it well in the field</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-AVIATION ENGLISH LEARNING 2023-11-03T16:02:32+00:00 Daffa Muhammad Rizqisya Laila Rochmawati Parma Hadi Rantelinggi Iwansyah Putra Dewi Ratna Sari <p><span class="fontstyle0">The IELP (ICAO English Language Proficiency) examination is an important requirement for graduation from the D3 Aeronautical Communication program. It is used to assess the English language proficiency of Air Communication personnel. However, many students still struggle to adequately prepare for the IELP examination. With the rapid advancement of technology, the development of the E-Aviation English Learning website has emerged as a new innovation to serve as a learning platform and facilitate the preparation of students for the IELP examination. The research method employed in the creation of this website is Research and Development, utilizing the ADDIE development method, which consists of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Black box testing was used as the testing technique, and qualitative descriptive analysis was conducted using triangulation through interviews, observations, and documentation. The result of this research is the E-Aviation English Learning website, which contains materials tailored to the needs of the students, along with features for instructors and administrators to monitor students' learning progress. The conclusion of this research is that the website meets the expected requirements; however, further development is still necessary to improve its features and user interface, aiming to provide a more convenient learning experience for the students</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY NEED FOR IMPROVING SERVICES FOR PASSENGERS WITH DISABILITIES 2023-11-03T16:26:24+00:00 Dika Nur Syaifudin Laila Rochmawati Abdul Muti Sazali Lady Silk Moonlight Ahmad Musadek <p><span class="fontstyle0">Kalimarau Airport is an airport located in Teluk Bayur District, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan. Where at the Kalimarau airport terminal there are facilities for the public and for passengers with disabilities. As for the services provided in the form of assistance to make it easier for passengers with disabilities to communicate and move from the check-in process to the passengers with disabilities to carry out the boarding process. So that by providing the facilities and services that have been provided, the purpose of this study is to determine the ideal readiness of facilities and services as well as the availability of facilities for passengers with disabilities. In this study the authors used a quantitative research method. For data collection techniques using documentation, observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Whereas in processing the data from the questionnaire results the author uses validity test data and reliability test data, The final results achieved from this study indicate that for the results of the validity test all items obtained a value greater than the r table value, namely 0.344 which was declared valid and for the reliability test results obtained a value of 0.970 which was in the high category. So that a conclusion can be drawn where there are still deficiencies in fulfilling the accessibility of facilities for passengers with disabilities, while the availability of facilities and services that have been provided are quite good.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE INFLUENCE OF GROUND TIME TO DOMESTIC FLIGHTS TOWARD FLIGHT DEPARTURE TIME 2023-11-05T06:58:33+00:00 Erlina Zita Habsari Laila Rochmawati Abdul Muti Sazali Faoyan Agus Furyanto <p><span class="fontstyle0">Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan is one of the busiest airports on the island of Kalimantan, connecting airports in central Indonesia. Domestic aircraft activity at this airport decreased after the Covid- 19 pandemic. Give each airline enough time to prepare for the next flight to depart. Ground time refers to the aircraft that has been grounded. Too much time on the ground will delay flight departure. This study aims to determine the effect of ground time on the punctuality of flight departures. Research techniques used quantitative research methods and data from literature reviews, linear regression analysis and interviews. The authors' findings suggest that the ground time of Indonesian airlines has an effect on flight departure speeds at Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan. The t-test's t-count is 2,527, which is higher than the t-table's 2.3060, indicating that ground time has a significant effect on on-time departures. In the coefficient of determination test, variable Y explained 51.5% of the variable X, the remaining 48.5% could not be explained by other independent variables. Ground weather variables such as aircraft type, weather conditions, staff activity, and aircraft capacity also have an impact. Discuss optimization of trucking operations</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF MONITORING SOLAR PUBLIC STREET LIGHTING (PJUTS) WITH LORA ESP32 NETWORK BASED ON INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) 2023-11-05T07:04:11+00:00 Nadhia Novita Ramadhani Laila Rochmawati Hasri Akbar Awal Rozaq Prasetyo Iswahyudi <p><span class="fontstyle0">One of the most popular renewable energy sources is the usage of solar panels, whichhave even been employed in some places as the primary source of power. Public Street Lighting and issues that frequently arise with Solar Cell Public Street Lighting, particularly during operating hours brought onby damage stored in the battery. Long distances become a concern in and of themselves, thus they must be monitored frequently.As a result, researchers are working to develop a Lo-Ra-based monitoring system for public solar street lights. According to the research, it is possible to track all data sent in real time, includingbattery voltage, LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) values, current data flowing from solar panels, and currentdata being delivered. Since the lights are only bright at night if a human object is identified using a PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) sensor, the discussion's findings and conclusions can be applied to an energysaving system. The design of this instrument can make it easier for technicians to check because the maximumdistance over which data can be sent in LoRa between the transmitter and receiver modules is 4 km</span><span class="fontstyle0">.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-MODULE BASIC AERONAUTICAL FIXED SERVICE BASED ON LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2023-11-05T07:08:25+00:00 Nobrian Nizar Alwi Meita Maharani Sukma Parma Hadi Rantelinggi Syahrul Aman Laila Rochmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Aeronautical Fixed Service is one of the courses in the Diploma 3 Aeronautical Communication Study Program which studies telecommunications services between point to point aimed at air navigation safety and the creation of regular, efficient and economical air service operations. For purpose supports the learning activities of flight safety cadets and users who want to add insight into the world of aviation. This research uses a type of development research or Research and Development (R &amp; D). The model developed in this study uses the Waterfall model, which aims to design and develop an LMS filled with Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) course material. The result of this research is an Emodule that contains learning material for the Basic Aeronautical Fixed Service course in accordance with the academic syllabus of the Aviation Communication study program. And then In the results of the average calculation, a percentage index of 87.71% was obtained in the strongly agree category and the remaining 12.29% were not researched more</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ELECTRONIC AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE (ATS) ROUTE AS A SUPPORT OF EN-ROUTE FLIGHT INFORMATION (EFI) AND FLIGHT PLAN LEARNING FOR AVIATION SAFETY CADETS AT AVIATION POLYTECHNIC OF SURABAYA 2023-11-05T07:12:35+00:00 Safira Alhasanah Laila Rochmawati Hasri Akbar Awal Rozaq Syahrul Aman Meita Maharani Sukma <p><span class="fontstyle0">ATS Route is a certain route designed to channel the traffic flow required for the provision of air traffic services</span><span class="fontstyle2">. </span><span class="fontstyle0">ATS Route Electronic Website, a product created to support aviation safety cadets practice on flight routes. The ATS Route Electronic product only displays domestic routes within Indonesia. In this research method used in analysing the writing data of this final project is the quantitative R&amp;D method, a research whose analysis results are presented in the form of numbers which are then explained and interpreted in the form of descriptions. This product has received validation from experts and respondents from the research sample. As well as getting product trial results with a good value index. The results of the calculation of 92% state that the website product is suitable for use, while 8% there are still deficiencies that can be developed again</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-LOCATION INDICATOR BASED ON INTRANET AS A SUPPORT OF LEARNING FLIGHT PLAN AT AVIATION POLYTECHNIC OF SURABAYA 2023-11-05T07:17:09+00:00 Salsabilah Putri Firdha Rose Laila Rochmawati Parma Hadi Rantelinggi Syahrul Aman Meita Maharani Sukma <p><span class="fontstyle0">Location Indicator which is useful for knowing the name of the aerodrome and the location of the aerodrome.Website E-Location indicator based on Intranet using internal network. This research uses research and development methods. The development model in this study is 4-D from Thiagarajan with 4 stages, namely define, design, develop, disseminate. The population used was 2 material experts and 1 media expert and 23 cadets D-3 Aeronautical Communication batch 6 at Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya. This research has been validated by material experts and media experts and has been declared fit for use. The results of this study show that 92.3% of respondents strongly agree with the E-Location indicator website and the remaining 7.7% did not carry out further research.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF WEB-BASED AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATION OFFICER (ACO) RATING TEST 2023-11-05T07:27:23+00:00 Trias Okta Andriyani Laila Rochmawati Hasri Akbar Awal Rozaq Didi Haryanto <p><span class="fontstyle0">At the JATSC Branch of Perum LPPNPI, the rating test is held using the Google form which is easier to implement compared to paper-based, but the scores are still processed manually, and the collection of documents required for extending the rating is still through different media. The purpose of this research is to develop the analysis and design of the ACO Performance Check website which is used as a medium for performance checks for rating tests at the JATSC. To handle the constraints obtained from the existing test rating system, this website was built through research using the Goal-Directed Design method which focuses on user goals and experience. This research took 6 stages, which are Research, Modeling, Requirement Definition, Framework, Design Refinement, and Support. To measure the feasibility of using the website, a trial used the WEBUSE (Website Usability Evaluation Tools) approach as a usability evaluation method. This method will focus on testing the usability, value, convenience, and preferences of the website for the user experience in using it. The results of this study are the usability level obtained from website testing including the Content, Organization &amp; Readability category with Excellent level, the Navigation &amp; Links category with Good level, the User Interface Design category with Excellent level, and the Performance &amp; Effectiveness category with Excellent level. In conclusion, the development of the analysis and design of the ACO Performance Check website has fulfilled the user's goals and wishes as a performance check media for rating extension.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE INFLUENCE OF AVIATION SECURITY OFFICERS (AVSEC) SERVICE QUALITY ON PASSENGER SAFETY SATISFACTION 2023-11-05T07:30:26+00:00 Achmad Ibrahim Prasetyo Iswahyudi Meita Maharani Sukma <p><span class="fontstyle0">The purpose of this study was to find out how much influence the quality of avsec security service has on passenger satisfaction at Sultan Thaha Jambi airport. This study uses a type of quantitative research with a questionnaire as the primary data source. The population in this study were passengers at Sultan Thaha Airport, Jambi. The samples taken were 45 passengers at Sultan Thaha Airport, Jambi. The method used in this research uses descriptive quantitative research methods with the research that has been done, it is found that the results of the F test have a significant value of 0.000 - 0.005, which means that there is an influence from the quality of security service avsec officers have on passenger satisfaction at Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport. Based on the results of the simple regression test, a result of 0.852 or equal to 85.2% was obtained. The conclusion results show that the effect of the quality of security services for </span><span class="fontstyle2">Aviation Security officers </span><span class="fontstyle0">(AVSEC) gets a strong correlation with the passenger satisfaction variable and the remaining 14.8% or 0.148 is a variable not examined in this study</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Portable Trolley Box Design As Practice Support At Aviation Polytechnic Surabaya 2023-11-05T07:44:11+00:00 Binsar Siahaan Addien Khalifah Ahmad Suyatmo Suyatmo <p><span class="fontstyle0">Every time we visit a shop in the hangar we will find many tools, because tools are tools for cadets and instructors to do maintenance or repairing in the hangar. Trolley is a common tool to make it easier for humans to carry, move, lift something. Trolley is also a dead tool and not machined, then the trolley is run manually by being pushed, it can be seen in all types of trolley that has a handle as a handle to push. And there has not been found a portable trolley box in the hangar to facilitate cadets when carrying out practice or maintenance. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to design and build a portable trolley box that will be used by cadets when carrying out maintenance or repairing in shop or in hangar. This article discusses how to design and build a portable trolley box tool designed by the author himself. By using the help of additional applications such as solidwork, the author can make this design. The results showed that the portable trolley box design has the ability to carry and store tools and components needed for maintenance with a larger size and also more. The conclusion from the research results of this portable trolley box design is that it can facilitate cadets in maintenance or aircraft maintenance.</span> </p> 2023-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Biomass Power Plant Prototype (Pltbm) Based On Rice Husk Agricultural Waste Using Downdraft Gasification Technology 2023-11-05T07:47:48+00:00 Adinda Kurnia Putra Hartono Hartono Siti Julaihah <p><span class="fontstyle0">Almost all power plants in Indonesia still use non-renewable energy sources which will run out if used continuously. One of the renewable energies that can be utilized is biomass which can be converted into electrical energy by utilizing the gasification process to produce syngas which is burned and drives the stirling engine, then the stirling engine will drive the generator, and the generator converts kinetic energy into electrical energy. This research design uses rice husk as fuel in the gasification process to produce syngas and a stringing machine as a generator of kinetic motion which will be converted into electrical energy using a generator and will be connected to a monitoring system to display voltage and current results on the LCD. The monitoring system uses current and voltage sensors, an Arduino Nano microcontroller and a data logger shield to store data history. There are results from research testing that has been carried out. The first result is the effective flame of the gasification reactor using 1 kg of fuel with drying time for 9 minutes and without drying for 4 minutes and the process of the reactor in producing gas with drying for 10 minutes and without drying for 13 minutes. The second result is the voltage and current values generated every 5 seconds until the 25th second are 2.52V, 2.47V, 2.52V, 2.75V, 2.76 V and 1.45mA, 1.56mA, 1.87mA, 3.11mA, 2.70mA.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science GROUND RUN UP ENCLOSURE DESIGN USING SKETCHUP APPLICATION AT I GUSTI NGURAH RAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 2023-11-05T07:54:19+00:00 Afif Alaudin Direstu Amalia Sukahir Sukahir Bambang Wijaya Putra <p><span class="fontstyle0">I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, located in Denpasar, Bali Province, is an airport managed by PT Angkasa Pura I. The airport features a runway with a length of 3000 m and a runway width of 45 m. It has two aprons on the north and south sides, with a capacity of 46 parking stands on the north apron and 16 parking stands on the south apron. Currently, there is no dedicated facility for engine ground run-up at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. The engine ground run-up activities are still conducted on taxiway N7 and runway 09. This project focuses on planning the design of a Ground Run-Up Enclosure, which is a designated area for conducting engine ground run-up. The aim of this design is to enhance safety during engine ground run-up operations. The reference used in this project refers to national and international regulations and the airport's needs. The method used to determine the design of the GRE facility involves 3D modeling using the SketchUp application. Based on the research conducted at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport and relevant references, the design of the Ground Run-Up Enclosure has an area of 8,928.4 m², with a length of 137.36 m and a width of 65 m. The deflector design features a length of 65 m, a height of 10.13 m, a deflector width of 0.75 m, and a support width of 7.25 m.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science WIDEBAND ANTENNA FOR SHIP RADAR USING DGS 2023-11-05T07:57:36+00:00 Agus Dwi Santoso Bambang Bagus Harianto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The research aims to design a wideband antenna operating within the S-Band frequency range. The antenna is fabricated using PEC material with a height of 0.035 mm, an FR-4 substrate with a height of 1.6 mm, and PEC material for the ground plane with a height of 0.035 mm. The antenna enumeration system utilizes an insert feeding method. The substrate specification specifies an epsilon value of 4.3. Simulation results reveal a return loss of -12.05 at a frequency of 2.2 GHz, and the antenna operates over a frequency range spanning from 1.68 GHz to 2.4 GHz. This antenna demonstrates a standing wave ratio of 1.67 and a total efficiency of -0.408. Regarding radiation patterns, the main lobe magnitude measures 3.34 dBi, with a main lobe direction of 178 degrees and an angular width (3 dB) of 81 degrees. This antenna boasts an innovative design incorporating a Defected Ground Structure.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TESLA COIL LIGHTS ON SHIPS ON GENERATOR FUEL EFFICIENCY 2023-11-05T07:59:13+00:00 Agus Dwi Santoso Putri Isrok Wanda Oktavia Muchamad Hariyadi Arya Halim Saputra <p><span class="fontstyle0">At the moment This development technology transportation Keep going develop rapidly , specially technology shipping . This thing encourage developers _ technology make tool For transfer energy electricity without use cable . Currently _ cable conductor Still become most effective way in transfer energy electricity . In research This writer make analysis comparison of tesla coil lights on board to efficient material burn the generator using method data collection on board and from a number of reference journal . Especially on accommodation boat For minimize power that will be charged to the machine auxiliary (generator). Comparison This use literacy from a number of tesla coil journal with method utilise voltage tall For create Medan electricity around electrode delivery provided _ distance with electrode recipient so that as if second electrode the works as capacitor . The purpose of doing it analysis This For determine how much efficient material burn the generator if light on board Tesla coil based . The results obtained own mark quantitative that the tesla coil is used on ships can give efficiency and minimizing usage material burn on the generator.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science EVALUATION OF HYBRID LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION OF AVIATION ENGLISH LEARNING IN VOCATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION 2023-11-05T08:03:09+00:00 Adhitya Octavianie Syamsuriani Syamsuriani Ahmad Rossydi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar has recently used hybrid learning for the first time, following the Ministry of Transportation's adoption of this approach in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. The objective of this study was to assess the implementation of Hybrid Learning in the English Course for Air Traffic cadets at Politeknik Penerbangan Makassar, with a focus on the comprehension and administration of Hybrid Learning by instructors, as well as the cadets' understanding of Hybrid Learning. The research employed quantitative research methods. The present study used the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation paradigm as a questionnaire item administered to lecturers and cadets. The findings indicated that the lecturers achieved high marks in their comprehension and handling of Hybrid Learning, as assessed through the CIPP examination. The calculation results indicate the following percentages for each element: (1) Context aspect with 75.65%, (2) Input aspect with 84.92%, (3) Process aspect with 80.22%, and (4) Product aspect with 66.5%. In the interim, the results achieved by cadets in relation to their comprehension and handling of Hybrid Learning, as assessed by the CIPP evaluation, fell within the high range. The computation results of each facet are evident from the data presented. The results indicate that the context aspect received a score of 84.67%, the input aspect received a score of 82.08%, the process aspect received a score of 81.67%, and the product aspect received a score of 79.19%. In general, the lecturers demonstrated a good level of understanding and proficiency in managing Hybrid Learning, with a score of 76.82%. Similarly, the cadets exhibited a high level of understanding and proficiency in their management of Hybrid Learning, with a score of 81.90%.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science OPTIMIZATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) IN PERSONN AND VEHICLE CHECK PROCEDURES IN ACCESS CONTROL AT JUWATA TARAKAN MAIN CLASS AIRPORT 2023-11-05T08:05:53+00:00 Alfian Trenggono Yuyun Suprapto Dewi Ratna Sari <p><span class="fontstyle0">Juwata Tarakan Main First Class Airport has implemented Minister of Transportation Regulation number 51 of 2020 concerning National Aviation Security, namely by providing flight security personnel, namely the Aviation Security Unit (AVSEC) which guarantees flight safety and security. However, currently security checks have not been carried out optimally so that it could pose a threat to the passage of dangerous goods into the restricted security area at the airport. In writing this Final Project, the researcher used descriptive qualitative methods by making observations in the field and by collecting data from people around using the Google form, as well as documentation to corroborate the data and observations made. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the inspection on access control has been carried out in accordance with standard operating procedures and to find out how to optimize checks on access control in accordance with standard operating procedures. During the research, it was found that Aviation Security (AVSEC) officers at Juwata Main First Class Airport, to be precise, at the Vehicle Post were negligent and did not apply procedures for inspecting people and vehicles. So that this can be a serious threat to flight security and safety at Juwata Tarakan Main First Class Airport. Based on the findings in the field, it is necessary to optimize the inspection by conducting a refreshing course for aviation security officers so that there is a need for good supervision of inspection of people and vehicles at access control at Juwata Tarakan Main First Class Airport.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design of Conveyor Scale Control and Monitoring Systems using HX711 Module Based On Arduino 2023-11-05T08:09:26+00:00 Alhadhi Driyan Ramadhan Hartono Hartono Siti Julaihah <p><span class="fontstyle0">The weighing and load control system on conveyor scales is a system that has a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency and safety of operations, especially in the aviation industry. In this context, this study aims to design and implement a control system and monitor the overload threshold on conveyor scales using the Arduino Uno-based HX711 module. The efficiency of using this tool can assist in the check-in process. Using this tool can help and speed up airport employees in the process of weighing baggage. This tool can process baggage weighing in less than 1 minute. In this study, using a scale equipped with a conveyor system. The design of the tool in this study for the maximum load that is set on the weighing system is 200 grams with a fine for every increase of 1 gram multiplied by IDR 1,000. If the weight of the load that is weighed exceeds the predetermined load limit, it will be integrated through the print out results that print from the weighing results. The print out contains the results of the weighing and fines that must be paid according to the excess weight. The results of testing the tool with a load weight of 117.7 grams did not experience an overload on the scales, while for a test with a load weight of 229.0 grams it experienced an overload of 29 grams with a fine of IDR 29,000</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGNING A TOOL IN THE FORM OF A MINI CCR AS A FEASIBILITY TESTER FOR SERIES TRANSFORMERS AND ALS LAMPS USING AN ARDUINO-BASED MICROCONTROLLER 2023-11-05T08:11:50+00:00 Alifian Rayyan Rusdiansyah Hartono Hartono Siti Julaihah <p><span class="fontstyle0">ALS or commonly called Airfield Lighting System are various types of lights at airports that are used to visually assist pilots in staying and taking off in order to move efficiently and safely. In the power supply of these lights used CCR. The extension of CCR is Constant Current Regulator is a power supply used in the world of aviation for providing electricity to the airport lighting system. Where in the electricity provided to the ALS lights of this airport lighting, it is maintained to provide power supply with a fixed current. It is intended that the ALS lamp has lighting with the desired brightness / light intensity in accordance with the specified taping. The ALS lamp has a very important role in helping pilots make landings and take offs, especially at night or in bad weather. Therefore, fast maintenance is needed when the lamp is in a dead condition. The current condition for testing series transformers and ALS lights is to check continuity using a multmeter. But it was found that when checked using continuity and good results when installed in the field could not work or light up as expected due to the occurrence of shor in ALS lamps and series transformers. This research design refers to the working system of the CCR by making a miniature CCR that serves to test the feasibility of ALS lamps and series transformers. This miniature CCR can supply voltage with a fixed current according to the specified brightness step. The current value and voltage value can be monitored on the LCD display. The research results and conclusions on the design of a mini CCR-shaped tool as a feasibility tester for series transformers and ALS lamps are obtained in the form of a constant current value at each brightness step with an average current value in accordance with the actual CCR. This mini CCR uses a selector switch connected to a microcontroller to adjust the step brightness of the ALS lamp through an AC dimmer from step 1 - 5 according to the needs of the lamp to be tested. It is expected that with the mini CCR, technicians can be helped and more effective in terms of ALS lamp maintenance and so that flight operations can run without interruption. In designing this CCR miniature tool using the 4D method so that the design of this tool can be complex and can be developed later.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF FUEL FILTER REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION TOOL ON JT8D ENGINE AS A LEARNING SUPPORT TOOL IN ENGINE SHOP OF SURABAYA AVIATION POLYTECHNIC 2023-11-05T08:14:53+00:00 Alvin Rohman Fauzi Bayu Dwi Cahyo Suyatmo Suyatmo <p><span class="fontstyle0">Special tools are equipment used for a specific purpose, including in the Engine Shop. With a division like this, these tools have different functions, and have a specialization in the engine shop of the Surabaya aviation polytechnic there is an engine type JT8D engine, which is an aircraft engine included in the gas turbine engine, in the engine there are several components that cadets must know and understand their uses including fuel filters, in this component cadets have difficulty removing and installing these components because there is no special tool that makes it easier to remove and install these components. The research method for designing this tool is by testing the tool by doing a practicum on the removal and installation of Fuel filters. In making this tool, namely by using steel (steel). How to use this tool to remove or install the Fuel filter, by installing the Special tool to the Fuel filter clockwise rotation so that the Special tool can be installed on the Fuel filter. And do the test. The results of the design of the special tool Fuel filter From all the tests on the design, it can be concluded that the Special tool Fuel filter tool can support learning during the practice of removing and installing the JT8D engine fuel filter with faster, stronger results so as to produce power efficiency in Gas Turbine Engine subjects by Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic cadets.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE ANALYSIS OF COMPLIANCE OF GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (GSE) PESONNEL TO FLIGHT SAFETY 2023-11-05T08:17:25+00:00 Amelia Dena Piscarini Wiwid Suryono Prasetyo Iswahyudi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar is operated by PT Angkasa Pura I as the HUB of eastern Indonesia. By having heavy traffic, as an aviation service provider, it should provide excellent service and pay attention to safety and order, one of which is on the air side. Although there is already a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in place, there are still violations that occur, namely the lack of compliance of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) personnel with the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The purpose of this study is to determine the level of compliance of Ground Suppoprt Equipment (GSE) personnel and also to find out how to improve the compliance of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) personnel to comply with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). This research uses quantitative descriptive methods with data collection techniques using observation, questionnaires and literature studies. The analysis method used is the Pearson product moment correlation method. The results of this study indicate that the compliance of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) personnel is still less compliant or not in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), namely the unorderly placement of Ground Support Equipment (GSE), less compliant in turning on the rotary lamp when operating Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and there is still Foreign Object Debris (FOD) found on the Apron. And there is a relationship between compliance of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) personnel to flight safety as measured using the Pearson product moment correlation test of 0.9</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH TRENDS IN TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT POLICY IN IMPROVING THE REGIONAL ECONOMY 2023-11-05T08:19:46+00:00 Andi Frianto Perangin Angin <p><span class="fontstyle0">This study aims to analyze how research on transportation policy in improving the economy of a region is classified along with its trends to find out what topics can be used as research variables in the future and what potential policies can be carried out in realizing regional economic improvement. The research method is a literature review using a bibliometric analysis approach starting from defining the keywords 'Transportation, Transportation Policy, and Regional Economic Improvement' in the </span><span class="fontstyle2">Publish </span><span class="fontstyle0">or Perish application with </span><span class="fontstyle2">Google Scholar </span><span class="fontstyle0">as a </span><span class="fontstyle2">database</span><span class="fontstyle0">. After narrowing the results by selecting topics, 55 related </span><span class="fontstyle2">articles </span><span class="fontstyle0">were obtained for review from a total of 100 articles from the initial search results. Then the meta data was compiled using the Mendeley application. The Vosviewer application is used to visualize research trends. The results showed that effective transportation policies can open up opportunities for better access for people, businesses, and goods to various regions, enabling sustainable economic improvement. This research is limited by the number and lack of variety of research topics of the articles reviewed.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Analysis of the Effect of Slot Size and Shape On Microstrip Antenna 5G Band N40 Application 2023-11-05T08:23:08+00:00 Annisa’ Rahmadani Fannush Shofi Akbar Lady Silk Moonlight <p><span class="fontstyle0">With the emergence of digital wireless communication technology, the fifth generation of LTE (Long Term Evolution) - 5G technology was developed to enhance faster data performance. For ensuring optimal execution of this technology, an antenna is required as a transmitter. Microstrip antenna is a low-cost and easy-to-manufacture antenna. Nevertheless,<br>the drawback of microstrip antennas is their low gain. In this study, a microstrip antenna was designed by adding a slot to the patch for use in the 5G band N40 network. The antenna's dimensions were determined, and it was designed, simulated using software, fabricated, and measured. The measurement results were analyzed in conjunction with the simulation results. The study involved the design and testing of a microstrip antenna operating at 2.35 GHz. The antenna exhibited a S1.1 value of -21.2 dB, a VSWR value of 1.19, a gain value of 3.69 dBi, and a bandwidth value of 90.6 MHz. Additionally, a rectangular slot antenna was designed and tested, yielding a S1.1 value of -19.884 dB, a VSWR value of 1.225, a gain value of 3.707 dBi, and a bandwidth value of 91.7 MHz. Meanwhile, the most optimal circular slot antenna has a return loss value of -19.55 decibels, a voltage standing wave ratio value of 1.235, a gain value of 3.71 decibels, and a bandwidth value of 91.8 megahertz. The measurement results of the single patch microstrip antenna give a return loss S1.1 of -13.01 dB, VSWR of 1.48, gain of 4.3 dBi and bandwidth of 170 MHz. Then the best rectangular slot antenna has a return loss S1.1 of -16.22 dB, VSWR value of 1.37, gain value of 4.7 dBi and bandwidth value of 170 MHz. Meanwhile, the best circular slot antenna has a return loss S1.1 of -16.91 dB, a VSWR value of 1.34, a gain value of 6.7 dBi and a bandwidth value of 170 MHz.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF APRON MOVEMENT CONTROL (AMC) PERSONNEL ON PASSENGER ORDERS AT THE APRON OF HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA BANDUNG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 2023-11-05T08:25:09+00:00 Ariyo Subroto Dwi Candra Yuniar Parjan Parjan Yeti Komalasari <p><span class="fontstyle0">This research was conducted to determine the performance of Apron Movement Control (AMC) personnel on passenger order at the apron of Husein Sastranegara International Airport Bandung and to find out how passenger order at the apron of Husein Sastranegara International Airport Bandung. Supervision of order and safety at the apron is a task that must be carried out by Apron Movement Control (AMC) personnel. There are still passengers who do not comply with the markings to cross the apron of Husein Sastranegara International Airport Bandung when getting off or boarding from an airplane can have a major impact on safety. This happens because the supervisory function carried out by Apron Movement Control (AMC) personnel is not optimal. This&nbsp; research uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques are observation, interviews and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the performance of Apron Movement Control (AMC) personnel at Husein Sastranegara International Airport Bandung still has to be improved, this can be indicated by the still found problems of order of passengers boarding and disembarking from aircraft that endanger flight safety and security at Husein Sastranegara International Airport Bandung. Success indicators were obtained to reduce passenger disorder in the apron in the form of optimizing digital banners, adding signage and reoperating the apron bus.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE IMPACT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF TERMINAL INSPECTION SERVICE (TIS) OFFICERS ON TOWARDS SERVICE 2023-11-05T08:27:23+00:00 Awaliya Liestia Septi Dewi Ratna Sari Yuyun Suprapto <p><span class="fontstyle0">PT Angkasa Pura has a unit in charge of supervising the facilities at the airport, namely the Terminal Inspection Service (TIS) unit which is in charge of supervising and ensuring that airport facilities ca function properly. This study aims to determine the effect of the airport facility supervision system carried out by every airport officer nationally referring to the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 30 of 2021 concerning Minimum Service Standards for Air Transport Passengers. This research uses quantitative descriptive research methods. The research technique uses observation and questionnaire mathods. The instrument used to test the hypothesis is regression analysis. As for the calculation of the analysis is the Likert scale technique, validity test, reliability test, and hypothesis analysis. The result showed that the relationship between the influence of the performance of Terminal Inspection Service (TIS) officers and excellent service was strong and real 84.5% so that if the performance of the Terminal Inspection Service (TIS) officers is improved, excellent service will also increase.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANDROID-BASED AIRSIDE FACILITY CHECKLIST APPLICATION USING SMARTPHONES AT UMBU MEHANG KUNDA WAINGAPU 2023-11-05T08:34:50+00:00 Bagas Cahyo Wicaksono Wiwid Suryono Linda Winiasri <p><span class="fontstyle0">Umbu Mehang Kunda </span><span class="fontstyle2">Airport </span><span class="fontstyle0">Waingapu </span><span class="fontstyle2">is an airport located in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This research is the creation of a prototype application to conduct an airside facility inspection checklist. Prototype application is a system development process to create new systems, as well as improve or develop existing systems either in whole or in part. With the creation of an android-based air side facility inspection checklist application which will be able to report inspection results quickly and efficiently and increase maximum security and service through smartphones, which previously used handwriting to archive the results of air side facility inspections. It is expected that when the aircraft moves, the runway, taxiway, and apron conditions are clear or free of FOD (Foreign Object Debris). Airside facility checklist inspection guide in accordance with KP 94 Year 2015 regulation. The research method used in making this application is a prototype method. Prototype can be said to be the initial form or model of a system or device that can later be developed in the future by explaining the concept and appearance of the application. Based on this research, the results obtained in the form of an application to facilitate the inspection checklist of air side facilities using a smartphone, and can facilitate data collection because after the file has been uploaded using the air side facility inspection checklist application in the form of a pdf document.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PLANNING TO SHIFT THE PERIMETER FENCE AT STA 1+300 TO STA 1+950 TO MEET THE SIDE STRIPE STANDARDS AT JUWATA TARAKAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 2023-11-05T08:53:26+00:00 Bagas Wibawa Pratama Bambang Wasito Karina Meilawati Eka <p><span class="fontstyle0">The planning of shifting the perimeter fence at Juwata Tarakan International Airport aims to meet side stripe standards and keep people and animals out, protect vital objects such as navigation or power plants, as a boundary marker for areas under airport control, and protect employees and employees. This will directly or indirectly affect flight safety at Juwata Tarakan International Airport. This condition can realize optimal security at the perimeter of Juwata Tarakan International Airport, it is necessary to implement flight rules that have been determined so as to support safe, smooth, comfortable and efficient flight operations that take place at Juwata Tarakan International Airport. In planning to shift the perimeter fence at Juwata Tarakan International Airport, not only changing the location but also calculating the budget plan and changing the existing foundation to a river stone foundation and displaying ground elevation data on the edge of the runway. In planning to shift the perimeter fence, it was found that the volume of landfill was 181 m3 and the volume of river stone foundations was 491 m3 and the results of the calculation of the budget plan were found to be Rp. 1,170,000,000.00 (one billion one hundred and seventy million rupiah). In addition to the budget plan for planning the shifting of the perimeter fence, the maintenance that will be carried out to prevent it from being corrosive is to apply anti-corrosive paint regularly</span></p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF MONITORING SOLAR PUBLIC STREET LIGHTING (PJUTS) WITH LORA ESP32 NETWORK BASED ON INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) 2023-11-05T15:13:54+00:00 Balqis Gusti Nisrina Hartono Hartono Siti Julaihah <p><span class="fontstyle0">One of the most popular renewable energy sources is the usage of solar panels, which have even been employed in some places as the primary source of power. Public Street Lighting and issues that frequently arise with Solar Cell Public Street Lighting, particularly during operating hours brought on by damage stored in the battery. Long distances become a concern in and of themselves, thus they must be monitored frequently.As a result, researchers are working to develop a Lo-Ra-based monitoring system for public solar street lights. According to the research, it is possible to track all data sent in real time, including battery voltage, LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) values, current data flowing from solar panels, and current data being delivered. Since the lights are only bright at night if a human object is identified using a PIR (Passive Infrared Receiver) sensor, the discussion's findings and conclusions can be applied to an energysaving system. The design of this instrument can make it easier for technicians to check because the maximum distance over which data can be sent in LoRa between the transmitter and receiver modules is 4 km</span><span class="fontstyle2">.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science HIGH-GAIN DESIGN MICROSTRIP ANTENNA FOR WEATHER RADAR ON AIRCRAFT AT THE 9.4 GHZ FREQUENCY 2023-11-05T15:20:53+00:00 Bambang Bagus Harianto Yuyun Suprapto Nyaris Pambudiyatno Ade Irfansyah Teguh Imam Suharto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The use of radar in aviation primarily centers around aircraft weather radar systems, which provide real-time monitoring of weather conditions surrounding the aircraft. Antennas play a crucial role in enabling detection within these radar systems. This article is dedicated to research efforts focused on developing a microstrip antenna design using array techniques to achieve high gain. The research methodology follows Thiagarajan's 4D approach, encompassing the Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate stages. To optimize performance, the research encompasses the creation of various antenna designs, including single patches, 1x2, 4x4, and 8x4 arrays, employing feed and coaxial insert enumeration methods. Additionally, comparisons are drawn between two substrates, specifically FR-4 and Rogers RT- 5880. Parameters under scrutiny encompass gain, VSWR, return loss, bandwidth, and radiation patterns. The design process for microstrip antennas involves intricate dimensional calculations and array method selection, followed by a detailed application-based design. The results consistently demonstrate VSWR values below 2 and return loss values below -10 dB for microstrip antenna designs on both FR-4 and Rogers RT-5880 substrates. The most significant gains were achieved by an 8 x 4 array design employing the insert feed enumeration method on a Rogers RT-5880 substrate, reaching an impressive 17,979 dBi. The widest bandwidth is observed in the design of the 1x2 array using the Rogers RT-5880 substrate, reaching 651.1 MHz. Moreover, it is evident that an increase in the number of patches in the array corresponds to an increase in gain. Notably, Rogers RT-5880 material demonstrates a superior capacity to produce higher gain compared to FR-4 substrates.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PROTOTYPE OF LIVE THEFT DETECTION SYSTEM USING MICROCONTROLLER BASED SMS GATEWAY 2023-11-05T15:27:45+00:00 Bambang Esmoyo Hartono Hartono Slamet Hariyadi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Electricity theft is a common problem in many countries, including Indonesia. Electricity theft can be carried out in various places, such as homes, office buildings, industrial facilities, and so on. Theft of electricity can have a negative impact on owners of electrical installations and can result in significant financial losses. There is a system to prevent or even reduce electricity theft by using a monitoring system via short messages/SMS gateways. This system will send a notification to the technician containing the location of the electricity theft and the amount of current stolen. In this study using a current sensor as a current reader, if the incoming current exceeds the current limit that has been programmed on the NodeMCU ESP32 microcontroller, it will automatically give an order to the SIM module to send a notification to the smartphone technician in the form of an SMS Gateway containing the amount of the stolen current and the location where the electricity theft occurred and there is also a buzzer module as an indicator on the tool. With that, it is hoped that technicians can be helped by this system.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF HUMAN FACTORS IN RUNWAY EXCURSION EVENTS IN THE PAPUA REGION FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2023 2023-11-05T15:29:50+00:00 Bayu Hadiy Mursito <p><span class="fontstyle0">This research aims to analyze the human factors contributing to </span><span class="fontstyle2">runway excursion </span><span class="fontstyle0">incidents in the Papua region during the period from 2013 to 2023. </span><span class="fontstyle2">Runway excursion </span><span class="fontstyle0">incidents involve situations where an aircraft exceeds the </span><span class="fontstyle2">runway </span><span class="fontstyle0">limits during landing or takeoff and have become a serious concern in the aviation industry. The methodology involves the analysis of accident and aviation incident data that occurred in the Papua region during the specified period. The data encompass information related to human factors, such as pilot errors, ground staff, and other human-related factors that may influence </span><span class="fontstyle2">runway excursion </span><span class="fontstyle0">incidents. Additionally, this study will also consider environmental and technical factors that could play a role in these incidents. The results of this analysis will provide deeper insights into the primary causes of runway excursion incidents in the Papua region, with a specific focus on human aspects. With a better understanding of these factors, it is expected that more effective preventive measures and recommendations can be implemented to enhance aviation safety in the region</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Experimental Study of Oil Flow Visualization on the Analysis on Airfoil Eppler 562 of the Use of Forward and Rearward Wingtip Fences 75o Cant Angle Article 2023-11-05T15:33:33+00:00 Bayu Dwi Cahyo Gunawan Sakti Ajeng Wulansari Bambang Junipitoyo <p><span class="fontstyle0">In this study, the flow over airfoil Eppler 562 with and without wingtip was investigated experimentally. The experiments were carried out in a low speed wind tunnel with various angles of attack (α) = 0° to 19°. The Reynolds (Re) number used is 2.3 x 10</span><span class="fontstyle0">4 </span><span class="fontstyle0">(U</span><span class="fontstyle2">∞ </span><span class="fontstyle0">= 10 m/s). There are two types of wingtip fences at variations that will be used in this research that are rearward and forward wing tip fence set at cant angle 75°. For this research, to represent flow patterns on airfoil the Oil flow visualization method was used. pressure transducer used to measure pressure distributions over the airfoil. The experimental results showed that as the angle of attack increased, the transition points and the separation moved towards the leading edge at all models. Furthermore, for airfoil withforward wingtip fence with cant angle 75° is better than for airfoil with rearward wingtip fence with cant angle 75° and plain wing. Forward wingtip fence showed the best optimum performance of α = 10° settings compared to the other models. Consequently, it was seen that there was a good agreement between numerical and experimental results.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science MODIFICATION OF TRANSFORMER TEMPERATURE MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN USING BLYNK-BASED APPLICATIONS 2023-11-06T00:30:09+00:00 Berliana Putri Kustori Kustori Ahmad Kosasih <p><span class="fontstyle0">Transformers that have a very important role in the continuity of electricity supply to the state electricity company (PLN), besides that when there is an increase in the capacity of the electric current voltage, the density between the connections of the cables and transformers will be stretched which can result in an increase in resistance and an increase in the temperature of the equipment. Because the results of this research are given as numerical data, the methodology used in this study is a quantitative methodology. This is in line with the idea that quantitative research is a method that heavily relies on statistics, from data collection through data interpretation to the presentation of the results. In this test technique, it is able to display the amount of temperature detected through LCD and smartphone. Data transmission is done online using the Wemos D1 Mini microcontroller. Changes in temperature that exceed the stage 1 limit will cause the fan to turn on and if it exceeds the stage 2 limit, both the fan and buzzer will turn on.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF PASSENGER SATISFACTION WITH TERMINAL FACILITY SERVICES TO ENHANCE LEVEL OF SERVICE AT SULTAN THAHA JAMBI AIRPORT 2023-11-06T00:55:51+00:00 Boby Kian Cahya Anton Budiarto Prasetyo Iswahyudi <p><span class="fontstyle0">The airport waiting room facilities are among the crucial amenities for passengers, particularly for those who have to wait for their flights for an extended period. To assess the condition of supporting facilities at Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport Terminal. To identify the factors influencing passenger satisfaction with the terminal facilities at Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport. Therefore, maintaining passenger satisfaction in the airport waiting area is vital to provide a positive passenger experience and build a favorable airport image. The method employed in this research is a quantitative approach. Quantitative research is grounded in positivist philosophy, used to study specific populations or samples, sample selection techniques are typically conducted randomly, data collection employs research instruments, and data analysis is quantitative or statistical, aimed at testing predetermined hypotheses. From observational data, it can be concluded that the waiting room facilities at Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport are reasonably adequate, yet further improvements and additions are needed to enhance passenger comfort and satisfaction. The observational data reveals that the waiting room facilities at Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport are generally good and comprehensive. The availability of lighting, Wi-Fi, and well-maintained cleanliness provides additional comfort for passengers. Thus, the facilities at this airport significantly impact passengers and visitors, contributing to their comfort during their time at the airport.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE INFLUENCE OF THE EXTEND ADVANCE COST CALCULATION SCHEME ON THE REVENUE OF AERO SAM RATULANGI MANADO AIRPORT 2023-11-06T00:59:03+00:00 Danendra Winata Putra Faoyan Agus Furyanto Lusiana Kusumayati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Airport services according to PM 36 of 2014 concerning Procedures and Procedures for Imposing Airport Service Tariffs are services provided to airport service users by public airport management units or airport business entities. To determine the effect of establishing an extend advance cost calculation scheme on aeronautical revenue at Sam Ratulangi Manado International Airport. To find out the commercial unit's perception of the determination of the extend advance cost calculation scheme.Quantitative method is a step taken by researchers whose purpose is to collect information or data and investigate the information obtained. The research method provides an overview of the research which includes the procedures and steps that must be taken, research time, data sources, and steps to obtain data which will then be processed and analyzed F test So, at a significance level of 5% it can be concluded that there is an effect of landing income, placement income, avio income, counter income, and PJP2U income on total revenue. T test So, at a significance level of 5% it can be concluded that there is no effect of PJP2U's income on total income.The perception of the commercial unit is that it increases fair to business for airlines to become more organized. If the X variable (calculation scheme), then the Y variable (Aero Revenue at Sam Ratulangi Airport) also increases fair to business for Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport airlines to become more organized. And it is important to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the scheme to ensure consistency and optimal revenue management</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF EMERGENCY PUSH BUTTON MONITORING AS AN IOT-BASED ALARM AT AVIATION POLYTECHNIC SURABAYA 2023-11-06T01:01:41+00:00 Davli Wynalba Jasdo Kustori Kustori Ahmad Kosasih <p><span class="fontstyle0">Aviation Polytechnic Surabaya is one of the official schools under the Ministry of Transportation which has the main task and function of carrying out professional education in the fields of expertise in Aviation Engineering, Aviation Safety and Aviation Management. At the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic, students are educated on campus and in dormitories. In connection with the facilities and infrastructure available at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic, it is not complete enough, such as specialized security services in each dormitory which is the place of most cadet activities so that the possibility of an emergency occurs beyond the expectations of the caregiver on guard. So to convey emergency information, the author makes a tool, namely the IoT-based Emergency Push Button which can be used by cadets to provide information to the caregivers in the PMMK building at any time, morning, noon, or night. This research design includes several components including the LoRa module, NodeMCU ESP8266, ISD1820, Emergency Push Button and other supporting tools. The way this design works is by pressing the Emergency button at the scene of the emergency then through the microcontroller will send data using the LoRa Transmitter module and the results will be received by the Receiver which is displayed through the LCD as a pointer to which Transmitter location is active and the ISD1820 module in the form of a warning sound. The results of the research that has been done that all components work according to their respective functions. Starting from Tranmitter 1 and 2 (LoRa, ESP8266, ISD1820, Push Button) and Receiver (LoRa, ESP8266, LCD, ISD 1820). For the communication distance between LoRa, the farthest distance ± 75 m is obtained. This distance is very dependent on the type of LoRa used, antenna usage, obstacles, etc.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGNING AVIATION COMMUNICATION PERSONNEL BASE ON WEBSITE 2023-11-06T01:21:46+00:00 Defi Alfia Sari Dewi Ratna Sari <p><span class="fontstyle0">Aeronautical Communication Officer (ACO) have 2 Ratings, namely Flight Information (FI) Rating and Aeronautical Fixed (AF) Rating. The aviation communication guide personnel rating is valid for 1 year from the date of issuance of the rating and is required to carry out a rating extension test once every 1 year, the exam includes a theory exam and a practical exam. In order to provide guidance and standardization in the implementation of the Aeronautical Communication Officer (ACO) personnel rating extension test, an E-Module Design was created for the dissemination of the Performance Check En-Route Flight Information Rating as well as the Question Bank for Theory Exams and Practical Exams. This e-module was created to provide a variety of appearances to make it easier to understand the material before taking the exam. This research refers to the 4D research and development model which consists of 4 stages namely Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate. This program is tested using the blackbox testing method, which means the system is tested in terms of the functionality of the website system without testing the design and program code. The results of this study are the Website-based Rating Extension Exam Preparation E-Module which is used for the Aviation Communication Personnel Rating extension exam, which contains an E-Module in the form of a video and a Question Bank in the form of multiple choice, essay, and true false whose question weights have been adjusted with the Aviation Communications Personnel Rating Testing Guidelines.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGNING USER INTERFACE STUDY BASED ON WEB AT POLITEKNIK PENERBANGAN SURABAYA USING PROTOTYPE METHOD 2023-11-06T01:26:58+00:00 Desak Dian Dwi Lestari Dewi Ratna Sari Sudrajat Sudrajat <p><span class="fontstyle0">Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya provides an official website which is often used as a medium for disseminating information related to agency activities. But along with the development of technology, the information desired by users is increasingly diverse and detailed. Even though the Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya has provided an official website, there is still a lot of detailed content that is not listed on the website as well as websites related to available studies. For this reason, it is hoped that the user interface study based on web can become an information medium. The formulation of the problem raised in this study is how to design a website user interface system for the Study at the Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya using the prototype method. The purpose of this reaserch is to build a website tha can become an information medium related to study. As the results, the study website can be used conveniently with the results of the validity test through the Material Expert Test of 89.2% and declared "valid" because ≥ 61% and usability testing of 92.5% were at intervals of 81 to 100% which showed that the usability measurement results of the Study website at the Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya "Very Worthy". So that the conclusions that can be drawn in this study are that the user interface design of the study website can be used and the information contained on the website provides benefits to users.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF THE NEEDS OF TERMINAL AREA 1 JUANDA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SURABAYA 2023-11-06T06:14:52+00:00 Yusuf Satya Adi Wicaksana Wiwid Suryono Fahrur Rozi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Juanda Surabaya International Airport has terminal 1 and terminal 2. The total area of terminal 1 is 91,700 m2. In 2014 the number of passengers reached 17,285,070 and experienced an increase in the number of passengers for 4 years until 2018 reached 20,951,063. With the increasing number of passengers at Juanda Airport and serving Umrah and Hajj flights, the terminal area will not be able to accommodate passengers in the next 20 years. Forecasting the number of passengers for the next 20 years using the linear regression method with software. The results of passenger forecasting in 2043 reached a total of 51,393,285 passengers. The number of transfer passengers is 3,597, the number of peak hour passengers is 17,988, the number of arriving and departing peak hour passengers is the same at 7,195. The 2043 terminal needs analysis is calculated based on SKEP/VI/77/2005 using the number of peak hour passengers. While the total results of the analysis of terminal space requirements at Juanda International Airport Surabaya, the area of passenger terminal facilities amounted to 53,730m2. To overcome the anticipated capacity of the number of passengers at peak hours in 2043.</span></p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF EPOXY COATING ON THE FLOOR SURFACE OF ARFF VEHICLE GARAGE AT HANG NADIM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT BATAM 2023-11-06T02:03:40+00:00 Dicky Ozie Pangestian Fitri Masitoh Sukahir Sukahir Parjan Parjan <p><span class="fontstyle0">Hang Nadim International Airport Batam is an airport located in Batu Besar Village, Nongsa District, Batam, Kepulauan Riau. Every airport is required to provide and offer Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) services in accordance with the ARFF airport category requirements. To support its operational processes, ARFF has a vehicle garage that serves as the primary storage facility for main and support vehicles, serving as the primary arsenal of the ARFF unit to comply with the vehicle garage requirements outlined in the standardization of PR 30 of 2022. However, the condition of the garage floor surface in Hang Nadim International Airport does not meet the existing standards. Ideally, the floor surface should fulfill the requirements to ensure smooth, safe, and comfortable operational processes, and to enhance the response time of ARFF personnel. The method used to address the issue in this research was qualitative, employing the data analysis technique of gap analysis. In the gap analysis process, the researcher utilized data collection techniques including observation, interviews, and documentation. Throughout various stages, the researcher obtained results and conclusions. This research aims to determine whether the ARFF vehicle garage at Hang Nadim International Airport meets the requirements specified in the regulations. The research findings indicated the need for vehicle garage renovation and the application of epoxy on the floor surface. The selection of the appropriate epoxy type certainly has a significant impact on the condition of the vehicle garage, as this change will affect the achievement of response time, minimize potential hazards, and streamline operational processes in the vehicle garage area. Additionally, this is done to meet the requirements specified in the regulations</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF COATING INHIBITORS ON CORROSION RATE AND STRUCTURE IN 2024 ALUMINUM 2023-11-06T01:48:21+00:00 Dimas Bagus Perkasa Suyatmo Suyatmo Linda Winiasri <p><span class="fontstyle0">Aircraft is one of the means of mass transportation that is currently widely used by the public and is a choice because of its time efficiency. The use of lightweight aircraft structural materials is very important. In commercial aviation, 2024 aluminum is widely used in the use of structural materials. Aircraft structures are materials that are susceptible to corrosion. Corrosion is a decrease in the quality of a metal caused by an electrochemical reaction between the metal and its environment. Coating is a way of coating a metal or material with a material, so that the metal or material is protected from corrosion. The method used is weight loss in accordance with ASTM G31-72 with an international interseal 670 hs epoxy primer coating inhibitor with treatment without washing and washing every 144 hours with seawater media which has a salt content of 3.5% and structural change tests using a dino eye camera. Based on weight loss testing and structural changes carried out on Aluminum Alloy 2024 with immersion test, then in weight loss testing obtained results with the addition of coating inhibitors on aluminum 2024 with treatment washed every 144 hours can withstand corrosion rates up to 288 hours with a weight loss value of 0.058% and on aluminum 2024 which is given a coating with unwashed treatment can withstand corrosion rates up to 144 hours with a weight loss value of 0.062%. In testing changes in structure, the results obtained for aluminum that is given a coating occurs surface corrosion and aluminum that is not given a coating occurs uniform corrosion.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science SYNCHRONIZATION OF PARKING STAND, GATE, AND FLIGHT INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM (FIDS) ALLOCATION AT JUANDA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SURABAYA 2023-11-06T02:02:22+00:00 Dwi Putri Muhammad Syahrul Munir Muhammad Syukri Pesilette Dwi Candra Yuniar <p><span class="fontstyle0">Since it was stopped due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the growth of air transportation services has now increased again. One of them is Surabaya Juanda International Airport, which is an airport under the auspices of PT Angkasa Pura 1. Currently, Surabaya Juanda International Airport shows an increase in the number of passengers and flights since it had decreased due to the Covid-19 phenomenon, which was 63,806 flights and 8,690,051 arrivals and departures in 2022. Based on the phenomenon in the field, it was found that there was a 15-35% discrepancy in gate information listed on the Boarding Pass and the Flight Information Display System (FIDS) screen every day. This does not always pose a danger but it has the risk of clash boarding or passengers entering the wrong plane until passengers miss it. Servicerelated problems are basic but must be considered for the comfort and quality of service for passengers at Surabaya Juanda International Airport. This study uses qualitative methods and the data used is the author's direct observation in the field, namely in the form of boarding gate differences between what has been planned and what will be used in a flight. The conclusion of this study is the occurrence of non-compliance by airlines with the allocation of gates, the allocation of parking stands by AMC units that are not appropriate, and the use of supporting facilities that are not optimal resulting in mismatches in information about this boarding gate. By conducting research on this problem in order to reduce or even eliminate the desynchronization of information about the boarding gate that each flight will use. It is expected that each related party can evaluate the implementation of boarding activities and allocation of aircraft parking stands and then take appropriate mitigation steps and have a positional impact on the provision of service quality at Surabaya Juanda International Airport.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science OPTIMIZATION OF THE NUMBER OF AVSEC PERSONNEL EXPECTS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE AT SECURITY CHECK POINT 1 (SCP 1) SULTAN THAHA JAMBI AIRPORT 2023-11-06T01:53:53+00:00 Errica Dwi Oktavianingrum Ahmad Musadek Lady Silk Moonlight <p><span class="fontstyle0">Sultan Thaha Airport is an domestic airport located in Jambi City,Jambi Province managed by PT. Angkasa Pura II. Sultan Thaha Airport has a flight schedule of around 9-12 flights every day which is quite crowded with passengers. If you look at the high movement of passengers at Sultan Thaha Airport, it can be fatal if an accident occurs. Therefore, the implementation of Aviation Security checks at Security Check Point (SCP)s must be further tightened supported by the availability of facilities and procedures in accordance with existing regulations.This study aims to determine satisfaction with the level of service provided to Security Check Point (SCP) (SCP) I officers in accordance with This study aims to ascertain whether the efforts made have fully met the standards in maintaining flight operational safety areas with flight activities at Sultan Thaha Airport in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Transportation No KM 211 of 2020 concerning National Aviation Security.The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive which refers to the Decree of the Minister of Transportation No KM 211 of 2020 concerning National Aviation Security Order and Airport Services Manual (ICAO) doc. 9137 Part 6. Control Of Obstacles. Information collection procedures include observation, interviews, and literature studies. Airports related to services provided by Aviation Security officers can be improved optimization of existing facilities and procedures to avoid dangers to flight security and safety at Sultan Thaha Airport.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF A DOOR SECURITY SYSTEM THAT CAN BE ACCESSED USING FINGER PRINT AND PIN BASED ON THE INTERNET OF THINGS 2023-11-06T01:57:28+00:00 Fahmi Jalaluddin Lady Silk Moonlight Teguh Imam Suharto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The purpose of the research is to design a door security system that can be accessed using a fingerprint and PIN based on the Internet of Thing (IOT). The fingerprint that has been accessed will provide data to the microcontroller to be processed which will then give a command to Em-door Lock to unlock the door. In addition, this security system can also be monitored through Android or IOS smartphone applications, namely Telegram. This tool uses Arduino UNO microcontroller, NodeMCU ESP8266, Electromagnetic lock, Fingerprint, Keypad, Relay, door sensor, Arduino IDE, and Telegram. The hardware and software will then be configured between one device and another so that it becomes a door security system. The research method used in this research uses the Prototype method which consists of Rapid Design, Build Prototype, User Evaluation, Improve Prototype, Implementation and Maintenance. The results of the research conducted show that the door security system can work in recognizing fingerprints that have been registered and receiving PIN input accurately. besides that it can be integrated with the internet of things as monitoring the status of the door through the telegram application using the bot that has been installed. in this study there is also an evaluation of not being able to find out the ownership of fingerprints when accessing the door.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science RANCANGAN AUGMENTED REALITY GROUND STATION AUTOMATIC DEPENDENT SURVEILLANCE BROADCAST BERBASIS ANDROID SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DI POLITEKNIK PENERBANGAN SURABAYA 2023-11-06T02:00:52+00:00 Faisal Faruq Azfar Wiwid Suryono <p><span class="fontstyle0">This research aims to design an Augmented Reality (AR) Ground Station Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) based on Android as a learning media at Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya. The use of AR technology will provide an interactive learning experience with realistic visual displays. The focus of this research is on the design of a 3D AR application that enables interactive visualization of Ground Station ADS-B. The goal is to create an engaging and effective AR application for learning purposes. The results of this research are expected to provide more interactive learning solutions at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. This 3D AR application will help learning ADS-B Ground Station material and alternatives more clearly and enjoyably. In addition, this research will also be a reference and contribution to literature in the development of AR technology at the ADS-B Ground Station as a learning medium.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PROTOTYPE OF FAULT DETECTION AND LEAKAGE CURRENT MONITORING ON FL2XCY CABLE BASED ON INTERNET OF THINGS 2023-11-06T02:26:59+00:00 Farid Perdana Putera Siswanto Kustori Kustori Dwiyanto Dwiyanto <p><span class="fontstyle0">Airfield lighting system (ALS) is a visual landing aid that serves to assist and serve aircraft that take off, land and taxi in order to move efficiently and safely. This facility consists of special lights, which provide visual cues and information to pilots, especially when pilots are about to land or take off. The occurrence of interference with the airport lighting system caused by damage to the FL2XCY cable causes the pilot's vision to be less efficient when landing, takeoff and movement on the air side which can later endanger the flight. Therefore, a tool is needed that can detect the location of the disturbance and monitor the current on the cable by using the internet of things (IoT) as a device that transmits output data from sensor readings to the website. In this research, a prototype design will be made that can detect the location of the disturbance and monitor the current on the cable so that it makes it easier to find where the problem and disturbance are located on the cable because the FL2XCY cable is in the ground.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science EFFECT OF ANODIZING ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINUM ALLOY 2024-T42 2023-11-06T02:06:45+00:00 Faridh Teddyan Syach Bambang Junipitoyo Gunawan Sakti <p><span class="fontstyle0">2024-T42 Aluminum Is A Type Of 2024-T3 Series Aluminum That Has Been Heat Treated Into 2024-T42 Series Aluminum. Natural Aging Is One Of The Heat Treatment Processes, On Aluminum Can Be Done Coating Namely Anodizing Aluminum, Anodizing Process For The World Of Aviation Is As A Coating On The Surface Of Aluminum To Avoid Corrosion And Piston Coating To Reduce Friction On The Surface, The Anodizing Process Can Also Affect The Mechanical Properties Of The Aluminum. This Study Was Conducted To Determine The Mechanical Properties Of Aluminum After Anodizing And To Find Out Whether The Mechanical Properties By Testing Vikers Hardness And Charpy Impact Have Increased Or Decreased. With This Research, It Is Expected To Know The Mechanical Properties Of 2024-T42 Series Aluminum After Anodizing With A Time Variation Of 30, 40, 50, 60 Minutes And A Strong Current Of 24 Volts, 3 Amperes. From The Final Results Achieved From This Study, Namely In Testing The Vikers Hardness Of The Anodizing Process, The Average Increase Was 8.5% With The Highest Value Being 80.03 Hvn With A Time Of 60 Minutes, While For Impact Testing An Average Increase Of 9.5% With A Value Of 1.306 J / Mm2 With Anodizing Time Of 60 Minutes. So It Can Be Concluded That The Anodizing Process On Aluminum Can Affect The Mechanical Properties Of Aluminum. The Longer The Anodizing Process Eats The Value Of The Vikers Hardness Test And The Charpy Impact Test Will Increase.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF CENTRALIZED CONTROL AND MONITORING OF AIR CONDITIONER TEMPERATURE USING MICROCONTROLLER BASED ON INTERNET OF THINGS 2023-11-06T02:31:04+00:00 Farish Cahya Ramadhan Kustori Kustori Fiqqih Faizah <p><span class="fontstyle0">Air conditioner or with the abbreviation AC is a device or machine that can help regulate the temperature in the room, regulate humidity and air quality in the room. The purpose of this research is to be able to turn off the AC (Air Conditioner) centrally and can be monitored remotely using a Smartphone with the Blynk application. In addition, it is also able to automatically adjust the temperature of a room. In this testing technique, researchers conducted tests by looking at measurements from the DHT22 temperature sensor, PIR sensor and fan performance when there was an increase in temperature. If the PIR sensor detects movement and the temperature shows&gt; 30 ° C then 1 Fan turns on, if the temperature is&gt; 33 ° C then 2 Fans will turn on, if the temperature is&gt; 35 ° C then 3 Fans turn on. If the PIR sensor detects no movement in the room then the Fan will not turn on.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science EFFECT OF RESIN PERCENTAGE AND CATALYST ON TENSILE AND IMPACT STRENGTH OF CARBON FIBER COMPOSITES 2023-11-06T02:34:03+00:00 Fauzan Nur Ahmad Syauqi Ajeng Wulansari Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko <p><span class="fontstyle0">The percentage of resins and catalysts can affect the mechanical properties of the composite, especially tensile and impact strength in carbon fibre-reinforced composites. The strength of composites tends to vary depending on several factors including the percentage of resin and catalyst, therefore to be able to create a quality composite the percentage calculation of resin and catalyst must be done. This study was conducted to find out in more detail the effect of resin and catalyst percentage on the tensile strength and impact of carbon fibre-reinforced composites. The method used in this study is an experimental method by testing 6 specimens of 2 and 3 layers which have catalyst percentages of 1%, 1.5%, and 2%. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the percentage of resin and catalyst significantly affects the tensile strength and impact, the greater the percentage of catalyst, the higher the tensile strength and the smaller the percentage of catalyst, the greater the impact strength of the composite. These results show that the percentage of resin and catalyst is one of the things that greatly affect the mechanical properties of carbon fibrereinforced composites.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Analysis of the Bearing Capacity of Pile Foundations with the Meyerhoff Method in the New Terminal Building at Haji Hasan Aroeboesman Ende Airport 2023-11-06T02:36:31+00:00 Feyza Kwico Yusan Ladisma Linda Winiasri Karina Meilawati Eka Putri <p><span class="fontstyle0">Pile foundation is a type of foundation that has the function of transmitting structural loads to the soil layer, with high bearing capacity at a certain depth. The purpose of this analysis is to calculate the bearing capacity of single pile, the bearing capacity of pile group and to calculate settlement of single pile and pile group from Sondir and Standard Penetration Test (SPT). In this calculation the Meyerhoff method is used. The new terminal construction project at Haji Hasan Aroeboesman Ende Airport uses pile foundations. The location of the new terminal building is located at the coordinates of 8°50'51" S 121°39'54" E, the location is quite close to the beach with sandy soil types, a pile foundation is suitable for use. Based on acquired sondir and SPT data, foundation bearing capacity at two test points, Qult sondir data: 404,637 tons and 412,177 tons. SPT data obtained by Qult: 887,112 tons and 928,158 tons. The results of the bearing capacity of group 4 piles on the survey data: 338,120 tons and 342,300 tons. While SPT data: 983,630 tons and 1,029,142 tons. The results of the group 3 data group capacity survey: 253,590 tons and 256,725 tons. While SPT data: 737,723 tons and 772,069 tons. Results of data group capacity survey from group 2: 240,221 tons and 243,191 tons. While SPT data: 698,831 tons and 713,363 tons. Calculation results of single settlement and pile group 4: 20,439mm and 90,749mm. Calculation results of single settlement and pile group 3: 27.123mm and 120,428mm. Calculation results of single settlement and pile group 2: 40,297mm and 179,920mm. In this computational analysis, the bearing capacity of single pile and group pile is declared safe and meets the requirements of standard SNI 8460: 2017 from the results of the specified calculation should not exceed 190 mm</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE EFFECT OF AMC’S MAIN DUTIES IN THE SURVEILLANCE ON THE AIRSIDE 2023-11-06T02:38:58+00:00 Fikri Afif Fardani Bambang Wasito Anton Budiarto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The Apron Movement Control (AMC) unit conducts surveillance on the airside (airside) including personnel activities Ground Handling, Ground Support Equipment (GSE) vehicle traffic, and aircraft manouvering. At Juwata Tarakan Airport there are a total of 13 parking stands, where the parking stand is divided into 2 areas, namely parking stands 1- 6 are on the main apron while 7-13 are on the west apron, which not all parking stand areas can be monitored directly from the work space of the Apron Movement Control (AMC) unit. This study aims to determine the correlation between the use of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) monitors on services and surveillance in the airside area at Juwata Tarakan Airport. The data collection method in this study used Direct Observation, Literature Study and Questionnaire. The analysis method used is a quantitative descriptive method in which there are validity tests and reliability tests. The results of this study show that there is a strong correlation between the use of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) monitors on service and surveillance of the Apron Movement Control (AMC) unit in the airside area of Juwata Tarakan Airport.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Effect of Magnesium and Copper Addition in Aluminum 1100 on Tensile Strength and Microstructure 2023-11-06T02:41:21+00:00 Fito Aldino Arifin Bambang Junipitoyo Yuyun Suprapto <p><span class="fontstyle0">In Indonesia there is abundant aluminum 1100 and aircraft structures also use aluminum because it has the advantage of light weight and good corrosion resistance, but aluminum 1100 itself has the disadvantage of being easily brittle. Testing will be carried out by melting aluminum 1100 and then adding several chemical elements, namely magnesium and </span><span class="fontstyle2">copper. The </span><span class="fontstyle0">addition of these elements can improve the mechanical properties of aluminum 1100. The final result of the tensile strength value in this study, the highest number is in specimen 12, namely with a variation in the composition of aluminum alloy (Al) 93.60%, copper (Cu) 4.9% and magnesium (Mg) 1.5% with a value of 75.96Mpa. While the results of the lowest tensile strength value obtained in specimen 1, namely with variations in the composition of aluminum alloy (Al) 94.90%, copper (Cu) 3.8% and magnesium (Mg) 1.2% with a value of 60.49Mpa. In specimen 7 to specimen 12, it increased by 14.28%.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE ANALYSIS OF SECURITY FACILITIES ON THE AIR SIDE TOWARD FLIGHT SAFETY AND SECURITY AT KALIMARAU BERAU CLASS 1 AIRPORT 2023-11-06T02:44:25+00:00 Galib Irawan Wiwid Suryono Faoyan Agus Furyanto <p><span class="fontstyle0">In the face of evolving security challenges, it is important to have effective and standard-compliant security measures in place to protect airport facilities and prevent threats to aviation safety and security. There needs to be security facilities on the air side such as perimeter fences as a barrier to the airport area to protect airport activities on the air side such as take-off and landing of aircraft. At the perimeter fence of Kalimarau Airport, there is a problem, namely the incompatibility of the perimeter fence with Ministerial Regulation 167 of 2015, an update to Ministerial Regulation 33 of 2015. This study used a correlational method with a quantitative approach whose data was obtained from observation data and questionnaire distribution. Respondents from this questionnaire are Aviation Security (AVSEC) officers and Movement Control (AMC) Apron personnel, then the results of the respondents' answers are calculated using the SPSS application. The results of the calculation found that standardization of security facilities on the air side (variable X) is correlated with aviation safety and security (variable Y). These results can be seen from the correlation test which shows a result of 0.01 which is smaller than 0.05 which means that X and Y variables have a correlation. The level of standardization of the perimeter fence of Kalimarau Class I Airport according to the regulations on perimeter fence standardization is not yet standardized and it can be seen in the observation data table that there are still many parts of the perimeter fence that are not standardized.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-FLIGHT PLAN MODUL BASED WEB 2.0 2023-11-06T02:47:00+00:00 Gerin Olivia Dewi Ratna Sari <p><span class="fontstyle0">A flight plan is specific information given to an air traffic services unit, related to the intended flight or part of the flight of an aircraft. Meanwhile, the Air Traffic Services Reporting Office is the unit tasked with managing Flight Plans and ATS Messages (DLA, DEP, CHG, ARR, CNL) as well as validating, verifying and distributing Flight Plans to the relevant ATS Unit addresses. The development of the times has brought us to the digital era which provides easy access for its users. The problem to be discussed is how to design Flight Plan course teaching materials, apply the Flight Plan E-Module and implement the E-Module design that will be included on the web. The research method used in this study uses research and development methods or known as Research and Development (R&amp;D). This study uses the ADDIE (Analysis-Design-Develop-Implement-Evaluate) research model. The results of this study are E-Modules which contain Flight Plan material that has been adapted to the Learning Outcomes of the Course which has been validated by the course lecturer. The E-Module of the Air Traffic Services Reporting Office in which there is a Web Flight Plan is expected to be one of the supporting facilities in learning activities at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE EFFECT OF THE NUMBER OF AVIATION SECURITY PERSONNEL DURING THE RECOVERY OF COVID-19 ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FLIGHT SECURITY 2023-11-06T02:49:48+00:00 Ghana Kanafaro Anton Budiarto Lusiana Dewi Kusumayati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Safety is the main thing in the world of aviation, safety is not only in the air, but from the start of departure, namely at the airport where the plane departs, it is required to be safe and sterile from any danger. So in order to guarantee the security and safety of flights, in guarding from general areas to sterile areas, maximum and good performance of officers is required. With the condition of the airport which is located in the Manado area, North Sulawesi, namely Sam Ratulangi International Airport, Manado, it is experiencing limited Aviation Security personnel in the task of maintaining security for flight safety. This indicates the need to optimize Aviation Security performance activities, especially at Centralize at Sam Ratulangi International Airport, Manado. The research method used is qualitatively descriptive with reference to the regulation SKEP/2765/XII/2010 concerning "Procedures for Checking the Security of Passengers, Aircraft Crew, and Luggage to be transported by aircraft and individuals". By collecting data through observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation, the method used to test the data is by triangulation of sources, methods and theories. By using the Data Analysis technique used in the qualitative analysis has three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion and verification. The results of the study found that aviation security was less effective during the pandemic recovery period, resulting in a less optimal way of ensuring flight security and safety, which was influenced by the limited number of Aviation Security personnel.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science AVSIAGA APPLICATION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT AWARENESS ITEMS CARRIED OUT BY AIRLINE PASSENGERS YOGYAKARTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 2023-11-06T02:51:58+00:00 Ghina Ramadhani M. Indra Martadinata Sunardi Sunardi Viktor Suryan <p><span class="fontstyle0">The increase in the number of passengers at Yogyakarta International Airport has caused a spike in traffic resulting in long queues at the airport inspection room. However, awareness of the importance of security and the need for stricter supervision of luggage is still a major concern. This study aims to design an application Aviation Security SIAGA (AVSIAGA) is a facility that can help Aircraft passengers to increase passenger awareness about the importance of the security of their luggage and assist AVSEC officers in the process of monitoring and identifying potential security threats. This research uses the method Prototype, with procedures using survey methods, interviews, and data analysis to understand the needs and perspectives of application users. The result of this research is AVSIAGA based application web Information and security technology is expected to increase passenger awareness about the safety of their luggage and help create a safer environment at Yogyakarta International Airport.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design of Pneumatic System Simulator when Bleed Leak occurs on ATR 72-590/600 Aircraft as Learning Support at Aviation Polytechnic Surabaya 2023-11-06T02:54:31+00:00 Granita Putika Sari Bayu Dwi Cahyo Fiqqih Faizah <p><span class="fontstyle0">The aircraft has a bleed air leak detection system that functions as a leak detector on the bleed air duct. If there is a leak in the area around the duct, it will be detected, because it is already equipped with a sensing element. If there is a leak around the bleed air duct, it is characterised by reduced air pressure from the minimum standard. This will be detected by the sensing element installed on the wing, pylon and fuselage. By using Arduino nano and an air pressure sensor as a sensor used when a Bleed Leak occurs and using an indicator lamp as an indicator light when a leak occurs, so that when there is a pressure less than the specified standard, the indicator lamp will light up as an indication of a leak. The reason is because there is a system failure in bleed air leak detection, which is a logic fault, lost continuity, disconnected thermistor, elector static, short circuit, control, component dislocation, fault in the connector and corrosion.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science AIRBUS A320 TRAINER EXTERIOR LIGHTS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT AS A PRACTICUM LEARNING SUPPORT 2023-11-06T02:56:47+00:00 Guido Fantri Brilian Gunawan Sakti <p><span class="fontstyle0">Good aircraft performance is supported by several systems, namely: avionics, instruments, power plant and others. One of the important </span><span class="fontstyle2">systems is the exterior light system </span><span class="fontstyle0">which is used as lights that provide the function and use of indications on the aircraft and provide lighting when the aircraft flies at night, and can determine the position of the aircraft while in the air. Therefore, this research aims as material for developing insight and knowledge and skills for cadets of the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic, especially in the field of </span><span class="fontstyle2">exterior light systems </span><span class="fontstyle0">to support aircraft safety. This research is based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers with </span><span class="fontstyle2">trainees on the exterior light system </span><span class="fontstyle0">of the Airbus A </span><span class="fontstyle2">320 </span><span class="fontstyle0">to cadets who showed that the average response was very good, which This means that the trainee Traineer </span><span class="fontstyle2">for the exterior light system </span><span class="fontstyle0">using a miniature Airbus A320 is needed by cadets to support practicum learning. Data analysis was carried out by giving questionnaire form sheets to cadets who participated in the trainer Traineer testing technique. This study also used a miniature Airbus A320 aircraft equipped with LED lights with an Arduino Uno microcontroller which was given a 5v power supply, so as to maximize the performance of </span><span class="fontstyle2">the trainees </span><span class="fontstyle0">. From the results of the study, the results obtained from a comparison of the values of cadets when using </span><span class="fontstyle2">trainees </span><span class="fontstyle0">without using influential </span><span class="fontstyle2">trainees </span><span class="fontstyle0">, where the average value of cadets when learning </span><span class="fontstyle2">the exterior lights system </span><span class="fontstyle0">without using Traineers is 74.285 while the average value of cadets when learning </span><span class="fontstyle2">the exterior lights system </span><span class="fontstyle0">using Traineers is 93,095</span></p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science The Impact of Reward, Punishment, Training and Competency Systems against the Performance of Aviation Security Officers 2023-11-06T02:59:29+00:00 Hanif Nada Majid Lusiana Dewi Kusumayati Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko <p><span class="fontstyle0">Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar is one of the main gateways of air transportation in eastern Indonesia serving domestic and international routes. With quality human resources, it will improve excellent performance to support comfort and safety in flight. This study aims to determine the effect of the reward, punishment, training and competency system on the performance of Aviation Security officers. This research method uses quantitative, which describes the circumstances that are happening to the object of research. Data collection techniques are carried out by distributing questionnaires, observations and documentation. In the sampling of this study as many as 40 respondents consisting of 10 respondents, supervisors, Aviation Security officers and 30 Aviation security officers. The data analysis technique in this study uses the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). The results of the study showed that the significant value of the results obtained t count amounted to 2.834 greater than t table (1.68385), the results of multiple linear regression tests showed a constant value of 10.478 positive. This means that there is a positive and significant influence between the reward, punishment, training, and competency systems on the performance of Aviation Security officers. It was concluded that if the system of reward, punishment, training, and competence provided increases, then the performance of Aviation Security officers will also increase.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON PASSENGER SERVICES 2023-11-06T03:04:51+00:00 Hanugrah Satya Bramasta Sudrajat Sudrajat Ridho Rinaldi <p><span class="fontstyle0">In 2019, the Bamboo Curtain country was shocked by the news that a 55- year-old citizen from Wuhan, Hubei Province, was infected with the virus. Presumably this is the first case that happened. The disease caused by the virus is called wuhan pneumonia which is then called by the World Health Organization (WHO) Coronavirus Disease 19 (Covid 19). The Covid-19 pandemic has also impacted many industries, especially in the air transportation sector. Many changes with increasingly stringent requirements and stricter supervision from officers and passengers to comply with health protocols to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The impact of this virus is very influential in passenger services where there are changes and differences in services during a pandemic and after a pandemic where from the terminal entrance service to the waiting room or departure terminal area and there are points where service changes are implemented. Inside the terminal, passengers will experience a significant difference in service to prevent the spread of the virus, from wearing masks at the airport terminal, providing touchless technology at the terminal and providing free hand sanitizer facilities to maintain the health and comfort of passengers. Related data and information are used to carry out a qualitative descriptive analysis in this study. This description can be used to explain in general the events that occurred related to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on changes in passenger service. The purpose of this research is to produce recommendations to add to existing and new policies regarding departure terminal facilities while still prioritizing preventing the spread of Covid-19.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design of Electricity Theft Monitoring System Using Differential Power Method Based on Internet of Thing 2023-11-06T03:08:02+00:00 Hartono Hartono Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko Fiqqih Faizah Kustori Kustori Slamet Hariyadi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Electricity theft by some unscrupulous people is very detrimental to PLN. Theft can be done by households or industries. The theft is not only financially detrimental to PLN but also damages the transformer in the distribution network due to overloading. In this research, a prototype of an electricity theft detection system integrated with the Internet of Thing (IoT) and mobile applications has been made using the differential power method. The differential power method compares real-time power measurements with a reference network average power, so that when the measured power exceeds the reference value, there is an indication of theft on the network. The sensor data processor and theft detection algorithm use an ESP8266 microcontroller. The test results show that the measurement errors of the voltage, current, and power sensors are 0.45%, 1.57%, and 1.15%, respectively. The data transmission delay from the microcontroller to the cloud is less than 1 second. The mobile application is able and successful to display measurement results and provide real-time theft alarm notifications</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE ROLE OF AVIOBRIDGE FOR SERVICES FLIGHTS 2023-11-06T03:17:45+00:00 Hidayatul Khoiriyah Wasito Utomo Fatmawati Fatmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Aviobridge usage services are one of the revenues in airport management. In this case by PT. Angkasa Pura II. One of the airport's revenues is the service of using aviobridge facilities. In providing flight services, Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport is supported by 2 (two) units of aviobridge facility equipment, but the current condition of the aviobridge facilities cannot operate optimally. Therefore, to find out the role of aerobridges for flight services at Sultan Thaha Jambi airport, by conducting a study or simple research (qualitative descriptive) with data collection methods using observation and interviews, and analyze data to obtain alternative problem solving. The result of this study is that the maintenance of aerobridges at Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport must be improved and the operation of bridges carried out in accordance with procedures set by the airport. Because the maintenance and operation of aviobridge facilities have an influence on improving the performance of aviobridge and improving the quality of service to passengers and airlines as users of aviobridge services at Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF FLIGHT INFORMATION CENTER SERVICES TOWARD TRAFFIC THAT DOES NOT DO TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION IN THE JAYAPURA SECTOR'S FIC UJUNG PANDANG AREA 2023-11-06T03:20:23+00:00 Hilmi Naufal Dewi Ratna Sari Laila Rochmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Ujung Pandang FIC Jayapura Sector is a Flight Information Services unit in class G airspace, serving various kinds of domestic, military and overflying flights. in carrying out their duties, the Aeronautical Communication Officer (ACO) must, of course, serve every aircraft in their territory from the time the aircraft enters its territory until the aircraft leaves its territory. In its service, there are many obstacles such as aircraft entering the airspace of Ujung Pandang FIC Jayapura Sector without carrying out two-way communication or two-way communication, of course this can have an impact and endanger flight safety. This study uses mixed methods, researchers combine quantitative and qualitative data to find out how well the services provided and the causes of not carrying out two-way communication by pilots operating at the Ujung Pandang FIC Jayapura Sector unit. The purpose of this research is to find out the causes and obstacles experienced by aircraft that do not make contact with the Ujung Pandang FIC Jayapura Sector unit. The research was conducted on 30 Aeronautical Communication Officers (ACO) and 3 pilots from different airlines operating in the Ujung Pandang area of FIC Jayapura Sector. The results of the study show that the services provided by the Ujung Pandang FIC Jayapura Sector unit are in accordance with the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) and can be said to provide very good service. On the other hand, interviews conducted with the three pilots showed that the pilots still had difficulty making contact/two-way communication with the Ujung Pandang FIC Jayapura Sector unit so that it could be seen that the cause of the aircraft not making contact/two-way communication was due to limited facilities and telecommunications networks that did not yet reach throughout the Ujung Pandang area of FIC Jayapura Sector.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS PERFOMANCE ADDING V-GROOVE RIBLETS ON FLAP WITH NACA 43018 AIRFOIL 2023-11-06T03:25:11+00:00 Hilmi Ryan Wicaksono Setyo Hariyadi Bambang Bagus Harianto <p><span class="fontstyle0">Research on airfoils is a technological development in the world of aerodynamics. In this study, the analysis of aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils was carried out by simulating air on a test object in the form of NACA 43018 airfoil geometry which was given an extension in the form of riblets with variations in the shape of v-groove and plain wing. The existence of v-groove riblets, can delay the occurrence of separation. In this study, the analysis of aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils was carried out by simulating the air on the test object in the form of NACA 43018 airfoil geometry which was given an extension in the form of riblets with variations in the shape of v-groove and plain wing. The software used is ANSYS R22. Data processing using the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) method. The simulation shows that the highest lift coefficient increase occurs at α = 12˚ with an increase of 2.9% lift coefficient and can reduce drag by 2.4% at α = 10˚ so it can be concluded by adding riblets to the airfoil can improve the performance of the Airfoil.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Planning of Concrete Structure on the Upper Building of Air Traffic Tower with Special Moment Bearing Frame System Method in Pohuwato Airport Project, Gorontalo Province 2023-11-06T03:29:32+00:00 I Gde Wahyu Diyano Aryana Bambang Wasito Karina Meilawati Eka Putri <p><span class="fontstyle0">Currently, the Pohuwato Airport Project does not have plans to build an Air Traffic Tower facility. The Air Traffic Tower facility has an important role in monitoring the security and safety of Air Traffic and Road Traffic when the Pohuwato airport is operating, because this requires an Air Traffic Tower Construction Plan at Pohuwato Airport, Gorontalo Province, which can withstand high earthquake conditions. .</span></p> <p><span class="fontstyle0">Planning for the superstructure of an air traffic tower includes planning of plate, column and beam structures which will later be used for preliminary design planning, structural modeling, structural loading using the Special Moment Resisting Frame System (SRPMK) method using the SAP2000 application, work planning, and calculation of plans Cost Budget (RAB).</span></p> <p><span class="fontstyle0">The preparation of this final project results obtained from the calculation of the structure of the building, namely the main beam reinforcement dimensions 50 x 70 cm, with 10 D 19 flexural reinforcement at positive moments, 12 D 19 flexural reinforcement at negative moments. Reinforcement of joists with dimensions of 20 x 30 cm, with 2 D 13 bending reinforcement at positive moments, 3 D 13 bending reinforcement at negative moments. Floor slab dimensions 300 cm x 300 cm, with 5 D19 flexural reinforcement at positive moments, 7 D19 flexural reinforcement at negative moments. Column dimensions 50 x 50 cm 12 D 19 flexural reinforcement and 2 P 10 – 150 mm stirrup reinforcement. As well as the calculation of the required Budget Plan (RAB) of Rp. 176.330.877.25 (spelled out One Hundred Seventy Six Million Three Hundred Thirty Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Seven point Two Five Rupiah) for a concrete structure project in a building on the construction of a traffic tower.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Analysis ARFF Personel Knowledge In Efforts to Handle Emergencies In Waters 2023-11-06T03:32:22+00:00 I Made Sila Witama Wildan Nugraha <p><span class="fontstyle0">Kualanamu International Airport is one of the aviation service providers with an airport layout within a radius of 5Mile (±8Km) from the airport reference point which includes water areas. Airports are required to ensure the safety of passengers in carrying out airport operations by ensuring that ARFF units have personnel with appropriate qualifications effectively and efficiently in providing services that cover waters. The purpose of this research is to find out how the level of knowledge of sea rescue ARFF personnel and the efforts made by the ARFF unit at Kualanamu International Airport in handling emergencies in the waters. It can be seen from the conditions in the field based on the results of observational data collection, literature studies, and interviews that the knowledge of ARFF personnel related to sea rescue is still relatively low. Furthermore, to analyze the data that has been collected, the author uses Gap Analysis by determining the gaps or gaps that occur in the field. The results of the research based on the data collected by the author show that there is a gap from the current condition to the desired condition according to the applicable regulations, namely the need for a routine training program related to sea rescue for ARFF personnel in an effort to handle emergencies in the waters. The conclusion of this study is that ARFF personnel at Kualaanamu International Airport need to design a training program</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Analysis of the Effect of Temperature Inhibitors on Corrosion Rate and Surface Structure Changes in Metal 2024-T3 2023-11-06T03:34:58+00:00 Ibnu Nasruddin Suyatmo Suyatmo Linda Winiasri <p><span class="fontstyle0">In seaplane design, the float is a component used for take off and landing in water that allows corrosion, in seaplane 172 skyhawk the float material is made of Aluminum 2024-T3. Corrosion is an event that changes the shape of the chemical structure of the metal which is a problem in the aviation industry because it can reduce the strength of the aluminum. The method used is weight loss according to ASTM G31-72 with inhibitor temperatures of 24</span><span class="fontstyle2">℃</span><span class="fontstyle0">, 28</span><span class="fontstyle2">℃</span><span class="fontstyle0">, and 32</span><span class="fontstyle2">℃ </span><span class="fontstyle0">with treatment without rinsing and rinsing every 120 hours, 240 hours, 360 hours, 480 hours and with seawater media that has a NaCl content of 3.5%. The results of this study obtained the corrosion rate of aluminum without rinsing at 24 </span><span class="fontstyle2">℃ </span><span class="fontstyle0">has a corrosion rate of 2.294 mpy, while at 28 </span><span class="fontstyle2">℃ </span><span class="fontstyle0">has a corrosion rate of 2.753 mpy, and at 32 </span><span class="fontstyle2">℃ </span><span class="fontstyle0">has a corrosion rate of 3.212 mpy. Aluminum with rinsing at 24 </span><span class="fontstyle2">℃ </span><span class="fontstyle0">has a corrosion rate of 1.376 mpy, while at 28 </span><span class="fontstyle2">℃ </span><span class="fontstyle0">it has a corrosion rate of 1.835 mpy, and at 32 </span><span class="fontstyle2">℃ </span><span class="fontstyle0">it has a corrosion rate of 2.294 mpy. The rinsing process reduced the corrosion rate by 66%. In seaplane maintenance with an average seawater temperature of 28 </span><span class="fontstyle2">℃ </span><span class="fontstyle0">such as in the Banyuwangi sea, it is better to wash the seaplane float that has been submerged in the sea for a maximum of 120 hours once so that the corrosion rate does not increase, because based on the results of the study that Aluminum placed at 28 </span><span class="fontstyle2">℃ </span><span class="fontstyle0">with treatment rinsed every 120 hours did not increase the corrosion rate.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Flight Information Display System Development Web-Based 2023-11-06T03:37:38+00:00 Immas Wahab Ahmad Musadek Dewi Ratna Sari <p><span class="fontstyle0">Airport services include widespread dissemination of flight information to passengers. The Flight Information Display System (FIDS) is essential, providing passengers with details like flight data, departure gates, destinations, status, directions, origin, estimated gate arrival time, departure and arrival timings, and flight numbers. The purpose of developing this web-based flight information display system is to facilitate passengers in obtaining flight-related information. This application aims to enhance satisfaction, comfort, and accessibility to flight information. The system utilizes sample flight data input by administrators and accessed by passengers via the internet. The design employs UML and development is executed through a CMS. The research methodology employed is Research and Development (R&amp;D), following the Analysis, Design Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF A HYDRAULIC JACK BENCH VISE TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF PRACTICUM IN POLTEKBANG SURABAYA 2023-11-06T03:40:57+00:00 Iriandhika Yoga Pratama Tony Wahyu A Bayu Dwi Cahyo <p><span class="fontstyle0">This research aims to design and develop a clamping tool or vise that uses a hydraulic jack system to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of practicum at Aviation Polytechnic Surabaya. Modifications to this vise aim to shorten processing time, increase safety, and minimize work accidents. Testing of hydraulic jack vise tools is done with two types of tests, namely testing time efficiency and testing the effectiveness of comfort of use. With the conclusion of this study, the hydraulic jack vise tool succeeded in meeting the goals of efficiency and effectiveness of practicum at Poltekbang Surabaya with the average results obtained when clamping around 9.70 seconds and this is 1.58 seconds faster than the conventional vise. Also obtained is the average time generated when opening about 2.07 seconds and this is 0.18 seconds faster and 88% of the 64 respondents who stated this tool was comfortable as indicated by filling out a questionnaire to be used during practicum and help prevent work accidents. This vise modification is expected to be a solution to increase productivity and safety in the machining work process in the aviation world.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-MODUL AERODROME FLIGHT INFORMATION (AFI) PROCEDURE BASED ON LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) 2023-11-06T03:43:28+00:00 Jabez Jeremiah Ezekiel Dewi Ratna Sari <p><span class="fontstyle0">The framework of the Aerodrome Flight Information (AFI) Procedure e-module will be based on the Aerodrome Flight Information (AFI) Procedure Semester Learning Plan of Poltekbang Surabaya. For theoretical and practical references, the e-module will draw from both international and national documents. The result of this research is an Aerodrome Flight Information (AFI) Procedure e-module that can be used for the cadets' learning process in the Aerodrome Flight Information (AFI) Procedure course. The e-module contains learning materials presented through written content, images, audio, and videos. The purpose of this study is to be used and practiced in learning, to add variety in learning and to increase preparation before On the Job Training (OJT).</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGNING EN-ROUTE FLIGHT INFORMATION (EFI) FLIPBOOK 2023-11-06T03:51:38+00:00 Jerlina Wardani Lady Silk Moonlight Ramining Puspitaningsih <p><span class="fontstyle0">En-route Flight Information (EFI) is the main subject of the aeronautical communication study program,but in learning there is no EFI module. The author's goal of this final project is to create a design in the form of an EFI emodule as a reference medium in an interesting and systematic learning optimization process. The e-module is made using flipbook. The number of participants in the product feasibility trial was 20 people, 10 cadets of class 6, 10 flight communication alumnus. The research method uses PIECES testing techniques. This e-module was tested using the Borg &amp; Gall; (1) Potential and problems, (2) Data collection, (3) Product design, (4) Design validation, (5) Design revision, (6) Product trial, (7) Product revision, (8) Trial use , (9) Product revision and (10) dissemination and implementation. The result of this research is an e-module that contains learning material for EFI courses, especially Theory, which is adjusted to the academic syllabus, in which there is material made according to the semester learning plan equipped with pictures and videos, there are mini tests for each chapter, midterm exam questions and semester final exams in the form of multiple choice and true and false, automatic correction of answers that can be used to measure the level of understanding of cadets.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science APRON FLOODLIGHT OF LIGHT INTENSITY ON THE FLIGHT SAFETY OF APRON TERMINAL 1 AT SOEKARNO-HATTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 2023-11-06T03:53:32+00:00 Jokiy Mahendro Wahyudi Saputra Nining Idyaningsih Asep Muhammad Soleh <p><span class="fontstyle0">Based on the current condition, the lighting intensity provided by the existing apron floodlight is insufficient and does not meet the standards or recommended lighting requirements by ICAO for apron lighting, which should be a minimum of 20 lux. The inadequate lighting quality will undoubtedly affect the smooth operation on the apron. Therefore, to improve the quality of service in the apron area, it is essential to have apron floodlights with strong illumination that comply with the established standards. Good research begins with the core problem formulation and setting research goals to be achieved. This research is analyzed using quantitative methods. In the research steps, including determining the research design, it must be based on existing problems and research objectives to be achieved. To use quantitative research more precisely, it is recommended to do field exploration or observation first. A flexible quantitative research design can provide guidance on steps to be taken and describe what will be done in the field. Based on observations during On the Job Training (OJT) at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, during night flights, one of the important things is to ensure that the floodlight apron, part of the airport lighting system (AFL), is active and complies with the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). After data analysis and discussion, using the Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS), it resulted in a conclusion from the research The Effect of Apron Floodlight on Terminal 1 Flight Safety at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is the positive and significant influence of apron floodlight on flight safety at terminal 1 of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The results of the regression analysis obtained, the significant value of influence on the variables of apron floodlight research, so that the existence of an LED type floodlight apron can increase the level of flight safety of terminal 1 Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE AMPHIBIOUS CESSNA 172 SP 2023-11-06T03:55:56+00:00 Josep Maruli Tua Sagala Suyatmo Suyatmo Ade Irfansyah <p><span class="fontstyle0">Amphibious aircraft are aircraft with the ability to take off and land on water, other than on the runway like airplanes in general. This type of aircraft will be one of the transportation options to reach islands throughout Indonesia. Performance is a term used to describe the ability of an aircraft to meet certain limitations that make it useful for a particular purpose. The subject of aircraft performance includes speed, altitude, range and fuel efficiency, required take-off distance, rate of climb and also aircraft control speed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that affect performance on the Cessna 172 SP amphibious aircraft based on weight, analyze the factors that can normalize the performance of the Cessna 172 SP amphibious aircraft to be normal, and analyze the takeoff performance and landing performance on the Cessna 172 SP type amphibious aircraft. The research method used in this research uses the method of observation and literature study, with the stages of data collection followed by processing to get the results of the research analysis. The research results obtained in the study of factors that affect the decrease in the performance of the aircraft are the addition of float which has a weight of 212 kg. The results of the takeoff performance analysis based on the weight of the additional float is that the empty weight of the aircraft has increased from 767 kg to 979 kg, thus affecting the ground roll during takeoff which was originally 931 ft to 1,012 ft. The results of the landing performance analysis based on the weight of the added float is that the empty weight of the aircraft has increased, which was originally 767 kg to 979 kg, thus affecting the landing distance during landing which was originally 605 ft to 612 ft.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science AERODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS BY ADDING U-GROOVE RIBLETS ON FLAPS WITH NACA 43018 AIRFOIL 2023-11-06T03:58:25+00:00 Juanda Lefrant Tonapa Setyo Hariyadi ade Irfansyah <p><span class="fontstyle0">At this time NACA 43018 </span><span class="fontstyle2">airfoil is </span><span class="fontstyle0">only used on the </span><span class="fontstyle2">wing of </span><span class="fontstyle0">ATR 72 aircraft both 500 and 600 series. With the addition of </span><span class="fontstyle2">U-groove riblets </span><span class="fontstyle0">on NACA 43018 </span><span class="fontstyle2">airfoil is </span><span class="fontstyle0">expected to be used in other aircraft. Because with the addition of </span><span class="fontstyle2">Ugroove riblets </span><span class="fontstyle0">that can increase the </span><span class="fontstyle2">coefficient of lift </span><span class="fontstyle0">and decrease the </span><span class="fontstyle2">coefficient of drag </span><span class="fontstyle0">so that it can increase the </span><span class="fontstyle2">performance of the airfoil</span><span class="fontstyle0">. with good </span><span class="fontstyle2">airfoil performance </span><span class="fontstyle0">it will save fuel for the aircraft and can delay separation. In this study, the analysis of aerodynamic characteristics on the airfoil was carried out by simulating the air on the test object in the form of NACA 43018 </span><span class="fontstyle2">airfoil geometry </span><span class="fontstyle0">which was given an </span><span class="fontstyle2">extension in the </span><span class="fontstyle0">form of </span><span class="fontstyle2">riblets </span><span class="fontstyle0">with variations in the shape of </span><span class="fontstyle2">u-groove </span><span class="fontstyle0">and </span><span class="fontstyle2">slotted wing</span><span class="fontstyle0">. The </span><span class="fontstyle2">software </span><span class="fontstyle0">used is ANSYS R22. Data processing using the </span><span class="fontstyle2">Computational Fluid Dynamic </span><span class="fontstyle0">(CFD) method.The results of this study are as follows </span><span class="fontstyle3"></span><span class="fontstyle0">, </span><span class="fontstyle3"></span><span class="fontstyle3"> </span><span class="fontstyle0">an</span><span class="fontstyle2">d </span><span class="fontstyle3"></span><span class="fontstyle0">/</span><span class="fontstyle3"></span><span class="fontstyle3"> </span><span class="fontstyle0">The results of this study show that the addition of </span><span class="fontstyle2">U-groove riblets </span><span class="fontstyle0">helps improve the </span><span class="fontstyle2">aerodynamic </span><span class="fontstyle0">performance of the NACA 43018 </span><span class="fontstyle2">airfoil flap</span><span class="fontstyle0">. With an average percentage increase </span><span class="fontstyle3"> </span><span class="fontstyle0">of all </span><span class="fontstyle2">angles of attack </span><span class="fontstyle0">given is 2% and the average percentage of decrease </span><span class="fontstyle3"></span><span class="fontstyle3"> </span><span class="fontstyle0">of all angles of </span><span class="fontstyle2">attack </span><span class="fontstyle0">given is 9%</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT) DESIGN IN RUNWAY EDGE LIGHT TROUBLESHOOTING MONITORING SYSTEM USING THE BLYNK APPLICATION NODEMCU ESP 8266 BASED SMARTPHONES 2023-11-06T04:02:12+00:00 Kevin Pandu Pratama Slamet Hariyadi Ahmad Kosasih <p><span class="fontstyle0">IoT or Internet of Think is a concept to expand the benefits of always- connected internet connectivity. Among them are the ability to share data and remote monitoring. One of its applications is used to monitor data on Runway Edge Light. Runway Edge Light is one of the equipment in the Airfield Lighting System (ALS), namely in the form of lights that are on either side of the runway along the runway at the airport. This final project aims to innovate a tool based on making it easier for technicians to monitor trouble source locations or where there are problems with runway edge lights at airports, because of the long distance and the number of lights along the runway at each airport which will be very time-consuming if it has to be investigated one by one when a problem occurs that causes the equipmentto work less than optimally. This final project uses the NodeMCU ESP 8266 as its microcontroller, the data taken from the detection of the failure value of the lamp uses the Pzem-004t current sensor to detect current and the BH1750 light sensor to detect the lumen value of the lamp will then be processed first by NodeMCU ESP 8266 before being sent to the blynk webserver. NodeMCU ESP 8266 sends data to the blynk webserver through the help of a wifi signal. Then the blynk application on the smartphone will display monitoring data from the sensor readings sent by NodeMCU ESP 8266. The research results of this tool only show monitoring the status of the lights on or off from the runway edge light prototype and the lumen on the runway edge light prototype which can be monitored using a smartphone with the help of the blynk application so that with this innovation if implemented it will help technicians' performance become faster and more efficient. According to system testing, the interface on the smartphone can read the status of the runway edge light on or off during operation along with its lumen value.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science The Impact of Aviobridge Facility on Flight Security, Safety, and Comfort 2023-11-06T04:05:31+00:00 Kimas Abdillah Yoga Trenggono Ahmad Musadek Meita Maharani Sukma <p><span class="fontstyle0">Aviobridge is a facility used for passengers as a liaison between the departure/arrival terminal building for passengers and airplanes. Therefore, the Apron Movement Control (AMC) that provides aerobridges can facilitate the process of getting on and off passengers from airplanes while still paying attention to the security and safety of flight operations, so that using aviobridge is effective and makes passengers comfortable with the available aviobridge facilities. Broadly speaking, the purpose of this research is to look deeper into aerobridged facilities in providing security, safety, and flight comfort at Lampung Radin Inten II International Airport. This research uses quantitative methods with a description of the situation that occurs directly in the object of research. Data was obtained from direct observation, literature review, and distributing questionnaires to passengers totaling 50 respondents. The results of the calculations that have been done by the author use the Likert scale and are tested with validity tests, reliability tests, and correlation tests. The results obtained from this study that according to data that have been processed show that this aerobridged facility can provide security, safety, and comfort on flights at Lampung Radin Inten II International Airport. This is evidenced by validity tests, reliability tests, and correlation tests that have positive results that indicate that aerobridged facilities and flight security, safety, and comfort have a relationship.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Flops Laboratory Practice Facility towards Cadet’s Flight Plan Navigation Course Performance 2023-11-06T04:08:13+00:00 Kuny Ilya Himmah m Maharani Sukma Lusiana Dewi Kusumayati <p><span class="fontstyle0">One of the laboratories to support learning activities in the Air Transportation Management Study program at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic is the Flops Laboratory. The use of laboratories that are less than optimal due to the incompleteness of the available practical facilities can affect the academic abilities of cadets. This study has the objectives of (1) the current condition of the Flops Laboratory practice facilities (2) The value of the academic ability of Air Transportation Management cadets in the Aviation Navigation Planning Course to know (3) to determine the effect of flops laboratory practice facilities on the academic abilities of cadets in planning courses flight navigation reviewed from the results of the final exam assessment. This research is quantitative. The population in this study were cadets of Air Transportation Management batches VI and VII with observation data collection methods, questionnaires and documentation and interviews. The results of this study is (1) The condition of the Flops Laboratory practice facilities was still not in accordance with the Flops Laboratory standards and the actual Flops room (2) The value of academic ability for Cadets in the Flight Navigation Planning course has a sufficient category of 90% in the range 70 - 79 (3) The result of T test it has a significant value of 0.000 &lt;0.005 which means there is an influence from the Flops Laboratory practice facility on Cadets Academic Ability Flight Navigation Planning Course. Based on the results of the simple regression test, a result of 0.622 or equal to 62.2% was obtained.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DETECTION TOOL FOR UNDERGROUND CABLE LINES AND CONNECTIONS IN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS BASED ON RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID) 2023-11-06T04:11:17+00:00 Lindu Adji Ramadhani Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko Setyo Hariyadi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Medium Voltage Cable Channels is one construction used by airports in distributing medium voltage electricity. The ground cable connection is a point that often experiences interference. In the use of this construction, Electical Technician has a major problem, including the absence of an medium voltage cable channels lane map. So that need a long time in the process of finding connections that experience interference. The unresolved problems have caused efficiency and optimization of handling disturbances in networks with low medium voltage cable channels construction. This Final Project aims to provide innovation for PLN in resolving these problems using the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system. In its application, this tool can be combined with equipment that has been used in the search process for the location of the connection that has a disturbance, namely the Reflectometer and Amplifier. This system utilizes electromagnetic waves produced by RFID Reader that will be received by RFID tags that are buried in the ground. In its application, This tool is capable of reading distances with a maximum depth of 30 centimeters in the ground.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PROTOTYPE POWER HOUSE SECURITY SYSTEM USING FACE IDENTIFICATION AND MICROCONTROLLER-BASED VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION 2023-11-06T04:16:02+00:00 Lintang Aulia Firmanda Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko Setyo Hariyadi <p><span class="fontstyle0">The rapid development of technology has had an impact on the power house area which has become an important place in various places. In general, power houses are needed in office areas, shopping centers and airports. A place like a power house is a place with a lot of equipment, a lot of tools at quite expensive prices. But usually the security in the power house only uses a key or RFID to enter the area. This method is considered less effective because the level of security is low and prone to damage. In this study, the topic studied was a power house security system using face detection and vehicle detection. This study aims to maintain security at the airport power house. This tool is designed using Webcam to function as input to identify the user and vehicle number plate, then send the response to Arduino Uno as a microcontroller. There is an infrared sensor for detecting the entry and exit of vehicles. The name of the power house officer and the license plate of the vehicle will appear on the LCD screen display. The servo functions as an entry bar opener, the servo can be opened if the user can be recognized. The prototype functions well as a security system in an airport power house where the security of this system identifies the faces of power house officer with a high degree of accuracy. In addition, this prototype can also detect vehicle license plates. After testing, it means that to detect 1 face and 1 plate it takes approximately 5 seconds after which the bar will open. When exiting or closing the gate it only takes 1 second because when a vehicle passes the sensor, the barrier will automatically open.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Need Analysis For Developing Aerodrome Flight Information (AFI) Procedure 2023-11-06T04:18:56+00:00 Lutfi Assagaf Lady Silk Moonlight Ramining Puspitaningsih <p><span class="fontstyle0">The growth of air traffic in Indonesia from year to year is increasing, at this time the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transportation began implementing flight navigation procedures in the form of Remote Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS), Traffic Information Broadcasts By Aircraft (TIBA) and flight watch which is done so that there are no more blank spots in certain areas that are not reached. With the absence of material in the form of Remote AFIS, TIBA and flight watch in the Aerodrome Flight Information (AFI) Procedure course curriculum, it can be concluded to be able to develop the Aerodrome Flight Information (AFI) Procedure course curriculum learning by utilizing technological knowledge on the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya LMS. With the aim of supporting the readiness of cadets in carrying out on the job training, it is hoped that cadets can carry out on the job training optimally. In this study using the type of applied research using the Research and Development approach method with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development or Production, Implementation or Delivery and Evaluations) using quantitative data analysis techniques with questionnaire testing techniques with the PIECES solution framework and Checklist which are analyzed using a Likert scale. The result of this research is an emodule using Hyzine Flipbook software which is implemented on the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya LMS. With the feasibility of the Material Expert 96.6% and the results of the Media Expert 95% with the meaning is "very good," and the e-module response from the 6th batch of Aeronautical Communication Diploma 3 cadets and several Aeronautical Communication Alumni obtained a percentage of 90.8% with the conclusion that the e-module was "very good"</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Prototype Engine Fire Protection System berbasis Microcontroller Arduino Uno 2023-11-06T04:21:01+00:00 M. Ade Lucky Saputra Gunawan Sakti <p><span class="fontstyle0">The engine is part of the aircraft as a generator of thrust and a source of power for systems on the aircraft such as electricity and pneumatics. Seeing the density of components and systems installed on the engine, this makes the engine a zone that is considered a potential fire. In the hangar of the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic, there are several shortcomings of props to support the learning of aircraft system material, one of which is about engine fire protection, from previous research there are learning tools but they are still incomplete in their perceptions. Complementing previous research that is still not suitable, especially in the extinguisher system section, and to help improve the quality of learning in the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic hangar with data analysis carried out by giving a questionnaire form sheet to cadets who participate in prop testing techniques. It is hoped that the design of this tool can facilitate understanding in learning about fire protection, and can complement the shortcomings of previous research. The research of the arduino uno microcontroller-based engine fire protection system props was obtained from comparing&nbsp; the data obtained in the test results related to the effect of using props as a learning tool. For quantitative data calculation using the formula mean / average value given between learning that uses teaching aids and those that do not use teaching aids. The comparison results used are the absorption of understanding of aircraft system material, especially on engine fire protection system material when using props or practie doing is more effective by getting an average value of 8.21 compared to learning by not using props or only visually getting an average value of 7.1.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science A SOCIALIZATION METHOD FOR INCREASING DANGEROUS GOODS KNOWLEDGE OF PASSENGER 2023-11-06T06:10:57+00:00 M. Hafid Rifansyah Firstyadi Setyo Hariyadi Fatmawati Fatmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan is one of the airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura 1. At this airport there are 2 sides, namely the airside and landside, on the landside there are security facilities Security Check Point. This study aims to determine how high the understanding of passengers about dangerous goods on flight safety. This study used a quantitative descriptive method and data collection was obtained from observations and questionnaires. The number of respondents in this study involved 30 passengers and 30 aviation security officers at Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan airport, Balikpapan. Questionnaire data retrieval was carried out via Google form with the distribution of 1 (one) google form for passengers and 1 (one) google form for officers. aviation security. Then the data is processed using the SPSS application to obtain valid and consistent results as well as obtain correlations from the X and Y variables and perform manual calculations as a comparison of the results. From the results of the distribution to respondents, it can be concluded that these results have a very strong correlation between the X variable with a value of 0.731 and the Y variable with a value of 0.757 obtained from calculations using the SPSS system, from the results of these calculations the result is that passengers' understanding of dangerous goods influences on flight safety. This quantitative descriptive research procedure refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 32 of 2022. Concerning dangerous goods. The results of the research that has been carried out state that there are still passengers who do not have sufficient understanding about dangerous goods before taking a flight.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE INFLUENCE OF FOREIGN OBJECT DEBRIS (FOD) HANDLING ON FLIGHT SAFETY IN THE APRON AREA BY APRON MOVEMENT CONTROL (AMC) OFFICERS 2023-11-06T06:19:13+00:00 M. Satriatama Gilang Ramadhan Prasetyo Iswahyudi Ahmad Musadek <p><span class="fontstyle0">Apron Movement Control (AMC) is a unit found at the airport that has the responsibility to oversee all movements on the apron. Therefore the task of an AMC unit employee is to inspect the airside area to ensure that there is no Foreign Object Debris (FOD) so that flight safety is carried out at Radin Inten II International Airport Lampung. The objective of this study is to investigate whether the management of FOD by AMC officers has an impact or not to flight safety at Radin Inten II International Airport Lampung This is because FOD is still found in the airport apron area which even has an impact on flight delays at the airport. The hypothesis of this study is that the handling of FOD by AMC officers in the Apron area has an influence or not on flight safety at Radin Inten II International Airport Lampung. The research method used is quantitative. Determination of the sample was taken from the total population of 30 people consisting of AMC officers, PKP-PK officers, as well as building and runway officers. The data Approach for collecting data utilized a Likert scale questionnaire which was distributed to the sample and then the data was processed using a regression analysis test and a correlation test which previously carried out analysis prerequisite tests including validity evaluations, reliability tests and normality tests using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) application. Thus, based on the findings of the several tests above, one can ascertain that FOD handling by AMC officers in the Apron area can have an impact on flight safety at Radin Inten II International Airport, Lampung. Of course by implementing various ways to improve flight safety, for example by rearranging the shifts of AMC officers on the morning and afternoon shifts and providing special FOD bins.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF A MODIFIED FUEL PUMP BASED ON A DC DYNAMO AS AN AIRCRAFT REFUELING TOOL IN THE HANGAR OF THE SURABAYA AVIATION POLYTECHNIC 2023-11-06T06:22:35+00:00 Cholik Setijono Marcelo Fernando F. R. Ajeng Wulansari <p><span class="fontstyle0">The DC dynamo-based fuel pump on the refueling tool is a practical activity that has been carried out in the AMTO 147 D-010 hangar at Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. Refueling procedures on training aircraft that have been carried out, especially on Cessna and TBM aircraft, there is one problem that must be resolved immediately, namely the ineffectiveness and inefficiency of the fuel pump tool used during refueling. Because it still uses manual or still uses human labor. The method used in making the design of the fuel pump tool on the electric refueling tool is with a fuel pump or pump as a tool during refueling activities. So it is hoped that with this the cadets can find out refueling learning and activities before the run up of the aircraft can easily find out the amount of fuel the aircraft needs. The result of the design of the fuel pump tool on electric refueling by using a fuel pump tool is that cadets can carry out refueling activities for Cessna and TBM aircraft easily and can speed up the refueling needed and cadets avoid other human errors.</span> </p> 2023-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACE PRIMARY FLIGHT CONTROL TOOLS FOR CESSNA 172 AS LEARNING MEDIA IN POLYTECHNIC AVIATION ACADEMIC SURABAYA 2023-11-06T06:24:50+00:00 Binsar Siahaan Matthew Juliantara Suyatmo Suyatmo <p><span class="fontstyle0">The purpose of designing this final project is for teaching aids and modeling the workings of Primary Flight Control in the form of simulations that make it easier for cadets and in learning about Primary Flight Control, especially in Primary Flight Control props which demonstrate Primary Flight Control and can be visualized with 3 axis axis movement and portable. With the method of visualizing the 3 axis axis movement in real terms, this makes cadets understand more about the movement of the aircraft from the movement of the axis directly in the movement by Radio Control. This research uses several methods, namely data collection, problem identification. This props uses wood, polyfoam, wire. The technique of making tools to assemble the aircraft is to use gluing techniques and for the stand using nailing techniques and adding glue to strengthen the structure of the props stand. The design which has the aim as a learning media support tool for cadets at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic campus, especially in basic Primary Flight Control learning. The results of making optimal props are then made in the form of a prototype as an analysis material for comparison between the simulation of design work tools carried out in the Radio Control-based Primary Flight Control design process. The system of the trainer uses Radio control as the main controller and tools supported by other components such as Servo, Esc, Battery, and which can control Primary Flight Control.</span> </p> 2023-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EFFECTIVENESS LECTURERS' KNOWLEDGE IN CLASSROOM LEARNING 2023-11-06T06:27:46+00:00 Meita Maharani Sukma Fatmawati Fatmawati Laila Rochmawati Iwansyah Putra Lusiana Dewi Kusumayati <p><span class="fontstyle0">The Implementation of Effectiveness lecturers knowledge is important in classroom learning, the goal of this research was to examine how lecturers' knowledge was used to English language instruction in the classroom. Knowing how the practices and the expertise of the presenters related to one another was also important. Using a qualitative case study approach, this study was created. A checklist for observation and an interview were used to collect the data. Eight English lecturers served as the main subjects, with their cadets serving as auxiliary topics. The interactive model proposed by Miles and Huberman was used to examine the results. The statistics showed that the participants' understanding of the classroom varied; one had sufficient knowledge, another demonstrated an average performance, and the other two were developing. Two lecturers demonstrated great classroom management during their practice sessions, whereas the other two put forth just mediocre effort. There were three groups of lecturers for the correspondence, with the first group having sufficient knowledge and applying it simultaneously, the second having average knowledge but applying it more skillfully, and the third having emerging knowledge and applying it in a way that is likely to be consistent with their knowledge in the classroom</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science FEASIBILITY TEST OF AN RTL-SDR BASED DIGITAL MODULATION TRAINER IN A GUIDED INQUIRY LEARNING MODEL 2023-11-06T06:30:25+00:00 Moch. Rifai Yuyun Suprapto Bambang Bagus Harianto <p><span class="fontstyle0">Utilization technology software defined radio with the aim of maximizing hardware to build a softwarebased radio need balanced with readiness institution education in build curriculum, syllabus and tool adequate practice. This Study aim get digital modulation practice tool or trainer based on RTL-SDR for cadet with a guided inquiry learning model and know the feasibility of trainer. With a research model development that follows Thiagarajan's 4D rules and product feasibility testing study use questionnaire material experts , media experts, and trained cadets on the Mardapi’s scale The trainer obtained a feasibility score of 85.2 which means very worthy used.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PROTOTYPE OF CONTROL AND MONITORING OF LAMP CONDITION, LUMEN AND BOX ANGLE PRECISION APPROACH PATH INDICATOR (PAPI) BASED ON GSM 2023-11-06T06:34:16+00:00 Mochammad Faisol Hidayat Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko Bambang Junipitoyo <p><span class="fontstyle0">Precission Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) is one of the visual aircraft landing aids in the form of lighting lamps that function to assist aviators when landing on the runway in order to land efficiently and safely. Precission Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) has an important role during the aircraft landing process, so a control and monitoring system is needed as an alternative way or another option in monitoring the condition, lumen and angle of the Precission Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) lamp. This research prototype uses the Arduino Mega microcontroller as data processing obtained from the ACS712 current sensor which detects whether or not the lamp is on the Precission Approach Path Indicator (PAPI), the BH1750 lumen sensor detects if the PAPI lamp has decreased light intensity past its minimum limit, and the MPU6050 angle sensor which detects if there is a change in the angle of the Precission Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) box and later the GSM SIM800L will send an SMS message to the technician's cellphone that a problem has occurred. This tool can also control the disconnection or connection of PAPI lights via SMS commands. The results of research on this prototype tool control system can work to turn on or turn off PAPI lights only by sending SMS messages via cellphone with an average delay time of 2 seconds after the message is sent. The monitoring system can also work well, namely when a trouble maker is carried out on each sensor, the cellphone receives an SMS message by displaying the sequence of PAPI lights that are experiencing problems. With the results of this research, it is hoped that technicians can be helped and flight operations can run well</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science A Qualitative Study The Optimalization Of Pick UpZone Area 2023-11-06T06:36:30+00:00 Moh Defri Adityo Sudrajat Sudrajat Wasito Utomo <p><span class="fontstyle0">Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan is one of the airports managed by PT Angkasa Pura I. At this airport there are 2 sides, namely landside (land side) and airside (air side), on the landside (land side) there are pick up zone area facilities at the arrival terminal. This study aims to determine the correlation between variable X and variable Y by using a type of qualitative descriptive research, namely whether the pick up zone area at the arrival terminal has been optimized and in accordance with applicable rules. So from this description, the researcher took the title "Optimization of the pick up zone area at the arrival terminal to break down congestion at Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan" The formulation of the problem in this study is how to break down congestion and how to optimize the pick up zone area at the arrival terminal at Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan. With data collection methods in the form of observations, interviews, questionnaires, and conducting literature studies and documenting research objects. In the results of the study, the level of correlation between variable X and variable Y was 0.9, which is a very high, very strong, reliable correlation. Then it can be concluded that there is a need for optimization in the arrival terminal pick up zone area by returning the configuration of lane use according to the rules and utilizing empty areas in the pick up zone as a step to minimize the level of congestion at Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Optimization of Pc-200 Excavator Productivity in Runway Excavation Work at Sta 0+000 - 0+700 Pohuwato Airport Development Gorontalo 2023-11-06T06:39:13+00:00 Mohammad Aldam Apriyansah Linda Winiasri Wiwid Suryono <p><span class="fontstyle0">The implementation of the Pohuwato Airport construction project on excavation work requires heavy equipment Excavator to excavate the Runway body which will be installed geotextile. The purpose of using this heavy equipment is to facilitate work and streamline work time. The selection of heavy equipment must be carried out carefully and precisely so that the effectiveness in its use is optimal, and costs and time can be adjusted. This research was conducted at the construction of the Pohuwato airport in Imbodu village, Randangan sub-district, Pohuwato district, Gorontalo province, in this study using several alternative experiments to find the efficient value of implementation time and operational costs. This study uses several research methods, namely the productivity test of tools and field observations. Based on the calculation of the results of productivity analysis, it is found that alternative 3 is the most efficient result with working hours of 10 hours, using 6 units of excavators capable of producing 1,296 m³ per day with a total operational cost of Rp.14,873,200 per day. per day, alternative 3 is able to complete work with a volume of 56000 m³ for 43 days or 6 weeks, faster than field conditions with 2 excavator units can be completed for 108 days at a total cost of Rp. 8,247,840, while in alternative 1 using 3 excavator units can complete for 72 days at a total cost of Rp. 10,647,840, in alternative 2 using 3 excavator units can complete for 72 days at a total cost of Rp. 10,647,840. on alternative 2 using 3 units of excavators can complete for 96 days with a total cost per day of Rp. 7,985,880.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-MODULES FOR CARGO MANAGEMENT COURSES 2023-11-06T06:41:44+00:00 Mokhammad Alfian Deva Yusriyanto Lady Silk Moonlight Fatmawati Fatmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya is a vocational education institution that organizes training in the aviation industry. One of the competencies of this educational institution is commodity management. In the Air Transportation Management Study Program lectures, there is a Freight Forwarding course. With the convenience of internet access, theSurabaya Aviation Polytechnic needs to provide interesting and effective learning media as a teaching tool for cadets and participants of the D3 Air Transportation Management degree program at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. Thepurpose of this development study is to find out the process of development, feasibility and response to the learning environment based on electronic modules for cadets and lecturers in the Cargo Management Department of Air Transportation Management Diploma 3 study program and to produce learning media in the form of e-Module in the form of videos using Canva for the preparation of material and uploaded via Learning Management System (LMS) Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. By using ADDIE Model with five stages of development Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. This study uses a questionnaire with the media Google Form which is testedusing Likert scale. From the results of the Air Transportation Management Cadets response test regarding e-Module Cargo Management reaches 83.55% in the very good category and can be used to help cadets and training participants learn. Validation results stated e-Module Management Cargo from instructors or media experts get 90.63% in a very good category for further use.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design of Mobile Line Follower Robot as a Helper in Carrying Goods at Poltekbang Surabaya 2023-11-06T06:43:50+00:00 Eko Setijono Muchamad Andhika Suryadi Ajeng Wulansari <p><span class="fontstyle0">A line follower robot is a robot that is able to walk automatically following the line that has been made as the path it will follow. The advancement of robot technology is very rapid, starting from airplane autopilots using robots, cars using robots, to household appliances using robot systems, therefore this robot technology if applied to carry parts in the AMTO hangar of the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic will make it easier to carry something by saving time and energy to be efficient in doing work. The research method used is a qualitative method using observation which consists of several stages including problem identification, data collection, tool design, tool design and tool testing. The results of this study are that the robot can walk along the line when the robot is out of line or has arrived at the robot stop, it will give a signal in the form of a sound through a buzzer. When the ultrasonic sensor of the robot detects an object blocking in front of it, the robot will stop moving, the buzzer will make a sound as a signal that the robot is blocked until the blocking object is gone then the robot moves again. The robot is able to carry loads up to 10 Kg with the time taken getting longer when the load carried is heavier and able to carry a load of 20 Kg when the robot runs on a straight path. it can be concluded that the mobile line follower robot tool made works according to what was planned.</span></p> 2023-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE EFFECT OF INCREASING FLIGHT TICKET PRICES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE NUMBER OF PASSENGERS 2023-11-06T06:46:22+00:00 Muhammad Haikal Rizkyandaru Prasetyo Iswahyudi Anton Budiarto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The research we conducted was motivated by the author's observations about the increase in airline ticket prices in 2020 to 2022 during the Covid-19 pandemic. Changes in air ticket prices cause the level of development of airline service users to fluctuate. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the increase in the selling price of airline tickets has a significant impact on the interest of airline service users. The data collection methods used are observation, questionnaires and literature studies. The object of this research is flight service users at Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado. The independent variable is the ticket price while the dependent variable is the number of passengers. The analysis method of this study uses a Likert scale then calculated the total score and index%. The stages of quantitative analysis are validity and reliability tests. This research instrument is a calculation using a linear regression formula. Based on the results show that ticket prices have a significant effect on reducing the number of passengers at Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado. Ticket prices are a variable that affects the decrease in passenger numbers by 50.7% based on regression analysis.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science IOT-BASED THREE PHASE LOAD IMBALANCE MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM USING BLYNK APPLICATION WITH MICRO SD DATA LOGGER 2023-11-06T06:50:09+00:00 Muhammad Hashfi Hafizh Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko Bambang Junipitoyo <p><span class="fontstyle0">Electricity is needed for daily life such as technology needed for humans to carry out their activities, for example communication technology, transportation, and others. Therefore, electricity is an important thing to support the progress of an area, so that the smooth distribution of electricity is expected to always be optimal and as little as possible to avoid disturbances that can hinder the continuity of electricity distribution. one of the disturbances that commonly occur is load imbalance. Load imbalance is a disturbance that often occurs due to uneven load placement on each phase, this can cause current to flow on the neutral conductor. The requirement to be said to be balanced is when the three current or voltage vectors are equal and the three vectors form an angle of 120⁰ to each other. Based on IEEE 446 - 1995 standardization regarding Power Quality, load imbalance is only allowed to be 5-20% and according to IEC and ANSI that the tolerable load imbalance value is 5%. The results of the research that has been done show the results of the PZEM-004T sensor reading of voltage and current are functioning properly when compared to a multimeter measuring instrument. The data generated from the PZEM-004T sensor readings can be stored in the micro sd data logger in text format. The control system on this tool when tested with an unbalanced load on each phase takes approximately 3 seconds to disconnect the current to the load and takes less than 1 second to reconnect the current to the load. The reading results of current, voltage, and load imbalance can be seen on the LCD installed on the device and can be seen in the Blynk application. With the results of research on this tool is expected to facilitate technicians in monitoring load imbalance anywhere and anytime.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES (AIS) E-MODULE BASED ON CANVA 2023-11-06T07:02:30+00:00 Muhammad Hijrah Islah Ummah Lady Silk Moonlight Ramining Puspitaningsih <p><span class="fontstyle0">The author's goal in this final project is to design and create AIS e-modules as new interesting and innovative learning media that can help in AIS learning. For expert validation and media validation using PIECES method. This E-Module is designed using the Waterfall method; (1) Needs Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Preparation, (4) Testing, (5) Maintenance. The result of this research is an e-module that contains Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) course material that has been adapted to the academic syllabus, which contains teaching materials in the form of flipbooks and mastery tests on each topic, pictures and videos, midterm and final semester exam work questions in the form of multiple choices. The result from the expert validator and media validator is that the material and the display of the E-Module are valid and understandable. Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) E-Module also approved by the respondents with a test presentation of 93%, which means that the respondents strongly agreed with the E-Module.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-Aviation Basic Enroute Flight Information Surveillance Using CRAP Method 2023-11-06T07:05:21+00:00 Muhammad Iqbal Lady Silk Moonlight Ramining Puspitaningsih <p><span class="fontstyle0">Enroute Flight Information Surveillance is driving the plane when traveling to Uncontrolled Airspace Class G with the help of a radar that appears passing by Air Situation Display. The focus of this research is to create E-Module interesting and innovative..E-Module was designed with the CRAP stage method (Curriculum, Review, Analyze, Polish). Existing material will be formed into flipbooks and can be accessed through the Learning Management System. The number of participants is N = 30 to test the feasibility of the E-Module. The aim of this research is to design and develop an E-aviation basic enroute flight information surveillance module. The results of the validity test have been declared valid and the value reliability test Cronbach’s Alpha with the number 0.860 which is included in the very good category from material and media expert validators. From the results of research conducted it can be concluded that E-Module Basic EFI Surveillance suitable for use as a training reference.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ASA APPLICATION (ARFF SMART APPLICATION) AS LEARNING MEDIA TO IMPROVE THE COMPETENCE OF ARFF PERSONNEL 2023-11-06T07:07:12+00:00 Muhammad Iqbal Dwi Saputra Sukahir Sukahir Parjan Parjan Direstu Amalia Wildan Nugraha <p><span class="fontstyle0">The ARFF unit is responsible for incidents and accidents at the airport and its surroundings. They have skills such as the use of fire extinguishers, safety equipment operation, and evacuation measures. This preparedness is enhanced through the ARFF Smart Application (ASA) to improve ARFF learning competencies at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport. The research used a waterfall research and development (R&amp;D) model with observation as the data collection method. Development involves communication, planning, modeling, construction, and implementation stages. Validation was conducted with a questionnaire according to ISO 25010, measuring the functionality, usability, compatibility, and performance efficiency of the application. Functionality testing involved six testers (3 media experts and 3 material experts), with 92% of the results showing excellent quality. Usability testing involved 37 users with an excellent 95.40% rating in ease of use, learning, and satisfaction. Application compatibility was tested on various Android devices. Performance efficiency testing showed efficient performance in execution time, CPU usage, and memory. ARFF Smart Application fulfills all four aspects of the ISO 25010 standard with an assessment of "very feasible" and is suitable for use in learning by personnel in classroom activities.</span> </p> 2023-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-MODULE FOR BASIC COMMUNICATION NAVIGATION AND SURVEILLANCE (CNS) 2023-11-06T07:10:11+00:00 Muhammad Khoiruman Fadilah Fatmawati Fatmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Basic Communication Navigation and Surveillance is one of the courses in the Aviation Communication program. Basic CNS covers the technology that forms the infrastructure for managing and ensuring safe and efficient air traffic. The objective of this final project is to design and create an e-module for Basic CNS as a new, innovative, and engaging learning media to assist in teaching Basic CNS. The e-module will be implemented into the existing Learning Management System at Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya. The research method used is qualitative descriptive, with data collected through interviews, researcher's notes, and documentation. The e-module is designed using the ASSURE development method, which includes analyzing learner characteristics, stating objectives, selecting, modifying or designing media, utilizing media, requiring learner responses, and evaluating. The result of this research is an e-module that contains the materials for the Basic Communication Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) course, aligned with the academic syllabus. It includes flipbook-style teaching materials with images, videos, audios, midterm and final exam questions. Each question can be used to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the subject matter</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PERSONEL OPERATOR AVIOBRIDGE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS ON ON-TIME PERFORMANCE AT I GUSTI NGURAH RAI BALI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 2023-11-06T07:13:04+00:00 Muhammad Rafii Rabbani Muhammad Syahrul Munir Nining Idyaningsih Yeti Komalasari <p><span class="fontstyle0">This research was conducted to determine the performance of personnel operating aviobridges concerning on-time performance at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali International Airport. I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali International Airport is one of the airports in Indonesia with a considerable number of flights, especially international ones, making it a significant reflection of aviation in the country. This study employed a quantitative descriptive method with a hypothesis testing approach and determination test, using data collection techniques such as observation and questionnaires. The results of this study revealed a positive influence of personnel operator aviobridge performance on on-time performance, with a significance value of the relationship between personnel performance and on-time performance being 0.000 &lt; 0.05. The strong impact of personnel operator aviobridge performance on on-time performance was measured at 60.8%, as obtained from the R-square value in the determination test, while 39.2% was influenced by other aspects not examined in this research</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design and Build of Modification of Fuel Flow as a Tool for Aircraft Refueling in the Hangar of the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya 2023-11-06T07:15:14+00:00 Cholik Setijono Muhammad Sayidul Aziz Ajeng Wulansari <p><span class="fontstyle0">This plan is motivated by the results of observations regarding the teaching and learning process for Cadets of the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic, during the run-up and refueling practicum processes. This tool is planned to overcome the inefficiency of the refueling equipment in the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic hangar, because when cadets do refueling it is not accurate to calculate the fuel that has entered the plane. In making this tool, applying microcontroller technology to a flow meter with a digital display by utilizing Arduino as a fuel flow measurement controller and for a flow meter sensor which functions to calculate the flow of fuel flowing through the tool, the results of the fuel meter measurements are then processed by Arduino which has been Fill in the program then the results are displayed on the LCD display.</span> </p> 2023-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE LOCA OPTIMIZATION OF FLIGHT PLAN DELIVERY IN KOTABARU UNIT LPPNPI PERUM 2023-11-06T07:17:45+00:00 Muhammad Syahnan Syah Ammar Fatmawati Fatmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">This final project describes the constraints faced by the author regarding the LOCA between the ATS RO unit and Wings Abadi Airlines regarding the delivery of the flight plan at Perum LPPNPI Kotabaru Unit. The absence of submitting flight plans using the Web Based Flight plan method resulted in a less than optimal process for submitting flight plans at the ATS RO unit, which resulted in flight delays. The research method used by the author is descriptive qualitative, data collection methods are in the form of observations and interviews regarding obstacles in sending flight plans which are still manual and according to researchers it is necessary to conduct a LOCA review to deal with them. The results of this study indicate that the LOCA between the ATS RO unit and the Airlines Operator at Perum LPPNPI Kotabaru Unit is not optimal, especially in the delivery of flight plans, so a review is needed by adding points containing regulations in the form of coordination steps related to this matter. problem into an existing LOCA. with the aim that flight plan delivery can be more optimal so that flight plan delivery is more efficient. and the results of this study the researcher reviewed the contents of the location between the ats reporting office and wings abardi airlines by adding points about flight plan delays with the aim that flight plan delivery could be more optimal</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF A COMBUSTION SIMULATION TOOL IN AN ANNULAR CAN TYPE COMBUSTION CHAMBER AS A LEARNING SUPPORT AT THE SURABAYA AVIATION POLYTECHNIC 2023-11-06T07:20:20+00:00 Muhammad Wahyu Aditya <p><span class="fontstyle0">In gas turbine engines there is a combustion system in the combustion chamber with an annular can typein the engine shop of the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. Gas Turbine Engines, especially in the combustion system inthe combustion chamber of the annular can type, are not enough if discussed only in theory, but must also be studied directly through practicum such as the implementation of making Combustion Chamber Simulator with annular can type. This research aims to make a tool by designing a design that is slightly the same as a description of the Combustion Chamber combustion system and supports teaching and learning activities at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. This research uses a qualitative research method by explaining the process of designing a tool, starting with problem identification, data collection, tool design, tool making, tool testing, testing data, then conclusions can bedrawn after getting test results.The design of this tool is designed using stainless steel, because this design requires materials that are not easily corroded for long-term use. This design uses welding and drilling techniques to make the holes listed on the tooldesign. The results of the design of the can annular combustion chamber simulation wake-up tool are obtained by burning evenly with the time difference tested by several respondents obtained an average of 72.6 seconds from the results of tests conducted by several respondents in the percentage that is the working tool, it works well to produce even combustion in the noozle stove.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF MICROCONTROLLER-BASED CUBICLE SUBSTATION CONTROL AND MONITORINGSYSTEM USING LORA MODULE AT THE AIRPORT 2023-11-06T07:23:08+00:00 Muhammad Zidan Nasikh Prasetyo Iswahyudi Laila Rochmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">The cubicle is one of the power distribution devices that acts as an input from a voltage source that will be distributed to all airport loads. Currently, cubicle monitoring at airports in Indonesia is still done manually. Thus, when a fault occurs, repairs will take a long time because the exact location of the problem cannot be determined. Therefore, this tool is designed to improve the work efficiency of technicians during repairs for smooth flight operations at the airport. This tool is designed to control, monitor and know if there is a disturbance, especially overload or voltage drop in the cubicle remotely. In this tool design there are 2 tools, namely the transmitter and receiver modules. In the transmitterusing a PZEM 004-T voltage current sensor and an Arduino Uno microcontroller with a lora module as a remote communication. While in the Receiver module this tool is also equipped with a Lora module and NodeMCU Esp32 as awifi module whose data will be displayed through the Blynk Application. In designing this tool in the form of a prototype and the results, if this tool works properly it will provide a warningto the user that there is a disturbance in the cubicle. this tool can effectively increase the technician's time to complete field repairs</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE EFFECT OF STOP LINE MARKINGS ON THESAFETY OF AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT ON THE APRON 2023-11-06T07:30:40+00:00 Muhammad Zulfikar Al Ihsan Slamet Hariyadi Paramita Dwi Nastiti <p><span class="fontstyle0">Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado is a class 1B airport and the second largest on the island of Sulawesi after Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar. This airport has scheduled flights of around 20-25 flights per day both domestic and international routes. This led to a lot of aircraft movement. Markings on the apron are very important to ensure the safety of aircraft movement, one of which is the stop line mark as a marker of the stopping position of the aircraft. The purpose of this study is to determine the suitability of stop line markings on the apron to applicable regulations and their effect on the safety of aircraft movement if there is a marking's discrepancy. The research methodused is descriptive qualitative, namely the collection of data and information through observation, interviews, and literature studies to then be processed in more detail to get clearer data results. The results of this study found that there was a discrepancy in the stop line markings on the apron of Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado on parking stands 7, 8, and 9 and this was quite influential on the safety of aircraft movement if the aircraft parked on the wrong stop line, which caused difficulty in the aviobridge docking process to the plane. To overcome this problem is by briefing the marshaller team for adjustment of the aircraft parking position and for the long term is to evaluate the markings then remove the old markings that are not suitable and repaint the new markings in accordance with current regulations and conditions.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science OPTIMIZATION OF DOMESTIC CARGO DELIVERY HANDLING TO IMPROVE SERVICESAT CARGO TERMINALS 2023-11-06T07:33:19+00:00 Mukhammad Zidane Al Akbar Siti Fatimah Arnaz Olieve <p><span class="fontstyle0">The cargo terminal is one of the services inside the airport to process shipments and receipts of air, domestic and international cargo. The purpose of this study is to describe the conditions of laying cargo shipping equipment, and find out the handling of cargo by cargo delivery officers at the Cargo Terminal of Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan. This study uses a type of qualitative descriptive research to determine the handling of domestic cargo at the cargo terminal and the laying conditions at the cargo delivery facility have been optimized and in accordance with applicable regulations. With data collection methods in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation of research objects. The results of the study found baggage cart facilities that were not in accordance with their placement, and the handling of goods by cargo terminal officers that were not in accordance with standard operating procedures. So that conclusions can be drawn by returning the placement and handling of cargo goods according to the rules and the use of empty areas in storage as a step to minimize the level of congestion in the staging area at the Cargo Terminal of Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science OPTIMIZATION OF AIRPORT PORTER SERVICE ON PASSENGER SERVICE SATISFACTION AT SULTAN AJI MUHAMMAD SULAIMAN SEPINGGAN BALIKPAPAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 2023-11-06T07:36:03+00:00 Nadya Afkarina Malinda Didi Hariyanto Siti Fatimah <p><span class="fontstyle0">Airport Services are services provided to users of airport services by airport operators. The need for airport infrastructure to support airport service activities includes more systematic and proactive management of processes, procedures, facilities and equipment. In addition, the overall coordination involves multiple entities with multiple functional jurisdictions in real time. To answer this need, Angkasa Pura 1 provides Airport Porter Service personnel who are vendors (collaboration) to make it easier for passengers to transport baggage onto the plane. In PM 178 of 20015 there is a point that we must provide comfort facilities for passengers, one of these facilities is the ease of transporting baggage. This study aims to determine the design of Airport Porter Service facilities on Passenger Satisfaction with passenger baggage transportation services at Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport, Balikpapan. This study uses a quantitative descriptive writing method. Using premier and secondary data sources, with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews and literature study which are then analyzed by simple regression analysis to determine the relationship or influence of the variables studied. The result showed that the implementation of Airport Porter Service at Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Balikpapan International Airport, according to officers and passengers, has been going well, but they still need to pay attention to several things to improve porter services. The results of the study also show that Airport Porter Service has a significant effect on Passenger Satisfaction</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE INFLUENCE OF SECURITY CHECK POINT (SCP) 1 AGAINST PASSENGER SATISFACTION 2023-11-06T07:38:57+00:00 Nandi Ahmad Nugraha Faoyan Agus Furyanto Arnaz Olieve <p><span class="fontstyle0">Padang Minangkabau International Airport is located in West Sumatra, more precisely in Pariaman Regency. This airport has several terminals namely Domestic Terminal, International Terminal, VIP Terminal, and Cargo Terminal. At the domestic terminal at Minangkabau Airport there are problems that arise, namely the security inspection process that has not used the baggage handling system with and passenger responses. This article examines the effect of the existing security check process on the satisfaction of using the flight services that passengers get. This research utilizes a correlational Technique using a quantitative tactic which collects information derived from monitoring data, distribution of questionnaires, and literature studies. Respondents from this questionnaire are passengers who use flight services and the results of these answers are calculated using the SPSS application. The results of these calculations show that the safety check process or variable X is correlated with passenger satisfaction or variable Y. It is apparent in the correlational test, demonstrating a result of 0.00 which is beneath 0.05, signifying a correlation between the variables. Things that need to be updated at Padang Minangkabau International Airport are the security inspection process in accordance with applicable standard operating procedures and paying more attention to passenger satisfaction in providing services.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS THE CONDITION OF THE RUNWAY PAVEMENT UMBU MEHANG KUNDA AIRPORT WAINGAPU – NTT USING THE PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX (PCI) METHOD 2023-11-06T08:03:50+00:00 Nandita Djulia Maharani Siti Fatimah Fahrur Rozi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Transportation is very much needed in an effort to much needed for developing an advanced country, one of the transportation that is very influential is air transportation, Umbu Mehang Kunda Waingapu Airport is one of the accesses to air transportation in East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. This airport has a runway dimension of 2000 x 30 m with PCN 48 F/C/X/T. Every year the growth of aircraft and passenger movements has always increased. This often causes the runway pavement structure to be damage prematurely, besides that natural factors also have an effect. Runway damage can be assessed using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method. In analyzing the condition of the runway pavement using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method, a visual inspection of the runway surface at Umbu Mehang Kunda Waingapu Airport was carried out. Distribution of samples and calculations based on the ASTM document. The repair method is regulated in KP 94 of 2015 concerning Operational Technical Guidelines for Civil Aviation Safety Regulation. The results of the analysis carried out on the runway at Umbu Mehang Kunda Waingapu Airport showed several types of damage, namely Raveling/ Weathering, Bleeding, and Depression with an average value obtained of 54 in sufficient condition. Therefore, the method of repair in accordance with KP 94 of 2015 regulations is Overlay and Patching</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science FLIGHT WATCH OPERATIONAL LOGBOOK WEB-BASED WITH ADDIE METHOD FOR AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATION OFFICER AT PERUM LPPNPI SENTANI BRANCH 2023-11-06T08:08:11+00:00 Nauvan Alief Adji Widhianto Fatmawati Fatmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Based on the Aeronautical Mobile Services (AMS) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Perum LPPNPI Sentani Branch in 2020, the Ujung Pandang FIC Jayapura Sector performs flight watch functions for flight operations within its responsibility area. With the advancement of technology in the current era, a new innovation hasemerged, which is a web-based design for the flight watch operational logbook, aiming to facilitate and support the recording of flight watch information. The research method used in the development of this website is research and development, utilizing the ADDIE development method, which includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The testing technique employed is black box testing, where the system is tested for itsfunctions without examining the design and source code. The data analysis used is qualitative descriptive analysis, involving observation, interviews, and documentation. The result of this research is a web-based flight watch operational logbook that includes a form for logbook entries, a collection of relevant documents, and a link to the BMKG SIAM website to support the required information.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-AVIATION LAW MODUL FOR AVIATION VOCATION SCHOOL 2023-11-06T08:12:25+00:00 Nilam Sekar Gading Fatmawati Fatmawati <p><span class="fontstyle0">Aviation Law is one of the courses in the Aeronautical Communication Diploma 3 Study Program that studies national and international aviation regulations, which aims to enable cadets to explain the regulations that apply nationally and internationally in the work area to guide aviation communication in all classifications of airspace in aviation. In the development of information and communication technology in Indonesia, educational learning media through applications or websites that make learning activities more interesting, effective and efficient. At this time, learning Aviation Law Subjects still uses modules that are less interactive referenced documents so that cadets quickly feel bored and less interested in carrying out learning. So in this industrial revolution 4.0 to realize effective and enjoyable learning, the author suggests making e-modules. In this study using the type of research and with the Waterfall method. The results of this research are E-modules of Aviation Law in the form of flipbooks and mastery tests contained in each topic of discussion which are equipped with images, video, and sound that have been adjusted to the academic syllabus and implemented on the Learning Management System (LMS) in Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya. The author's goal in this final project is to design and create e-aviation law modules as new interesting and innovative learning media that can help in aviation law learning</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF A FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM RUDDER SIMULATOR ON AN ARDUINO UNO-BASED BOEING 737-900ER AIRCRAFT AS A SUPPORTING FACILITY FOR PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES AT THE SURABAYA AVIATION POLYTECHNIC 2023-11-06T08:15:11+00:00 Novita Khusnul Kholifah Bayu Dwi Cahyo Fiqqih Faizah <p><span class="fontstyle0">Pneumatic system or bleed air has the aim to provide information in performing troubleshoot techniques and maintenance procedures on engine bleed air system components. Engine bleed air system is a system that produces compressed air from engine rotation. This process can produce compressed air that enters the system needed by the aircraft, taking into account low pressure, overpressure and overheat. With overheat conditions in the pneumatic system on the current aircraft, the author designs a Pneumatic system simulator when overheating occurs on this aircraft using simple electronic objects and components that have functions and working principles resembling the original system. The incoming power supply provides 12 V power which is then flowed through a stepdown regulator to reduce the voltage to 5 V which is used to supply the LED lamp, pushbutton switch, temperature sensor, and Arduino. When the temperature sensor detects a temperature that exceeds the predetermined limit, the Arduino will provide input to the LED lamp to light up. Pneumatic system simulator tool when overheating occurs in engine bleed water does not work if there is one component not connected or incorrect installation and not as expected. In the initial stage of the experiment where this hot gun is an example of media when simulated, namely as a compressor to produce hot air. In the first experiment set at a temperature of 29</span><span class="fontstyle2"></span><span class="fontstyle0">C, the overheat indicator lamp did not turn on. And at a temperature of 30</span><span class="fontstyle2"></span><span class="fontstyle0">C, the overheat indicator lamp is also still not lit. At this temperature 31</span><span class="fontstyle2"></span><span class="fontstyle0">C, the overheat indicator lamp and also the fault indicator lamp are lit. That indicates that the temperature has touched the maximum limit or has exceeded the maximum limit.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE INFLUENCE OF FLIGHT SAFETY FACILITIES AGAINST SECURITY IN THE CARGO TERMINAL MINANGKABAU INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 2023-11-08T01:43:06+00:00 Novri Andi Gunawan Harahap Ridho Rinaldi Ahmad Musadek <p><span class="fontstyle0">Minangkabau International Airport is an airport located in Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra (ICAO Code : WIEE ; IATA Code : PDG), has a Domestic Terminal, VIP Terminal, International Terminal, and Cargo Terminal. At the cargo terminal, problems were found that arose due to a lack of security facilities and personnel. So we need a study that can provide an explanation regarding aviation security facilities at the Minangkabau International Airport Cargo Terminal. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aviation security facilities on security at the cargo terminal capable of providing security for goods and cargo. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative using data obtained from observations, distributing questionnaires, and literature studies. Respondents from the questionnaire were Aviation Security and Angkasa Pura Cargo personnel, with a total sample of 61 people. The results of the discussion, there is an influence of variable X (aviation security facilities) on Y (security at the cargo terminal) has a relationship or correlation between variables with 0.78 (high, strong correlation) and the R square value is 0.608 or 60.8 % . There are things that need to be optimized in terms of the influence of aviation security facilities on security at the Minangkabau International Airport Cargo Terminal, the need to increase the number of Aviation Security personnel licensed by Junior Avsec to operate 1 x-ray machine with a minimum of 3 people and the need for security facilities is not yet adequate, such as the absence of a Walk Through Metal Detector.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science FLIGHT SAFETY IMPROVED BY HANDLING OF WILDLIFE HAZARD 2023-11-06T08:20:26+00:00 Nuraini Putri Lestari Didi Hariyanto Arnaz Olieve <p><span class="fontstyle0">Indonesia is one of the countries that has many islands so that people need transportation, especially aircraft as a support for increasing mobility. There is a wildlife hazard and birdstrike is one of the factors that can endanger flight safety. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with the aim of this study to determine the efforts made in handling and preventing wildlife hazards, knowing the solutions in efforts to handle wildlife hazards, and knowing how effective the solution is in handling wildlife hazards at Kualanamu International Airport Medan. The problem that the author puts forward in this research is the handling of wildlife hazards, the prevention of wildlife hazards, and the effectiveness of handling wildlife hazards at Kualanamu International Airport Medan. The research method that the author uses is by means of data collection techniques through the process of observation, documentation, interviews, and literature studies. The data analysis technique used in this research is data reduction, namely focusing on important things, presenting data in the form of a brief description containing charts and flowcharts, and drawing conclusions. The result of this research is to carry out handling and expulsion of wildlife hazard and birdstrike in the airside area to be more careful in carrying out monitoring, calculation, and expulsion in order to minimize the occurrence of unwanted incidents.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science High-Gain Design Microstrip Antenna for Weather Radar on Aircraft at the 9.4 GHz Frequency 2023-11-06T08:23:22+00:00 Bambang Bagus Harianto Yuyun Suprapto Nyaris Pambudiyatno Ade Irfansyah Teguh Imam Suharto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The use of radar in aviation primarily centers around aircraft weather radar systems, which provide real-time monitoring of weather conditions surrounding the aircraft. Antennas play a crucial role in enabling detection within these radar systems. This article is dedicated to research efforts focused on developing a microstrip antenna design using array techniques to achieve high gain. The research methodology follows Thiagarajan's 4D approach, encompassing the Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate stages. To optimize performance, the research encompasses the creation of various antenna designs, including single patches, 1x2, 4x4, and 8x4 arrays, employing feed and coaxial insert enumeration methods. Additionally, comparisons are drawn between two substrates, specifically FR-4 and Rogers RT- 5880. Parameters under scrutiny encompass gain, VSWR, return loss, bandwidth, and radiation patterns. The design process for microstrip antennas involves intricate dimensional calculations and array method selection, followed by a detailed application-based design. The results consistently demonstrate VSWR values below 2 and return loss values below -10 dB for microstrip antenna designs on both FR-4 and Rogers RT-5880 substrates. The most significant gains were achieved by an 8 x 4 array design employing the insert feed enumeration method on a Rogers RT-5880 substrate, reaching an impressive 17,979 dBi. The widest bandwidth is observed in the design of the 1x2 array using the Rogers RT-5880 substrate, reaching 651.1 MHz. Moreover, it is evident that an increase in the number of patches in the array corresponds to an increase in gain. Notably, Rogers RT-5880 material demonstrates a superior capacity to produce higher gain compared to FR-4 substrates</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Analysis of the Structure of the Existing Administration Building into Two Floors at the Class III Naha Airport Operator Unit, Tahuna - North Sulawesi 2023-11-06T08:26:40+00:00 Olsyah Juhal Ramadhan Siti Fatimah Bambang Wasito <p><span class="fontstyle0">The administration building is a land-side facility that aims to organize airport administration and also control services in the airport work environment area. The administration building at Naha Airport needs to be expanded to two floors and improvements to the building construction to improve the safety of the building construction and also the safety of workers. There are several things in this planning, one of which is redesigning plates, beams, and columns. From the results of the analysis, the location of the construction of the administration building is in risk category E so that the structural analysis uses the SRPMK (Special Moment Bearing Frame System) method. In planning the building structure, SNI 2847: 2019 concerning reinforced concrete and SNI 1727: 2018 for loading are used. In this final project, the SAP 2000 auxiliary program is used for 3D building modeling, PCAColumn for calculating column interaction diagrams, and Autocad 2018 for reinforcement details. In this final project, the calculation of the Cost Budget Plan is also needed to determine the estimated cost of rebuilding the administration building into two floors. From the structural design results, the dimensions of the main beam (B1 25/40), child beam (B2 15/30), column (K1 25/25) and plate thickness of 12 cm and structural reinforcement details are included in the engineering drawings. In addition, the design control check of the administration building structure based on SNI 1726: 2019 has met the requirements.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PAVEMENT PLANNING OF ACCESS ROAD FOR DPPU PERTAMINA VEHICLES FROM THE POST TO THE APRON AT H. HASAN AROEBOESMAN ENDE AIRPORT 2023-11-06T08:35:19+00:00 Peri Pradana Linda Winiasri Nurani Hartatik <p><span class="fontstyle0">H. Hasan Aroeboesman Ende Airport is in Tetandara village, South Ende sub-district, Ende Regency, East Nusa Tengara Province. One of the facilities at H. Hasan Aroeboesman Ende Airport is Pertamina's DPPU. Currently, the access road for DPPU vehicles is not suitable for use and does not have pavement. This access road is 90m long and 4m wide, until now Pertamina's DPPU vehicles going to the apron still pass through the runway. The method used in the Pertamina DPPU Vehicle Access Road Planning is the component analysis method to determine the thickness of the layer to be used. While the determination of the budget plan uses the reference Unit Price Analysis of East Nusa Tenggara Province in 2023. Based on the calculation results of the component analysis method, the thickness of the road surface planned for Pertamina DPPU vehicles is 40 cm, the thickness of the surface layer is 5 cm, the top layer is 15 cm, and the bottom layer is 20cm. Based on the regulations contained in SKEP 347 of 1999, the calculation of the thickness of the pavement is selected in accordance with the regulations. then for the total Budget Cost required for the planning work of the Pertamina DPPU vehicle access road is Rp 190,000,000 (spelled out: one hundred ninety million rupiah).</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Effect of Heat Treatment and Anodizing of Aluminum 2024 on Hardness Test and Impact Test 2023-11-06T08:37:58+00:00 Putra Sholechuddin Rhomadloni Bambang Junipitoyo Yuyun Suprapto <p><span class="fontstyle0">Aluminum alloy 2024 is an alloy that is widely used in the aircraft industry, especially in the structure. This research was carried out with the Vikers hardness test method and the Charpy Impact test to determine the mechanical properties of the 2024 Aluminum alloy after going through the Solution heat treatment process with a temperature of 505oC with variations in natural aging time for 5, 7, 9, 11 days and through the Anodizing process with a time of 30 minutes and carried out Vikers hardness testing and Charpy Impact testing. The final results obtained in the Vickers hardness test obtained the highest average value in specimens that went through solution heat treatment with variations in natural aging time for 11 days and through the anodizing process of 80.2 HVN. Heat treatment and anodizing can improve mechanical properties in terms of toughness and hardness of the material, namely by using a stable temperature during heat treatment. In the Impact test, the highest average toughness value is obtained in specimens that go through solution heat treatment with a variation of natural aging time for 11 days and through the anodizing process of 0.76 J/mm². This shows that the Heat Treatment and Anodizing process affects the hardness and impact value of 2024 aluminum.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE ANALYSIS OF PERSONNEL SUPERVISION FUNCTIONS APRON MOVEMENT CONTROL (AMC) EFFORTS TO REDUCE THE RATE OF VIOLATION OF GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (GSE) VEHICLE SPEED LIMITS ON THE SERVICE ROAD AT SAM RATULANGI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, MANADO 2023-11-06T08:40:21+00:00 Putu Ayu Sriyanti Dewi Ahmad Musadek Ridho Rinaldi <p><span class="fontstyle0">This thesis examines performance issues concerning the supervision of AMC personnel on the Service Road of Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado. The issue under discussion is the prevalence of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) exceeding the stipulated speed limits, which poses a potential hazard. Additionally, the service road at Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado serves as a pathway for passengers embarking or disembarking from aircraft, making the situation more critical due to insufficient supervision by AMC personnel regarding orderliness on the apron. This research aims to optimize the performance of Apron Movement Control (AMC) unit personnel related to the supervision of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) order. The theoretical framework for this research is based on Manual Of Standard CASR – Part 139, Volume I, Chapter 9, Point 9.6.6, which covers The Duties of Apron Movement Control (AMC) Personnel, and SKEP 140/VI/1999, which outlines Requirements and Operational Procedures of Vehicles on Air Side, particularly Chapter IV addressing the Code of Conduct of Traffic On Air Side. This research uses a qualitative combination method and data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentary studies, and questionnaires. The findings of this study highlight the importance of adhering to the AMC Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in terms of comprehensive supervision. To address the identified issues, it is recommended to implement coaching sessions and conduct regular and scheduled Ramp Safety Campaigns."</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PLANNING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SPECIAL WAITING ROOM FACILITIES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AT TERMINAL 1 OF JUANDA AIRPORT SURABAYA 2023-11-06T08:44:15+00:00 R. Rizki Firman Syah Wiwid Suryono Nurani Hartatik <p><span class="fontstyle0">Airports are key gateways for global mobility and are important for all passengers, including those with special needs, such as passengers with disabilities. In an effort to improve services to passengers with disabilities, planning inclusive and disability-</span><span class="fontstyle2">friendly facilities is a must. </span><span class="fontstyle0">This research uses descriptive analysis method. This research aims to design and plan waiting room facilities that meet the needs and provide a better experience for disabled passengers at Juanda Airport. Data collection techniques by taking data from the source where the problem occurs by observing the existing conditions in Terminal 1 of Juanda Airport Surabaya and recording the absence of a disabled waiting room and interviewing Landside employees of Juanda Airport Surabaya regarding the absence of a disabled waiting room. The design contained in this waiting room provides supporting facilities such as chairs with foldable arms, information boards with large letters, clear and current announcement systems, and hearing aids. Based on the planning results, the design of the disabled waiting room facility plan is obtained in accordance with the author's guidelines using Autocad and Sketchup with room dimensions of 7.5 meters x 4 meters. To support the manufacture of waiting room facilities at Terminal 1 Juanda Airport Surabaya, the RAB calculation using Microsoft Excel was obtained at Rp. 207. 571. 000 ,00 spelled out two hundred and seven million five hundred and seventy-one thousand rupiah</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PLANNING OF SERVICE ROAD THICK PAVEMENT FROM THE NEW TERMINAL TO THE CARGO TERMINAL AT H.HASAN AROEBOSMAN AIRPORT ENDE 2023-11-06T08:46:59+00:00 Rachmad Dwi Kardianto Linda Winiasri Fahrur Rozi <p><span class="fontstyle0">H.Hasan Aroeboesman Ende Airport Class II is managed by the Ministry of Transportation which is located in Ende district, East Nusa Tenggara province. H.Hasan Aroeboesman Ende Airport has a runway dimension of 1650mx30m with the largest operating aircraft, namely ATR 72-600. At this time H.Hasan Aroeboesman Ende Airport does not yet have a Service Road that connects the new terminal with the old terminal which is now being converted into a terminal cargo. additional supporting facilities in the form of a Service Road using flexible pavement which functions as an operational road for the Ground Support Equipment team in order to improve the security and safety aspects of flight operations which are urgently needed at H. Hasan Aroeboesman Ende Airport. This Service Road planning study uses the component analysis method which refers to the calculations of SNI-1731-1989-F. to determine the width of the Service Road according to the needs to be planned. Then determine the thickness of the pavement design and the strength of the pavement required at the time of planning. And determine the budget plan that will be needed in the Service Road planning process at H. Hasan Aroeboesman Ende airport. The unit price of work refers to SNI and PM 78 of 2014. For the results of the analysis and calculations that have been carried out, the length of the inspection road is 150 m with a width of 4 meters, the thickness of the individual inspection road pavement is 45 cm with a surface course layer thickness of 5 cm, a base course of 20 cm, and a subbase course of 20 cm, and the total price for planning the construction of the inspection road is 390,1 million rupiah.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science The Effect of The Number of Departure Passenger on The Quality of Custumer Service Officer (CSO) at Kualanamu International Airport, Medan 2023-11-06T08:49:11+00:00 Rahma Aura P. C. Lusiana Dewi Kusumayati Arnaz Olieve <p><span class="fontstyle0">The Covid-19 pandemic, which is getting better accompanied by less stringent rules for flight service users, has also had an impact on the increasing number of passengers. This study aims to determine whether the number of departing passengers has an effect on the quality of Customer Service Officer (CSO) service at Medan's Kualanamu International Airport. The research method used is simple linear regression analysis. Determination of the sample was taken with a total of 10 Customer Service Officers (CSO). The data collection technique uses an assessment score form by the customer service supervisor then the data will be processed using a simple linear regression analysis test using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) application. Based on the calculation results, a significant number of F count is 0.000 &lt;0.05 and the R Square value is 0.961 which implies that the effect of variable X (number of passengers) on variable Y (quality of service of customer service officers (CSO)) is 96.1%. The results of the simple regression equation are Y = 1,065,632.914 – 10,269.492X, which means that the number of passengers has a negative influence on the quality of Customer Service Officer (CSO) service at Kualanamu International Airport, Medan. Customer Service Officer (CSO) can improve and maintain the quality of service provided to passengers without being affected by the large number of passengers.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design and Build of Operational Activities Application of PKP-PK Hang Nadim (KapakNadim) Hang Nadim International Airport Batam 2023-11-06T08:51:49+00:00 Reyvaldo Fajriansyah Setiawan M. Indra Martadinata Anton Abdullah Sukahir Sukahir <p><span class="fontstyle0">Kapak Nadim application is designed and built to support daily operational activities in the ARFF unit of Hang Nadim International Airport Batam. This application allows users to access information related to the world of Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF), regulations, materials to increase personnel knowledge, standard operating procedures at work, and operational activity schedules. This application also provides a real-time vehicle maintenance checklist feature that can assist in checking the feasibility and completeness of vehicles with effective and efficient features in 1 (one) platform. In its development, the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method is used with the ADDIE (AnalysisDesign-Develop-Implement Evaluate) instructional design model created by Dick and Carry (1996) with procedures that allow creators to speed up the design process and minimize errors. The problem in this topic is how ARFF personnel can easily access various knowledge in 1 (one) platform, therefore the author makes the KapakNadim application that can be installed on an android smartphone. The final result of this product development is the KapakNadim application which is equipped with 9 (nine) main features.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design and Build of Electronic-Based Cessna 172 Aircraft Fuel System Simulator 2023-11-06T08:53:37+00:00 Eko Setijono Reza Reza Ajeng Wulansari <p><span class="fontstyle0">Airplanes need a system that can control the distribution of fuel in each operation so that the resulting fuel supply is stable. Based on the research results of Edgar Dale (1969), 90% of a person has the ability to absorb objects of knowledge by doing.This final project discusses the design and manufacture of a fuel flow simulator for an aircraft fuel system using LED lights as a substitute for fuel. This final project aims to design and create a fuel flow simulator for an aircraft fuel system as an alternative learning medium. There are two methods used in completing this Final Project, namely analytical and experimental methods which consist of several stages including problem identification, data collection, tool design, tool design, and tool testing.The results showed that with the Design and Build of the Electronic-Based Cessna 172 Aircraft Fuel System Simulator, where the value of cadets when learning using simulation tools has increased compared to without using tools. Itcan be concluded that this fuel system simulation tool can scientifically increasethe value and understanding of cadets, especially material about fuel systems.</span> </p> 2023-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGNING INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON WEBSITE FOR KLINIK PRATAMA AT POLITEKNIK PENERBANGAN SURABAYA 2023-11-06T08:56:22+00:00 Reza Putra Sandi Yudha Lady Silk Moonlight Teguh Imam Suharto <p><span class="fontstyle0">A clinic is a small public healthcare facility established to provide care to outpatients. Klinik Pratama is a clinic that operates in the field of community health services. Located in Jemur Andayani, Siwalankerto Subdistrict, Klinik Pratama has been conducting its business processes effectively. However, there is a minor deficiency, which is the lack of a website that encompasses information about the clinic, including its profile, services, clinic promotions, and facilities. With this website, it is hoped to instill confidence in patients and encourage them to use the services provided by Klinik Pratama. Patients can learn about the clinic's profile, services offered, the latest news about the clinic, and the available facilities at Klinik Pratama. This endeavor is closely related to the increasing use of technology in supporting daily human activities. The research method for this website design involves the waterfall method and testing using the black box method. The waterfall method comprises five stages: Requirement, Design, Implementation, Testing, and Conclusion. By utilizing the waterfall method and black box testing technique, researchers can easily make improvements if there are errors or bugs in the coding. The results of identifying the requirements are still in abstract form, so they need to be refined and designed into a list of functional requirements that can then be visualized into a use case diagram. Based on the design of functional requirements, the author outlines scenarios for each function, resulting in a flow that can be implemented into program code.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE IMPACT OF TERMINAL SERVICE OFFICER(TSO) PERFORMANCE TOWARDS PASSENGER SATISFACTION AT SAM RATULANGI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IN MANADO 2023-11-06T08:58:46+00:00 Rezy Yuniarti Arief Lusiana Dewi Kusumayati Anton Budiarto <p><span class="fontstyle0">Sam Ratulangi International Airport in Manado is one of the airports that began to increase flights since being affected by Covid-19. During the first semester period, January to June 2022. An increase of 37% when compared to the same period in 2021 with a total of 733,523 passengers. However, the reduction in Terminal Service Officer (TSO) personnel has not yet increased. It is feared that this could lead to a lack of supervision of facilities in the terminal area. Therefore, this research is expected to increase passenger satisfaction with facilities at Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado. This research uses quantitative data collection by observation or direct observation, and the distribution of questionnaires. The population in this study were Lion Air JT-748 passengers totaling 100 passengers. The sample obtained was 50 of the existing population using the Probability Sampling technique. The analysis method used to test the instrument is the Simple Linear Regression test. The results of this study indicate that the effect of Terminal Service Officer (TSO) personnel performance on passenger satisfaction at Sam Ratulangi International in Manado is 98.6%, the remaining 1.4% is influenced by other variables not studied.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Electrical Energy Efficiency Improvement in Chiller Operation 2023-11-06T09:01:21+00:00 Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko Hartono Hartono Kustori Kustori Slamet Hariyadi Fiqqih Faizah <p><span class="fontstyle0">The need for electrical energy to meet consumers is increasing which must be addressed immediately. Along with population growth and economic growth, this energy need will continue to increase. With the use of large amounts of electrical energy, it is necessary to increase efficiency in operating equipment. Airports are one of the largest users of electricity, especially when it comes to cooling systems. Therefore, it is necessary to save energy in airport operations. Airports are one of society's activities, so airports need to save energy. By optimizing power management and calculating the chiller coefficient of performance (COP) value, an airport can be built that saves energy on the HVAC system (especially chillers). Through analysis, it was found that COP increased to 0.584, and the value before optimization was 6.181. As COP increases, chiller performance will increase. The optimized electrical energy efficiency of the cooler is 138.82 kWh / day.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science EFFECT OF PERCENTAGE OF RESIN AND CATALYST OF FIBERGLASS FIBER COMPOSITES, WITH FIBER ORIENTATION DIRECTIONS (0°,45°), (45°,90°) AND (0°,90°) ONTENSILE AND IMPACT STRENGTHS 2023-11-06T09:04:59+00:00 Rivaldo Azis Siregar Ajeng Wulansari Rifdian Indrianto Sudjoko <p><span class="fontstyle0">In the world of aviation industry the use of composite materials began to be widely developed, one of the most frequentlyused composite materials in the industrial world is composite material with fillers in the form of Fiberglass. Currently,fiber-reinforced composite materials are widely used engineering materials because of their specific strength and stiffness which are far above engineering materials in general, so that their properties can be designed close to the needs. The research conducted used WR 200 Fiberglass with fiber direction orientation treatment (0°, 45°), (45°, 90°), (0°, 90°), with 1%, 1.5%, 2% catalyst. The manufacture of composite workpieces/specimens using the hand lay-up methodwith glass molds measuring 22 cm × 17 cm × 0.4 cm and 10 cm × 5 cm × 1 cm. Based on the tensile and impact tests carried out on the WR 200 fiberglass composite, the tensile test obtained the results with the treatment of fiber direction orientation 45 °, 90 ° with 1% catalyst composition getting the highest tensile strength value of 56.87 N / mm2. The treatment of 0°,90° fiber direction orientation with 2% catalyst composition got the lowest tensile strength value of 38.15 N/mm2. In the impact test, the results obtained with the 45°,90° fiber direction orientation treatment with 1% catalyst composition obtained the highest Fracture Stress value of 9.687 Joules and the highest Tenacity Price value of 0.121 Joules/mm2. The 0°,90 fiber direction orientation treatment with 2% catalyst composition got the lowest fracturestress value of 3,935 Joules and the lowest ductility price value of 0.049 Joules/mm2.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS OF TAXIWAY PAVEMENT CONDITIONS WITH THE PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX (PCI) METHOD AT JUANDA AIRPORT SURABAYA 2023-11-06T09:07:25+00:00 Robby Kurniawan Bambang Wasito Wiwid Suryono <p><span class="fontstyle0">Surabaya Juanda International Airport experiences an increase in aircraft transportation needs every year, where the increase results in reduced airside facility capabilities. The occurrence of some damage to taxiways N5N and N5S is caused by the temperature of the pavement reaching the soft point, the high groundwater level in the area, and aircraft loads that exceed capacity. This can interfere with flights that are about to take off and need to be analyzed regarding the level of damage and how to repair it. In analyzing damage to taxiway facilities can be planned with the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method to determine the level of damage that occurs and can be used as a reference in maintenance efforts. Pavement maintenance uses guidelines from the regulation of the Director General of Civil Aviation Number: KP 94 of 2015 concerning Operational Technical Guidelines for Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. In analyzing pavement damage in taxiway N5N and N5S using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method, after obtaining the results of the analysis, then the repair method will be determined in accordance with the results of the analysis. The results of the analysis of Taxiway pavement conditions using the Pavement Condition index (PCI) method in the N5N and N5S taxiway areas at Juanda Airport Surabaya averaged 92.31. While the repair and maintenance methods in taxiway N5N and N5S are Patching and fogsealing. Furthermore, the estimated cost of the cost budget plan (RAB) for repairing damage with the patching and fog sealing method is IDR 13,918,200.00.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF A FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM RUDDER SIMULATOR ON AN ARDUINO UNO-BASED BOEING 737-900ER AIRCRAFT AS A SUPPORTING FACILITY FOR PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES AT THE SURABAYA AVIATION POLYTECHNIC 2023-11-06T09:10:02+00:00 Rosiana Hantoro Bayu Dwi Cahyo Fiqqih Faizah <p><span class="fontstyle0">Which may be completed properly however the author wants to upload a simulation tool inside the form of a rudder, the rudder is placed at the vertical stabilizer. Rudder is the manipulate location while the aircraft yaws or turns. The rudder actions on a vertical axis (the axis extends perpendicular to the middle of gravity of the aircraft). The rudder is controlled from the cockpit using the rudder pedal. The form of balance that the rudder plays is to stabilize the plane in a directional route. The motion of the rudder is deflected to the left or right. On most plane, the rudder is attached to the rear quit of the horizontal stabilizer. Airplanes have a system or often referred to as flight manage that is divided into 2, namely primary flight manipulate and auxiliary flight manipulate. number one flight manipulate includes ailerons, rudders and elevators, whilst auxiliary flight manage includes flaps, slats, slots, spoilers, horizontal stabilizer and vertical stabilizer. Method utilized in planning the design of this rudder system starts offevolved from the design, as well as the producing substances as nicely. with the aid of using the Arduino microcontroller it'll ship commands to the servo motor, the servo motor will pass clockwise or counterclockwise to the desired rudder position. rotary potentiometer which capabilities as a function determiner. checks had been performed on the aircraft rudder and succeeded in using the servo motor to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise, supplying records on the appropriate rudder position of the plane. results within the design of the simulator rudder machine this is to help lecturers or instructors for you to easily deliver material concerning flight manipulate machine specifically on primary flight manage that is rudder, Can realize the value carry and drag that is as a result of the angle, can design the simulator rudder machine based arduino uno microcontroller,can recognise the motion of the joystick with a positive tilte angle and create simulator rudder arduino uno can pressure servo vehicles.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Cargo Business Contribution to Logistics Services at Class I Main Airport Juwata Tarakan 2023-11-06T11:42:30+00:00 Rossy Wiryamanta Sistira Anton Budiarto Prasetyo Iswahyudi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Shipping goods by air, goods security is actually very well maintained because security continues to use aircraft as a key factor in maintaining customer confidence in shipping goods. Therefore, cargo/goods receiving operations services through airports, including loading and unloading, transfers from aircraft to warehouses (cargo warehouses). Compiler and storage and delivery of goods to the owner, must arrive safely and everything is fine. This Study aims to describe the facts about the questions posed by the author. So that the facts and valid data facilitate the analysis of effective and efficient problem solving by the author. Items that are not neatly placed in the cage can be stepped on or subjected to shocks or friction which can result in damage. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method, namely research that uses a case study method or approach. This research is very focused on a particular topic being studied as a case, and case data can be obtained from all parties.. In addition, the placement of scattered goods also has the potential to increase the risk of loss of cargo. can affect customer confidence so that the cargo unit should be able to maximize to complete the existing facilities at the cargo terminal of the Main Juwata Tarakan Airport Class 1. The results of this study are that air cargo has advantages compared to sea and land cargo where shipping goods using air cargo can save time and reach a wide area. Despite these advantages, there is a problem that the cargo cannot be sent because the documents listed in the SMU and the contents of the cargo are different. The need to carry out cargo handling in accordance with applicable SOPs to avoid these problems.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE INFLUEN16CE OF SECURITY CHECK POINT (SCP) 1 AGAINST PASSENGER SATISFACTION 2023-11-06T12:02:47+00:00 Nandi Ahmad Nugraha Faoyan Agus Furyanto Arnaz Olieve <p><span class="fontstyle0">Padang Minangkabau International Airport is located in West Sumatra, more precisely in Pariaman Regency. This airport has several terminals namely Domestic Terminal, International Terminal, VIP Terminal, and Cargo Terminal. At the domestic terminal at Minangkabau Airport there are problems that arise, namely the security inspection process that has not used the baggage handling system with and passenger responses. This article examines the effect of the existing security check process on the satisfaction of using the flight services that passengers get. This research utilizes a correlational Technique using a quantitative tactic which collects information derived from monitoring data, distribution of questionnaires, and literature studies. Respondents from this questionnaire are passengers who use flight services and the results of these answers are calculated using the SPSS application. The results of these calculations show that the safety check process or variable X is correlated with passenger satisfaction or variable Y. It is apparent in the correlational test, demonstrating a result of 0.00 which is beneath 0.05, signifying a correlation between the variables. Things that need to be updated at Padang Minangkabau International Airport are the security inspection process in accordance with applicable standard operating procedures and paying more attention to passenger satisfaction in providing services.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science The Implementation of ICAO and Civil Aviation Regulation in Vocational Higher Education 2023-11-06T12:07:00+00:00 Saptandri Widiyanto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The study focuses on the implementation of ICAO and Civil Aviation Regulations in vocational higher education </span><span class="fontstyle2">classrooms by using observation and interviews. This study makes an important contribution to the understanding of the importance of compliance with ICAO and civil aviation regulations in vocational higher education. The results of this study identified the stages of implementing ICAO and civil aviation regulations. Additionally, the study also reveals best practices that can be adopted by educational institutions to ensure full compliance with ICAO and civil aviation regulations. This study serves as a basis for educational institutions to improve curricula, teaching methods and practical training to ensure that their graduates understand and comply with aviation security and safety standards set by ICAO and civil aviation regulations.</span></p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Optimization Of Terminal Facilities Management For Passenger Convenience At Radin Inten II Lampung International Airport 2023-11-06T12:10:48+00:00 Septiana Siti Nur Annisa Prasetyo Iswahyudi Ridho Rinaldi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Airport is infrastructure used to provide air flight services is. Radin Inten II International Airport is an airportmanaged by PT Angkasa Pura II. This study aims to determine whether the terminal of Lampung Radin Inten II International Airport has been optimized and in accordance with applicable regulations. So from this description, the author took the title "Optimization of Terminal Facility Management for Passenger Comfort at Radin Inten II International Airport Lampung". The formulation of the problem in this study is what are the facilities in the Terminal that support passenger comfort and how to optimize the management of terminal facilities for passenger comfort at Radin Inten II Lampung International Airport. Research Methods are qualitative descriptive methods, making observations in the airport terminal area, interviews, distributing questionnaires and literature studies and documentation of research objects. In the results of the study, there are still problems that there are still some facilities that are not in accordance with applicable regulations and can be optimized again to improve passenger comfort at Radin Inten II Lampung InternationalAirport. So that the conclusion that can be drawn in this study is the need to optimize the management of facilities in facilities that are not in accordance with the rules and facilities that can improve passenger comfort such as repairing facilities that are not in accordance with the rules, regulating temperature and ensuring the terminal area is clean</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science The Role Of The Apron Movement Control Unit In Ground Handling Operations 2023-11-06T12:19:39+00:00 Shofi Salsabilla Laila Rochmawati Prasetyo Iswahyudi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Kalimarau Airport is a Class 1 Airport Service Unit located in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Is an airport that provides air flight services. To meet the needs of services on the land side and on the air side, the airport cooperates with other parties. Observers conducted research at this airport using observational. To find out the role of the Apron Movement Control (AMC) unit in ground handling operations at Kalimarau Berau Airport. It is hoped that observers will know the use of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) by ground handling officers at Kalimarau Airport. This study uses research methods using qualitative methods and data collection methods, namely using descriptive qualitative methods, namely describing the conditions that occur in the research object. Data obtained from direct observation, literature study, descriptive and interviews. Monitoring the orderliness of ground handling officers is part of Apron Movement Control (AMC) duties. There are markings on the apron that are not yet available at Kalimarau Airport, namely staging area markings that have a function as a place for Ground Support Equipment (GSE) while waiting or standing by on the apron. Some things that can be optimized are increasing awareness of orders among ground handling officers in the use of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). In order to create a safe and orderly Kalimarau airport environment. Some things that can be optimized are increasing awareness of orders among ground handling officers in the use of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). In order to create a safe and orderly Kalimarau airport environment. Some things that can be optimized are increasing awareness of orders among ground handling officers in the use of Ground Support Equipment (GSE). So that the movement of vehicles on the air side can be more directed and safe.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA PROMOTION ON NONAERONAUTIC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AT SULTAN HASANUDDIN MAKASSAR AIRPORT 2023-11-06T12:22:38+00:00 Sihajuta Nurman Agustian Dewi Ratna Sari Meita Maharani Sukma <p><span class="fontstyle0">The lack of public demand to enliven Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar is one of the challenges for the airport. One of them is to advance the non-aero nautical business which has a huge influence on airport revenue. Therefore, the use of social media will be a place to attract people to visit and use the services of non-aeronautical businesses available at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar. The data collection method in this questionnaire uses observation or direct observation, and questionnaires. The analysis method used is a quantitative method in which there are validity, reliability, and coefficient of determination tests. The results of this study indicate that the effect use of social media promotion has a strong effect on the development of non-aeronautical businesses at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar by 87,9%.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design of Learning Management System for Air Navigation Engineering 2023-11-06T12:25:33+00:00 Silvia Anggraini Bambang Bagus Harianto Dewi Ratna Sari <p><span class="fontstyle0">With its vast potential, information technology has revolutionized education through various innovations. The quality of the teaching and learning process has significantly improved with the aid of information technology. Face-to-face learning is no longer the sole option as the presence of an LMS eases the process of teaching and learning. In the course of developing an Air Navigation Engineering Learning Management System using the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation), the design was implemented on WordPress due to its flexibility in integrating plugins. This LMS website for Air Navigation Engineering prioritizes material, material delivery, quizzes, assessments, and certificates. The website's data validation yielded an overall feasibility rate of 96.6%, as confirmed by objective validators. Multiple respondents attested to an overall usability rate of 96.2%. Efficient material delivery is facilitated through the use of instructional videos. Additionally, the website offers a payment system for accessing necessary materials.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science CONTROL SYSTEM SIMULATION DESIGN NODEMCU ESP 8266 MICROCONTROLLER BASED HOME LIGHTING 2023-11-06T12:28:20+00:00 Slamet Hariyadi Kustori Kustori Hartono Hartono Fiqqih Faizah <p><span class="fontstyle0">This learning tool is made with the aim that readers can learn or get to know about microcontrollers and one of their uses and applications. In addition, the author tried something new, namely simulating a home lighting control system based on the NodeMCU ESP 8266 microcontroller which works automatically by utilizing RTC (Real Time Clock) so that it can work according to the time and conditions that have been determined so that when left at home as in an inhabited state. The working principle of this design is programming on a microcontroller that has been set with certain time settings, which will be processed and the result is in the form of real time and the state of the lights will be displayed in the LCD and mock up. By simulating a home lighting control system based on the nodemcu esp 8266 microcontroller, the author has several conclusions, namely this tool can be operated to turn on porch lights and living room lights remotely without having to be in place using the android application, namely Blynk, The ability of this tool can detect objects using PIR sensors so as to make the living room lights turn on automatically to minimize the occurrence theft, The porch light can turn on automatically every 5:00 p.m. and turn itself off at 6:00 a.m.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Using Omron CP1L PLC and Human Machine Interface 2023-11-06T12:30:41+00:00 Suhanto Suhanto Fiqqih Faizah <p><span class="fontstyle0">Airports in aviation services are required to use facilities with the latest technology. This requires a stable and uninterrupted electricity supply to operate correctly. The Automatic Transfer Switch design based on the CX-Designer Human Machine Interface moves the electrical power supply source from PLN to the Generator Set or vice versa. There are two operating modes, namely manual mode and auto mode. In operation, it is also equipped with an interlock function between the PLN contactor and the generator and a PLN phase loss sensor for the R, S and T phases. For auto mode, it uses a timer with a setting for PLN of 12 seconds and for the generator of 15 seconds. The control system uses an Omron CP1L-L20DR-D PLC with CX-Programmer programming for Human Machine Interface with CX-Designer. The Automatic Transfer Switch test was successful in system testing, starting from manual and auto mode, PLN phase loss testing, and timer testing; 100% of the entire hardware and software system ran well.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science CONSTRUCTION PLANNING OF THE UPPER STRUCTURE OF THE PKP-PK BUILDING AT HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA AIRPORT BANDUNG 2023-11-06T12:33:09+00:00 Syahumi Ramadhan Hasibuan Bambang Wasito Karina Meilawati Eka Putri <p><span class="fontstyle0">The PKP-PK building is one of the facilities located at an airport to visually monitor aircraft movements. In connection with this, at Husein Sastranegara Airport Bandung there is a PKP-PK building. In this study, it is intended to plan the PKP-PK building structure in accordance with SNI. so that in analyzing the structure, the SRPMK (Special Moment Bearing Frame System) method is used. In the calculation of the structure used SRPMK (Special Moment Bearing Frame System) and Strong Column Weak Beam which refers to SNI 1726: 2019 concerning earthquakes. In planning the building structure, SNI 2847: 2019 concerning reinforced concrete and SNI 1727: 2018 for loading are used. In this research, the SAP 2000 auxiliary program is used for 3D building modeling, PCAColumn for column interaction diagram calculation, and Autocad 2018 for reinforcement details. In the planning, 400/600mm main beam, with 5 D 19 flexural reinforcement at positive moment, at 7 D 19 flexural reinforcement at negative moment, 300/500mm sub-beam, with 3 D 16 flexural reinforcement at positive moment, at 5 D 16 flexural reinforcement at negative moment, 200/300 sub-beam with 3 D 13 flexural reinforcement at positive moment, at 5 D 13 flexural reinforcement at negative moment 600/600 column and 100 mm plate thickness and structural reinforcement details are included in the engineering drawings. In addition, the PKP-PK structural design control check based on SNI 1726: 2019 has met the requirements and fulfills the Strong Column Weak Beam concept and the cost required for the PKP-PK building construction planning is Rp1,324,860,000.00 (One Billion Three Hundred Twenty Four Million Eight Hundred Sixty Thousand Rupiah).</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-Module Helicopter Landing Officer Using Canva Platform 2023-11-06T12:35:34+00:00 Taufik Ismail Husain Ahmad Musadek Lady Silk Moonlight <p><span class="fontstyle0">One of the licenses that is quite much needed at this time is the Helicopter Landing Officer. Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic as one of the vocational institutions in the field of aviation provides HLO training. But until now, the unavailability of teaching materials that can be accessed by all training participants has become a challenge for Poltekbang Surabaya, so to create of teaching materials for Helicopter Landing Officer training and uploaded into the learning management system of Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic for the benefit of the training process. The e-module itself has several advantages over printed modules, including that it can more easily provide fast and automatic feedback for education and training participants. The process of preparing and testing the use of the HLO e-module, using the Research and Development method, where the method is devoted to the development of new products or adding functions to existing products. The process of preparing the HLO e-module was carried out using the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). In the final result of the research, the preparation of the e-module has been successfully achieved and is included in the "feasible" category for material validation assessment, and "very feasible" for the response of training participants based on the results of data analysis from researchers. The research process has been in accordance with the initial research design and is expected to help the ongoing training process later.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science DESIGN OF CONTROL AND MONITORING OF BRUSHLESS DIRECT CURRENT (BLDC) MOTOR ON CONVEYOR USING BLUETOOTH BASED ON STM 32 2023-11-06T12:38:12+00:00 Teguh Hadi Saputro Fiqqih Faizah Lady Silk Moonlight <p><span class="fontstyle0">DC motors are one of the most popular motors used in the industrial world. In operation, DC motors use a direct current (DC) source. In its application, the BLDC motor is combined with a method to make it easier to control the BLDC motor to match what is desired, one example is the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) method, which is a control consisting of a standard configuration of Kp, Ki, and Kd whose values are determined in order to get the desired result or speed, namely speed with good stability with a small error rate and overshoot. The control system for the BLDC stepper motor nema 17 on the conveyor uses the STM32 Nucleo F030R8 module as a microcontroller and the HC-05 bluetooth module as a remote control interface on the conveyor motor. To send commands from the microcontroller to the motor, a driver is needed which is used as a data receiver and control setting from the microcontroller, namely the L298N motor driver. The monitoring system on the miniature conveyor uses an LM393 speed sensor as a stepper motor rotation speed reader and an INA219 sensor as a current and voltage reader. Sensor readings will be processed on the microcontroller and the results will be displayed on the 1.3-inch LCD screen that has been installed. In this study, it is still in prototype form, so the miniature conveyor cannot receive too heavy a load. The load is adjusted to the torque capacity of the BLDC stepper motor used, which is 0.36 N.m. In other words, the maximum miniature conveyor receives a load with a stable speed of less than or equal to 2 kg, because the load on the conveyor belt will affect the speed of the BLDC motor. With this research, it is hoped that it can be a lesson about control and monitoring systems on BLDC motors. The maximum Bluetooth range is 9 meters.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design of E-Module Practicum En-Route Flight Information (EFI) Course with the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model at Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya 2023-11-06T12:40:47+00:00 Tirza Saamena Lady Silk Moonlight Ade Irfansyah <p><span class="fontstyle0">En-Route Flight Information (EFI) is one of the courses in the Diploma 3 Aeronautical Communication Study Program which studies the procedures for guiding aircraft in class G airspace. Based on Annex 11 Air Traffic Service, class G airspace provides flight traffic services for IFR and VFR flights, where the services provided are Flight Information Service and Emergency Service (Alerting Service) [1]. Flight Information Service is a service performed by providing news and information that is useful and beneficial for safety, security and efficiency for flights. Alerting Service is a service performed by notifying the appropriate relevant agencies, regarding aircraft that require the help of search and rescue units and assisting these agencies, if needed. This research uses the Research and Development method with the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model with qualitative data analysis techniques and written Interview testing techniques with Material Experts and Media Experts using questionnaires. The objectives of this research are 1) To design an E-Module Design product En-Route Flight Information (EFI) with the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model at the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya which can be used as learning on the Learning Management System (LMS) at the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya. The result of this research is a learning using E-Module Practicum En-Route Flight Information (EFI) in the form of flipbooks and mastery tests and discussions equipped with video and audio images that have been adjusted to the “Rencana Pembelajaran Semester” (RPS). Then the final result of an E-Module Practicum En-Route Flight Information (EFI) is implemented on the Learning Management System (LMS) of the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science PORTABLE DVOR RECEIVER DESIGN USING RTL-SDR R820T2 WITH PYTHON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 2023-11-06T12:42:46+00:00 Tri Rizki Sajadah Lady Silk Moonlight Teguh Imam Suharto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The navigation equipment currently in use in Indonesia for flight is DVOR. The PIR (Portable ILS/DVOR Receiver) equipment must be subject to periodic ground check procedures using to ensure that the equipment is in good working condition. The PIR currently in use is manufactured by the manufacturer of DVOR equipment. As a result, the design of a portable DVOR receiver is underway, along with the measurement and evaluation of its performance, using the RTL-SDR R820T2 device in combination with the Python programming language. This design implements the waterfall method as its technique. The output of the portable DVOR receiver that employs RTL-SDR takes the form of 30 Hz amplitude modulation percentage. The portable DVOR receiver using RTL SDR, which features a positive-intrinsicnegative (PIR) manufacturer, exhibits an average deviation of 0.25% for the 30 Hz amplitude modulation percentage. According to these findings, the design tool functions sufficiently well.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE IMPACT OF CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION ADDITION ON APRON MOVEMENT CONTROL SUPERVISION IN APRON C JUANDA AIRPORT 2023-11-06T12:44:25+00:00 Herlina Febiyanti Setiyo Setiyo Heru Kusdarwanto Vania Nadhifa Azzahra <p><span class="fontstyle0">This Final Project which discusses the impact of Closed Circuit Television Addition on Apron Movement Control Supervision in Apron C Juanda Airport. This is motivated by the limited or almost non-existent number of CCTV cameras in Apron C of Juanda Airport. Juanda Airport is one of the busiest Airports in Indonesia, and with the high volume of flights, the surveillance conducted at the airport needs to be enhanced. Surveillance in a large area like the Apron requires technology to facilitate the activities and CCTV can undoubtedly assist the Apron Movement Control (AMC) in the Airside. However, the current CCTV conditions in Apron C are insufficient to support the supervision adequately. Therefore, there is a need to reconsider the role of CCTV as a supporting facility for supervision in Apron C Juanda Airport. This research employs a quantitative research design using simple regression analysis after instrument testing and prerequisite testing. The research population consists of 40 AMC personnel, and the sampling technique used is consecutive sampling, resulting in a sample size of 3 5 out of 40 AMC personnel. Data collection for this research involves field observations, documentation, and a Google forms-based questionnaire using a likert-scale research instrument, conducted within a predetermined timeframe. The research findings are as follows: (1) There is an impact of the addition of Closed Circuit Television on the Apron Movement Control Supervision at Juanda Airport, (2) There is a 41 % impact of the addition of Closed Circuit Television on the Apron Movement Control supervision at Juanda Airport.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design of Electronic Module ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) as Learning Media on Learning Management System (LMS) Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya 2023-11-06T12:46:29+00:00 Winando Vandosyen Didi Hariyanto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) electronic module was developed using the ASSURE model which is an acronym for (Analyze Learners, State Standards and Objectives, Select Methods and Strategies, Utilize Media, Require Learners Participation, and Evaluate &amp; Revise). ASSURE is one of the simple learning designs that can create a learning that is expected to guide educators effectively, efficiently, and systematically and attractively. The aims of this research are: 1) To build and produce an electronic Module Design product ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) which can be used as learning on the Learning Management System (LMS) of Aviation Polytechnic Surabaya, 2) To determine and test the feasibility of the ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) electronic Module Design as a learning media on the Learning Management System (LMS) of the Aviation Polytechnic Surabaya. From this study it was found that the results of the Material Expert Validation Test obtained the "Valid" and "Very Understandable" categories. Then Media Validation Test 1 obtained the "Valid" and "Understandable" categories and Media Validation Test 2 obtained the "Valid" and "Very Understandable" categories, and the Learner Response Test obtained 90.4% of the "Very Good" or "Very Feasible" category. As a result, the ASSURE model in the ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) is very worthy (effective and efficient) in the context of utilizing learning on the Learning Management System (LMS) in Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science TBM 700 Trestle Design as Supporting Equipment for the Aircraft Maintenance Care and Practice of Cadets 2023-11-06T12:48:25+00:00 Yudistira Rafie Ahza Ismulyono Bayu Dwi Cahyo <p><span class="fontstyle0">One of the supporting tools for Socata TBM 700 aircraft maintenance is the trestle, this tool is responsible for helping various aircraft checking processes such as jacking, leveling, and lifting. As a supporting tool, the hangar of the Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya already has these tools. More specifically, the tool available is a hydraulic jack. This tool has the primary function of supporting the jacking process. However, the jacking tool owned by the Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya is considered less effective and efficient in operation and safety, so creating a new tool with a more qualified level of efficiency and effectiveness is necessary. The new variant of the supporting tool is called the C17 trestle. The method used in this work is an experimental method that starts by designing a tool from a bottle Jack made from high-carbon steel. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of the C17 trestle time working and safety during the maintenance process and practice by cadets. The results of this study show that the C17 trestle can be operated manually by a minimum of two people with an average time of 2 minutes 32 seconds and increases the percentage of work security and safety when the tool is used. This shows that the C17 trestle design is more suitable for use during the jacking process on the Socata TBM 700 aircraft</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science THE EFFECT OF BAGGAGE HANDLING SYSTEM LEVEL 3 ON OPERATION OFFICER PERFORMANCE 2023-11-06T12:50:34+00:00 Yusril Amar Al Kahfi Yuyun Suprapto Slamet Hariyadi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Baggage handling has an important role in maintaining the comfort of passengers traveling by aircraft and security in processing baggage. Baggage Handling System (BHS) is a service in the form of a conveyor to transport passenger baggage after check-in and automatic sorting with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology that reads radio frequencies contained in baggage to be sent to the aircraft according to its destination. This study aims to determine the effect of Baggage Handling System level 3 on the performance of operational officers at Kualanamu International Airport Medan with quantitative research methods that take data using questionnaire data and literature studies. The determination of the sample with the Slovin formula was 30 people and then the results of the respondents' answers were processed using SPSS with validity tests, reliability tests, normality tests, homogeneity tests and T tests. The calculation results obtained the results of the T test, which is a significant value of 0.000, meaning that the significance value is smaller than (0.05), so it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of the implementation of the Baggage Handling System level 3 (independent variable x) on the performance of operational officers (dependent variable y).</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Improving Learning Outcomes Through Interactive Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash 2023-11-06T12:52:59+00:00 Yuyun Suprapto Nyaris Pambudiyatno Meita Maharani Sukma Bambang Bagus Harianto Ade Irfansyah <p><span class="fontstyle0">In order to adapt to the curriculum changes from 2016 to 2020 in the Air Navigation Engineering D3 Program, an innovative approach utilizing interactive learning media is required. This aims to support curriculum transformation due to technological advancements and the needs of the professional world. Therefore, the objective of this research is to assess the improvement of learning outcomes through the use of interactive learning media in teaching about navigation aids. The research subjects are D3 Air Navigation Engineering 13th Alpha and Bravo cohorts. Data collection was obtained from learning outcomes through Evaluation and Interactive Learning Media on Flight Navigation Aids. This research is a quasi-experimental quantitative study using pretest-posttest design. The conclusion drawn from the review and data analysis, to assess the validity using SPSS, is that the calculated r-value (r) is greater than the critical r-value (r 0.30), indicating that the questionnaire items are valid. Meanwhile, for the reliability test results, a Guttman SplitHalf coefficient correlation value of 0.929 was obtained, which is </span><span class="fontstyle2">≥ </span><span class="fontstyle0">0.80. The Cronbach's Alpha value was 0.861. It can be concluded that all items of the ability variable (x) are valid. The pre-test and post-test scores in the control group were 40 and 75, respectively. Whereas in the experimental group, the class provided with interactive learning media obtained pre-test and post-test scores of 45 and 85, respectively. Therefore, this learning media can lead to increased student engagement and a significant improvement in their academic success</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science E-Apron Movement Control (AMC) Course Module Based Web Using 4D RND Model 2023-11-06T12:55:34+00:00 Zalfa Auriska Wiga Pamungkas Lady Silk Moonlight Didi Hariyanto <p><span class="fontstyle0">This development research direct to determine the development process, feasibility, and responses of cadets and lecturers to electronic module-based learning media in the Apron Movement Control (AMC) course in the Air Transportation Management Diploma 3 Study Program and to produce teaching material products in the form of emodules made using the Canva Application and distributed through the LMS or Learning Management System (LMS) of the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. The developed learning media can be used to increase the abilities and interests of cadets in the Apron Movement Control (AMC) Course. The research and development technique used is the RnD or Research and Development method with the Four-D model. This research went through four stages of development, namely Define, Design, Development and Disseminate. The subject matter expert in this study was the Apron Movement Control (AMC) Course Lecturer, while the media expert in this study was the research advisor. In addition to being tested by media experts and material experts, the authors conducted trials through development subjects, namely Diploma 3 Air Transportation Management cadets at both Level 2 and Level 3. As an instrument for data collection in the validation of cadets and lecturers, this the study used interviews and questionnaires which would later be tested using a Likert scale. Based on the analysis of the data collected by the researcher, the validity of the material contained in the Electronic Apron Movement Control Module is 62.4%, 73.5% validity for the media and 73% for students' validity which showed that usability measurement of this E-Module “Worthy”. So that conclusion that can be drawn in this research that E-Apron Movement Control Module Based Web can be used to users.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES MATERIAL ENRICHMENT: APPLICATION OF STANDARD TRAINING OF CERTIFICATION OF WATCHKEEPING (STCW) YOUTUBE VIDEOS ON CADET’S LISTENING COMPETENCY 2023-11-07T01:30:48+00:00 Aliong Silalahi <p><span class="fontstyle0">Maritime world and industry across the globe employ people from different countries which have a multicultural background. English as the most common second language in the world is really used and important as a language to communicate in the ship. So, English language proficiencies and skills are a must. In order to have common general standards in language (English) for maritime there must be regulation regarding the standardization itself. </span><span class="fontstyle0">The requirements for communicative competence of seafarers in STCW present a great challenge to Indonesian seafarers who will struggle to improve their linguistic competences, since in Indonesia English is still known as a foreign language. The research taken place at Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Sulawesi Utara with population of the sample is cadets in Ship Engineering study program. The research aims to evaluate the current Maritime English course curriculum in Indonesian shipping or maritime vocational colleges-universities by analysing communication skills required by seafarers on fishing vessels. Data was gathered from documents and interviews with industry participants. The results indicate that the current exam is inadequate in preparing students for global seafarer standards. The study suggests a genrebased approach for English language courses, including Maritime English (ESP), to enhance cross-cultural knowledge and improve work skills. This approach can help university graduates gain a competitive edge in the labor market by improving communication and work performance.</span> </p> 2023-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Design Automatic Air Conditioning System Control with Passive Infrared Receiver/motion sensor 2023-11-09T04:19:24+00:00 Susi Diriyanti Novalina Sukarwoto Sukarwoto Ivana Wardani Elfrans Nathanael Sitompul <p><span class="fontstyle0">Dr. Ferdinand Lumbantobing Airport faces serious challenges related to the waste of electrical energy in its operations. The quarterly report shows an inconsistent increase in electricity usage, which is largely due to human factors and some technical aspects. The biggest problem is the use of air conditioning and lights that do not need to be constantly active. This article takes a close look at the airport's efforts to address this waste of energy, focusing on the use of air conditioning and constantly burning lights in unused rooms. Measures such as monitoring, automation, sensors, employee extension, and smart appliance development are proposed to address these issues and achieve significant energy savings. This solution will help reduce airport operational costs, increase efficiency, and support environmental conservation.</span> </p> 2023-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Prototype of ultrasonic sensor-based generator fuel monitoring as a generator fuel level measuring device in the Organizing Unit Dr. F.L Tobing Airport 2023-11-09T07:36:21+00:00 Susi Diriyanti Novalina Sukarwoto Sukarwoto Ivana Wardani Muhammad Nabiel <p><span class="fontstyle0">Dr. Ferdinand Lumbantobing Sibolga Airport Management Unit has three generators with different capacities. The first engine has a capacity of 50 KvA, the second engine is 125 KvA, and the third engine, which is a standby engine and connected to an Acos panel, has a capacity of 250 KvA. This 250 KvA generator serves as a backup if the power supply from PLN goes out, to provide electricity for the Terminal, Office, AFL, Power house, and Dr. F.L. Tobing Airport Tower. This airport gets a current supply of 345 KvA from PLN. Generators are widely known for acting as a backup power source when PLN is off, used at various scales, including at airports. Genset is important to maintain the availability of electricity in aviation safety services. However, generator fuel monitoring at UPBU Dr. F.L. Tobing needs to be improved, because currently it only uses an indicator hose without a fuel exhaustion alarm. This can result in the shutdown of the generator set when fuel is low, so it is necessary to check the fuel capacity periodically while operating to avoid interruptions in power supply. The research method used is quantitative method.</span> </p> 2023-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Flight Route Optimization in Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Approach Flight Procedures Based on Experimental Algorithm 2023-12-02T02:48:59+00:00 Imam Sonhaji Fety Fatonah Djoko Jatmoko <p><span class="fontstyle0">ICAO recommends that capacity and efficiency achievement programs be carried out through the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) implementation model. This research aims to obtain an overview of the optimal formula model that can be implemented into flight paths based on the RNP approach procedure for flight path efficiency and fuel efficiency. This research uses quantitative experimental methods. The results of this research are that the optimization model at minimum speed (V=210 knots) produces route effectiveness of 8% and fuel savings of 1.5% compared to the established current procedure. The conclusion is that for straight paths, route optimization is achieved by applying the maximum speed, but for circular (arc) paths, route optimization is achieved by applying the specified minimum speed.</span> </p> 2023-12-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science YOLOv8’s head-layer Performance Comparison for Skin Cancer Detection 2024-01-10T07:31:01+00:00 Deni Sutaji Oktay Yildiz <p>Skin cancer is a type of cancer that can lead to death. The mortality rate from this disease is high. Detecting the disease at an early stage is essential to prevent the worst impact. However, detection by a dermatologist is time-consuming and costly. Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems are that aid dermatologists in the understanding of medical images. Deep learning strategies are repeatedly employed in CAD systems. Yolo is one of the well-known deep learning models used to solve detection cases for small, medium, and large objects. In this study, we evaluate the performance of Yolov8 for skin cancer detection considering three head-layers on the HAM10000 dataset. Experimental results show that the head layers with large object paths produce the best mAP and significant speed compared to medium and small. With these results, it can be considered as a reference in future research that using the big object detection path to detect skin cancer at an early stage is recommended.</p> 2024-01-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science ANALYSIS WEATHER CONDITION SYSTEM DESIGN BASED ON DATABASE BY INTERNET OF THINGS PLATFORM 2024-01-19T04:43:01+00:00 Ahmad Musadek Wiwid Suryono Anton Budiarto Lady Silk Moonlight <p>This research focuses on analyzing the design of weather conditions based on a database via the Internet of Things (IoT) platform. The Internet of Things is a rapidly developing technological paradigm, enabling devices to connect to the internet and communicate automatically. In the context of weather monitoring, IoT provides the potential to collect weather data from multiple sources in real-time, providing a deeper understanding of weather and climate change. The aim of this research is to improve the accuracy of weather monitoring and the efficiency of weather monitoring. In order to achieve this goal, this research will design and implement a system using ESP32 and a cloud database system using Firebase which can collect weather data from sensors spread across Surabaya locations. The weather data collected will be stored in a centralized database that can be accessed via the internet. The platform will enable sophisticated data analysis to understand weather changes and long-term weather trends. In addition, this research will make a positive contribution to the understanding of climate change. Weather data collected in large quantities can be used for long-term analysis, helping us understand ongoing climate change trends. This has significant implications in mitigation and adaptation efforts related to climate change. In conclusion, this research has the potential to provide a better understanding of weather and climate change and provide real benefits in various sectors. Through the use of IoT technology, we can maximize weather monitoring and face existing challenges in terms of understanding and handling increasingly dynamic weather changes.</p> 2024-01-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science Internet of Things (IoT) Based Trash Can Monitoring System Using Web Services with the CodeIgniter Framework in the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic Environment 2024-04-17T13:13:15+00:00 Ade Irfansyah Yudhis Thiro Kabul Yunior Bambang Bagus Harianto <p>The use of plastic bottles tends to increase every year. Plastic bottles have now become a daily necessity and more and more plastic bottle products are being used. This has an impact on the accumulation of plastic bottle waste in rubbish dumps in the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic environment. Plastic bottle waste is one of the problems that must be resolved because it is difficult for the soil to decompose and can cause environmental pollution in the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic Environment.<br>Based on the background of these problems, Innovation and Research in Management of plastic waste processing is needed at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic campus by developing new technology and strategies to recycle or manage plastic waste more efficiently and environmentally friendly. In this research we propose the title Based Waste Bin Monitoring System Internet of Things (IoT) Using Web Services with the CodeIgniter Framework in the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic Environment. The flow of this research is to build an Internet of Things platform for monitoring plastic bottle waste using web services with the CodeIgniter framework method so that it can be integrated into the data management system. The results of this waste monitoring will later be integrated into an Android-based cellphone application so that it can be monitored in real time. The results from plastic bottle waste will later be passed on for recycling.</p> 2024-04-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding of International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Social Science