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IEEE This study aims to determine the effect of learning motivation on learning outcomes of the Approach Control Procedure cadets of the Air Traffic Diploma 3 Study Program at the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya. The research method used is a quantitative method. This study involved a population of 43 cadets of the 11 Alpha and Bravo Air Traffic Study Program at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. Data were collected using the method of observation, questionnaire (questionnaire) with reference to the Academic Motivation Scale, interviews, and literature study. The questionnaire data (questionnaire) was analyzed using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation with the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Serie 25 program. The results showed that extrinsic motivation (59.57%) was more dominant than intrinsic motivation (40.43%). cadets with extrinsic motivation have an average learning outcome of 66.03; while cadets with intrinsic motivation have an average learning outcome of 62.73. The output of the Pearson Product Moment Correlation obtained a Sig. (1-tailed) value of 0.017 which means the value is <0.05, then according to the basis for decision-making in the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Test, it can be concluded that there is an influence of learning motivation and practical learning outcomes. Approach Control Procedure of cadets of the Diploma 3 Air Traffic Study Program at the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya.


learning motivation learning outcomes the approach control procedure

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How to Cite
Rinaldi, R. . (2023). The Effect of Learning Motivation on Learning Outcomes of Approach Control Procedure Practices Air Traffic 3 Diploma Study Program in Surabaya Flight Polytechnic. International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science, 1(1), 21–29.