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The design of this tool is expected to help detect smoke and provide location information to be notified to the user in the form of alarm notifications and information on the application. This system method can be seen through the android application in real time with the help of NodeMcu which connects to the internet network and database. The owner of this system can later make decisions quickly if signs of fire are detected.

The sensors used as input are temperature sensors and also gas sensors which will read the conditions of the room to be scanned for smoke or signs of fire. The output of this tool can be a notification in the form of an active buzzer that will light up under certain conditions. This tool will also send data via the internet to mobile applications that are integrated or connected to the internet.

The process of making this tool uses the Arduino IDE application as the text editor and flutter as the android application programming. Interrogation of the gas sensor with the buzzer occurs if it there is smoke, the buzzer will sound if the ppm value  obtained  is  more  than  60  ppm.  The  temperature  sensor  on  the  DHT-11 component  is  integrated  with  applications  and  tools  to  display  temperature information in the room.


Detector System NodeMcu Internet of Things (IoT)

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How to Cite
Bintang Ganiezha, R., Pambudiyatno, N., & Indrianto Sudjoko, R. (2023). RANCANG BANGUN MONITORING LOKASI SMOKE DETECTOR BERBASIS IOT MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI ANDROID PERUM LPPNPI KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA. Prosiding SNITP (Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Penerbangan), 7(1). Retrieved from