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The presence system that exists at Airnav Makassar Air Traffic Services Center Branch uses paper media manually, which takes time and is easily damaged and this attendance system has the potential for dishonorable behavior from Cadets/i OJT. In website design, researchers use the waterfall method and test it with the black box method. The waterfall method has five stages, namely Requirement, Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance. With the waterfall method and black box testing techniques, it is easier for researchers to make improvements if errors or bugs occur in the coding. The results of the discussion from this study are maximizing and producing a website to make it easier for users to make attendance and store data in the system. This website provides presence with real- time facial photos that cannot be changed and can be accessed on one network. Then upload OJT activity reports and journals as Airnav archives and Taruna/i assessment materials. So that an information system in the form of a website presence is needed to help and facilitate the activities of the Airnav Makassar Branch Office Air Traffic Services Center in facilitating OJT cadets.


Presence Website Recapitulation waterfall Visual Studio Code

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How to Cite
Nanda Syarif, M., Pambudiyatno, N., & Utomo, W. (2023). RANCANGAN SISTEM PRESENSI DAN REKAPITULASI JURNAL KEGIATAN OJT MENGGUNAKAN VISUAL STUDIO CODE BERBASIS WEB DI AIRNAV CABANG MATSC. Prosiding SNITP (Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Penerbangan), 7(1). Retrieved from