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The rapid advancement of Information Technology has brought about a positive impact on the education sector. The development of instructional media has emerged as a solution to address traditional teaching methods. The aim of this research is to implement a designed simulation application for solid-state electronics instructional media, with the purpose of enhancing the learning process at Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya. The research methodology employed in this study follows the Multimedia Development Methodology. The development model adopted here is the 4D model. The participants involved in this research consist of students from Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya. Data collection methods encompass a range of instruments, including media validation sheets, as well as pretest and posttest assessments. The results obtained from expert validators indicate a percentage of 80.76%. Furthermore, calculations using the N-gain score test on the pretest and posttest outcomes yielded a value of 0.57. Descriptively, this value falls within the moderate category, as it surpasses 0.3 but remains below 0.7 (0.3≤ g ≤ 0.7). Based on this data, it can be inferred that the solid-state electronics instructional media application is suitable and effective for educational activities at Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya.


Solid State Electronics Learning Media 4D model Method Simulation Android

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How to Cite
Kunthi Azmindra Widyadhani, M., Suprapto, Y., & Maharani Sukma, M. (2023). RANCANGAN APLIKASI BERBASIS ANDROID PADA MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN SOLID STATE ELEKTRONIKA MENGGUNAKAN UNITY. Prosiding SNITP (Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Penerbangan), 7(1). Retrieved from