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The life of cadets at Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya involves a tight schedule and activities such as classroom learning and dormitory engagements that influence the surrounding air quality. The aim of this research is to provide users with information about the air quality at Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya using Internet of Things technology. The research method employed is the 4D development method. Based on the research results, the product validation achieved a consistent score of 96.3%, with the note that it can be used with some revisions. The CO gas level indicates a value of <12, and the CO2 level shows a value of <175, ensuring that both gases remain within safe limits and do not exceed reference values. Temperature and humidity readings with the smallest differences indoors occur in the  evening  (0.1°C),  and  humidity  shows  the  same  outcome  (0%).  Outdoors, temperature readings with the smallest difference occur in the afternoon (0.5°C), while humidity variations are most pronounced in the morning (3.4%). The analysis of Quality of Service (QoS), conducted for all four parameters, yields excellent values during both morning and afternoon hours. Throughput parameter records values of 10 kbps and 8331 bps, Packet Loss stands at 0.4% and 0.2%, Delay measures 132 ms and 130 ms, and Jitter is recorded as 0.006 ms and 0.02 ms.


DHT-11 ESP32 IoT (Internet of Things) MQ-7 MQ-135

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How to Cite
Rizqi Prayogo, M., Suprapto, Y., & Indrianto Sudjoko, R. (2023). IMPLEMENTASI INTERNET OF THINGS PADA ALAT PEMANTAU KUALITAS UDARA DI POLITEKNIK PENERBANGAN SURABAYA. Prosiding SNITP (Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Penerbangan), 7(1). Retrieved from