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With the advancement of information media and the development of technology, this Job Vacancy Website System serves as a crucial facility utilized to facilitate job vacancy information for both alumni and the general public. Therefore, the research aims to create an effective and efficient Job Vacancy service information system.

This research method employs the Waterfall methodology, wherein the process begins with the development of the existing system. The implementation and maintenance of the system use the PHP programming language for this project. The outcomes achieved from this website follow the Waterfall research method, revealing that the application functions well in accordance with the designed specifications.

The outcome of this research is the creation of a website aimed at facilitating both alumni and the general public in conducting job vacancy searches. This Job Vacancy Website also makes it convenient for alumni and the public to access up-to-date job vacancy information easily.


Information system Website job vacancy

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How to Cite
Ardian, R., Bagus Harianto, B., & Indrianto Sudjoko, R. (2023). SISTEM INFORMASI LOWONGAN KERJA BERBASIS WEBSITE BAGI ALUMNI DI POLTEKBANG SURABAYA. Prosiding SNITP (Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Penerbangan), 7(1). Retrieved from