International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science
Politeknik Penerbangan Surabayaen-USInternational Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science The Effect of Learning Motivation on Learning Outcomes of Approach Control Procedure Practices Air Traffic 3 Diploma Study Program in Surabaya Flight Polytechnic
<p class="Abstract" style="text-indent: 13.7pt;">IEEE This study aims to determine the effect of learning motivation on learning outcomes of the Approach Control Procedure cadets of the Air Traffic Diploma 3 Study Program at the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya. The research method used is a quantitative method. This study involved a population of 43 cadets of the 11 Alpha and Bravo Air Traffic Study Program at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. Data were collected using the method of observation, questionnaire (questionnaire) with reference to the Academic Motivation Scale, interviews, and literature study. The questionnaire data (questionnaire) was analyzed using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation with the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Serie 25 program. The results showed that extrinsic motivation (59.57%) was more dominant than intrinsic motivation (40.43%). cadets with extrinsic motivation have an average learning outcome of 66.03; while cadets with intrinsic motivation have an average learning outcome of 62.73. The output of the Pearson Product Moment Correlation obtained a Sig. (1-tailed) value of 0.017 which means the value is <0.05, then according to the basis for decision-making in the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Test, it can be concluded that there is an influence of learning motivation and practical learning outcomes. Approach Control Procedure of cadets of the Diploma 3 Air Traffic Study Program at the Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya.</p>Ridho Rinaldi
Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science
2023-03-012023-03-0111212910.46491/icateas.v1i1.1323The Relationship of Public Speaking Competencies of Lecturers to Problem Solving Ability and Learning Outcomes of Cadets
<p class="Abstract">Interest in learning is a very important aspect of learning. However, to increase cadets' interest in learning in the classroom, educators need to implement interactive learning strategies. One of the important aspects of building interactive learning is interactive communication. To build interactive communication, educators need to have good public speaking skills. Even in this all-digital era, where technology is growing, conventional learning is slowly shifting to e-learning, educators must still have good public speaking skills. However, very few previous studies have discussed the public speaking skills of educators, especially the difficulties experienced by educators in public speaking. In fact, skills in public speaking are important things that must be possessed by an educator in carrying out learning in the classroom. This study aims to find out the relationship between public speaking skills when teaching and find out how to solve cadets' problems and notify the results of their learning. The author uses a quantitative approach and is carried out at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic</p>Siti JualaihahFatmawatiNorita Prasetya WardhaniFaoyan Agus Furyanto
Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science
2023-03-012023-03-0111172010.46491/icateas.v1i1.1322Dictogloss Technique In Aviation English Ii : Basis For Developing Cadet Listening Skills (A Classroom Action Research At Air Transportation Management Batch VII Bravo, Civil Aviation Polytechnic Of Surabaya)
<p>This study aims to: (1) explain whether the Dictogloss Technique can improve the listening skills of cadets or not; (2) know to what extent the Dictogloss technique can improve listening skills; (3) know the changes in the class situation that occurred after using the Dictogloss Technique in aviation English II learning. It is hoped that through this research, the lecturers who teach the Aviation English II course will be able to find solutions to overcome problems during the implementation of Aviation English II learning for air transportation management cadets class VII B Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic Academic Year 2021/2022. This research was carried out at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic from April to July 2022. The subjects of this study were cadets in semester 2 of class VII B of the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic Academic Year 2021/2022 consisting of 24 cadets. The method used in this study is classroom action research. The authors used interviews, photographs, class observations, documents, and field notes to collect data. Researchers analyze data using qualitative methods consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/ verification. In addition, quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the study found that the Dictogloss Technique was able to improve the ability to listen to cadets, this can be seen from the increase in the average value from 7 0.50 when the pre-test increased to 8 0.09 in post-test 1 and increased to 87. 27 in the second post-test. In addition, the class situation has become more active.</p>Lusiana Dewi KusumayatiIwansyah PutraLaila RochmawatiI Wayan Yudi Martha WigunaHerlina Febiyanti
Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science
2023-03-012023-03-0111101610.46491/icateas.v1i1.1320Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Model The Use of the Spectrum Analyzer Teaching Materials Module on Student Learning Outcomes at the Aviation Polytechnic
<p>Learning makes students the center of learning (student-centered), where students are encouraged and allowed to seek information from various sources, such as learning modules independently. Therefore, we need teaching material that can be used by students without depending on others in their learning. One of the learning media that can be used by students independently is the use of modules. The purpose of implementing this learning module is to determine the feasibility of learning modules that can be used in problem base learning methods and to determine the level of independent learning outcomes of students using practical learning modules. The method used in data collection is the library method collecting some written data from books, literature, and product trial results, as reference material and then analyzing solutions that can be taken in solving problems. The type of research used is the type of R & D research in producing modules and testing the use of the module using a one-group posttest-only design test for 20 students. The results of the study from data on learning outcomes of students who applied the PBL (problem-based learning) model using the spectrum analyzer module as a learning medium, the mean value in class EA-1 was 83.40 and EA-2 was 84.30. This value means that the average learning achievement of aircraft in class EA-1 is 83.40 and EA-2 is 84.30, so it can be concluded that aircraft learning outcomes in class EA-2 are higher than class EA-1 and the results of the calculation of the average difference test are two the data in Levene's Test for Equality of Variances column has a significant value of 0.384 (p>0.05) and F of 0.797, so it can be concluded that the two variances are the same. At equal variance assumed to compare the population average in the T-Test test, the t-value is 0.398 with a significant level of 0.695. These results indicate that p > 0.01, meaning that there is no difference in learning outcomes between classes EA-1 and EA-2.</p>Fatmawati SaburSukarman SukarmanRini SadiatmiMulyadi Nur
Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science
2023-03-012023-03-01116910.46491/icateas.v1i1.1303Conscientinous Towards Aviation Security Performance Loyalty At Abdurachman Saleh Airport Malang
<p class="Abstract">Avsec in the Technical Implementation Unit of PJK Abd Shaleh Malang consist of 30 Non-Permanent Employees (PTT) and 25 Candidates for State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Between PTT and prospective ASN there is a mutual synergy between old and new employees in carrying out airport security to prevent unlawful acts. Conscientiousness is the nature of someone who in doing work with discipline, obedient, orderly, has. consideration to achieve achievement in improving competence. Loyalty is an attitude of commitment, support, and strong loyalty from one person to another to increase the productivity of individual performance and team work. Avsec is very responsible in carrying out tasks that work according to competence so that the team cooperates with each other and divides tasks and functions according to international and national aviation regulations in creating safe airport conditions while still prioritizing service</p>Dewi Ratna SariDidi HariyantoLady Silk Moonlight
Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science