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The Fire Alarm System Trainer can be used as an interactive and fun learning media for Makassar Aviation Polytechnic cadets who can increase the skills or knowledge of the cadets themselves. By using fire alarms as learning media, cadets can understand security concepts in a fun and interesting way.The method used in this research is Research and Development. This research uses a type of Research and Development method in the field of education. In the field of education, it focuses on developing new curricula, innovative teaching methods, and educational technology. This research aims to improve the quality of learning and educational outcomes which develop learning media about fire alarm systems that are interactive and effective for cadets of Makassar Aviation Polytechnic to teach the basic principles of fire alarm systems.The Trainer Fire Alarm System is designed with features that include Arduino Uno, flame sensor (fire sensor), MQ2 sensor (smoke sensor), DHT 11 (temperature sensor), buzzer as fire bell, and other related components.


Trainer Fire Alarm System Arduino Uno Learning Media

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Purbo Wartoyo, B., Rasyid, S., & Fawwaz Muwaffaq, M. (2023). RANCANG BANGUN TRAINER FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BERBASIS ARDUINO UNO SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DI POLITEKNIK PENERBANGAN MAKASSAR. Prosiding SNITP (Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Penerbangan), 7(1). Retrieved from