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Attendance is the process of recording and reporting absences, which is a repetitive process that is used at certain times, such as when you go to work and when you go home from work. The purpose of conducting this research is to improve the discipline of cadets in participating in the teaching and learning process at the Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic telecommunication laboratory, presence based on face identification using the waterfall method, face identification and cloud systems connected to the android application, this attendance system can be connected directly to the lecturer's smartphone so that lecturers can directly monitor the presence of cadets in the telecommunications laboratory before the teaching and learning process begins. The results in this study, the presence system using Face Identification and cloud with the android application works well, the system makes the attendance process easier, faster, easier, more practical and also the presence tool has a light that automatically turns on when the room conditions are low or dark. The internet used in this system uses a Wifi connection. This system is quite effectively used to improve the discipline of cadets in making attendance in the learning process.
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