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Floods are natural disasters that frequently lead to significant losses, especially in high-risk areas like equipment shelters. Consequently, an IoT-based flood detection system  is  essential,  utilizing  NodeMCU  ESP8266  and  ultrasonic sensors.  The ultrasonic sensors measure water height in equipment shelters by emitting ultrasonic signals towards the water surface, measuring bounce-back time, and calculating water height. Upon reaching a predefined threshold, the NodeMCU sends data via WiFi to a server to activate a water pump. Additionally, there is an air quality monitoring device employing ESP8266, HC-SR04 sensor, 16x2 LCD, buzzer, Arduino IDE, and Blynk. This tool aids in monitoring equipment shelter water levels through online accessible Blynk.


ESP8266 IoT (Internet of Things) HC-SR04

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How to Cite
Dwi Ananda Putra Wicaksono, R., Ratna Sari, D., & Pragolo, A. (2023). RANCANGAN SISTEM PENDETEKSI BANJIR MENGGUNAKAN NODEMCU ESP8266 TERINTEGRASI DENGAN POMPA AIR BERBASIS IOT PADA SHELTER PERALATAN. Prosiding SNITP (Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Penerbangan), 7(1). Retrieved from