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One of the facilities that supports the learning process is a laboratory used for practical purposes. A laboratory should be managed with an effective management system to function optimally and enhance security. Currently, the telecommunications laboratory at Surabaya Flight Polytechnic does not have equipment for monitoring and controlling electronic devices such as AC, lights, security doors, temperature detection, gas detection, and indoor movement. This research aims to design a miniature IoT (Internet of Things) concept-based device for monitoring and controlling electronic devices in the laboratory. The hardware design involves using the NodeMCU ESP32 microcontroller, DHT-22 temperature sensor, MQ-2 gas sensor, HC-SR501 PIR sensor, light sensor (LDR), magnetic door sensor, solenoid door lock, fan, lights, and a 16x2 LCD display.
The software design is carried out using Arduino IDE and the Blynk application. The research method employed is Research and Development (R&D), which includes data collection, literature review, equipment and material selection, design development, design improvement based on feedback, and design testing. The hardware design involves using the NodeMCU ESP32 microcontroller, DHT-22 temperature sensor, MQ-2 gas sensor, HC-SR501 PIR sensor, light sensor (LDR), magnetic door sensor, solenoid door lock, fan, lights, and a 16x2 LCD display. The software design is carried out using Arduino IDE and the Blynk application. The research method employed is Research and Development (R&D), which includes data collection, literature review, equipment and material selection, design development, design improvement based on feedback, and design testing. From various conducted tests, the created smart miniature laboratory has been able to function according to its design. The DHT-22 sensor is capable of displaying temperature readings, the PIR HC-SR501 sensor can detect motion, the MQ-2 sensor can detect gas or smoke, the door sensor works as a security feature, and the fan and light can operate when controlled using Blynk. The Blynk application can be used to display the sensor reading results and control the on/off function of the light, door, and fan. Successful notifications are sent to Blynk when the MQ-2 sensor readings exceed the set point, the PIR HC-SR501 sensor detects motion in the room, and the door is open under active security feature.
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